
Don't Give Up On Low Volatility Strategies Yet

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Over the long term, this approach handily beats the S&P 500, with much lower volatility

Forget The Casino, Trade Some Hertz Stocks

Kirsten Korosec, TechCrunch

Hertz, the rental car company that is going through Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, can now sell up to $1 billion in stock as it seeks to tap into one of the hottest tickets in town: traders with an appetite for short-term speculative bets.

Why The Future Of Retail Looks Like....Facebook

Chris Lange, 24/7 Wall Street

Facebook aims to capitalize on its social media dominance with a foray into e-commerce.

3 Potential Outcomes As the World Reopens

Louis-Vincent Gave, Evergreen Gavekal

In May Louis-Vincent Gave put forth 3 potential scenarios as the virus crisis unfolded.

"Buy American" Isn't Always The Best Choice

Allison Schrager, City Journal

Beating Covid-19 will require international cooperation

Don't Give Up on Bringing Manufacturing Back to the U.S.

Noah Smith, MSN

Tariffs, threats and trade wars didn't work, but more cooperation between government and industry might.

How Dave Portnoy Became The Face Of The Rally

Sophie Alexander, MSN

Barstool Sports' Dave Portnoy had bought just one stock in his life before the quarantine hit. When the country shut down in March, canceling sports and sports betting, the founder of the brash media empire considered sexist by some dusted off his old E*Trade account and started day trading.

Is This The Most Volatile Year Ever?

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

A look back at the most volatile years in stock market history.

The Looming Bank Collapse. Will We Save Them Again?

Frank Partnoy, The Atlantic

The U.S. financial system could be on the cusp of calamity. This time, we might not be able to save it.

Even the Nicest Country in the World Doesn't Like China

Sarah Schutte, NR

Beijing's lack of transparency and veracity around its handling of the coronavirus is a factor in this steep decline in favorability.

Economic Reality Bites Wall Street....And Trump

John Cassidy, The New Yorker

With Trump’s poll ratings sagging, the best thing he has going for him is the perception, however unfounded, that he is better equipped than Joe Biden to ensure an economic recovery.

2020: The Year for Roth Conversions?

Natalie Choate, Morningstar

Contributor Natalie Choate tackles three scenarios where a Roth conversion seems to make sense--but may not.

Better Jobless Insurance Program for Re-Opened U.S.

Chris Pope, Manhattan Institute

Businesses are having a difficult time getting people back to work in part to unemployment benefits.

The Source of Europe's Recent Green Shoots

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Economic reopeningsâ?"not policymakers' spending plansâ?"matter more to stocks, in our view.

Fed and Watered: Rates to Stay Near Zero

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

As expected, the Federal Reserve kept rates near zero, plans to keep them there until 2022, and established a floor under its large-scale asset purchases.

Capital Flows Were a Signal

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

May Jobs Was Blowout, But What's Next?

Martin Pring, Pring Turner Asset Management

Your Financial Questions Answered

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

How do you manage money in times of crisis? Carrie Schwab Pomerantz recently answered a range of questions from Redditors. Here are three more.

Should Wise Investors Be Overweighted NY Office Buildings?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident

Why Does the Fed Chairman Talk So Much?

Daniel Tenreiro, National Review

Overly expansive public communications reinforce the view that the Fed micromanages the economy, and lead to unnecessary market volatility.

Uh Oh, Private Equity May Be Coming To Your 401(k)

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

New regulations look like more risk than opportunity

Don't Lose Your Head

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

Investor, know thyself.

Pump & Dump? Davey's Miraculous Nano-Cap Trade

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

How did Davey Day Trader get into and out of this tiny stock?

Low Information Investors Rule The Market - For Now

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

Robinhood and day-trading newbies already are getting their comeuppance

How PE Firms Profit From Marking Up ER Bills

Isaac Arnsdorf, Pro Publica

TeamHealth, a medical staffing firm owned by private-equity giant Blackstone, charges multiples more than the cost of ER care. All the money left over after covering costs goes to the company, not the doctors who treated the patients.

Who Benefits When Stocks Go Up? Not The Typical American

Annie Nova, CNBC

The stock market is doing relatively well considering that we're in a recession. But that won't help Americans hardest hit by the pandemic.

Employment Report: Misfortune or Carelessness?

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

The employment numbers aren't what they appear.

The Illusion of a Rapid US Recovery

James K. Galbraith, Project Syndicate

The United States has built an economy based on global demand for advanced goods, consumer demand for frills, and ever-growing household and business debts. This economy was in many ways prosperous, and it provided jobs and incomes to many millions. Yet it was a house of cards, and COVID-19 has blown it down.

Why This Is The Weirdest Recession Ever

Anneken Tappe, CNN Business

America is in a recession, but this downturn is unlike any the country has ever seen.

Maybe The Stock Market Isn't Crazy After All

James Pethokoukis, The Week

Wall Street still might be crazy to be this optimistic. And maybe the stock market's spring fling will turn into a summer swoon. But it might also be the case that Wall Street is ignoring so many bad things today because America might look a lot better tomorrow.

What's Behind The Bad News Market Boom

William Cohan, Vanity Fair

Amidst a pandemic and bankruptcies and shuttered businesses and rent defaults and double-digit unemployment and massive civil unrest, the Dow and Nasdaq are near their highs. Thank the Fed—and don’t get too comfortable.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Here Come The Crony Capitalists, Part 2

Joseph Calhoun, RealClearMarkets

Can you still call it crony capitalism if the crony is a foreign company?

The Zombie Rally

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

If you think the aggregate equity market action doesn’t add up, then what’s been going on in some US names might tip you into madness. Particularly if you don’t believe in the afterlife. May we present to you: the zombie rally.

Some Things Will Never Change

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

This year is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in terms of market and economic dynamics but there is plenty of investor behavior that has been around since the dawn of markets. Here are some things that will never change about the markets:

Underpoliced And Overprisoned

Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution

The US is the only major country that spends more on prisons than police.

Are Sports Bettors Driving The Market Surge?

Dion Rabouin, Axios

Professional investors have largely abandoned the stock market amid the coronavirus pandemic, but sports bettors and bored millennials have jumped into the retail stock trading market with both feet.

Technology's Role in Revealing Racism

Tejinder Gill, Collaborative Fund

Keep documenting. Keep distributing. We will keep changing.

Worried About The Economy? Just Wait, It'll Get Worse

Tom Gara, Buzzfeed

After a terrifying spring spent in lockdown and a summer of protests in the streets, things are going to get a lot worse in the fall.
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