
Don't Worry, You're Not Going To Die From Covid-19

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

Good news (please see the accompanying table)! If you are under 65, in reasonably good health and do not have a vitamin D deficiency, you have only a tiny chance of dying from COVID-19. And if you are younger than 34, your chances of dying from the virus are so small as to be almost statistically undetectable. On the other hand, if you are 85 or older, are in a nursing home, have serious health problems and a vitamin D deficiency, you may be in real danger if you are exposed to the virus — but only a tiny portion of the population is in such a condition.

Quarantine Bubbles Are Coming. I'm Very Stressed.

Jennifer Weiner, New York Times

How do you decide who belongs in yours? What if you join and find it's not working out? And what if you aren't invited to one at all?

Dear Lockdown Lovers, You Can't Love Them and Hate the Rich

John Tamny, RCM

For those out there "sheltering in place for humanity," and who think skepticism about what you're doing is the stuff of anti-science mouth breathers, stop and think for a minute or...

At 100,000 Dead from Covid, 'American Carnage' Is a Reality

Halie Soifer, MSNBC

This president's bizarre inaugural proclamation was out of place in 2017. But it wouldn't be for another president after the botched response to COVID-19.

A Desperate Effort to Pump Up Deaths from Covid-19

Michael Fumento, Just the News

How a man who drank himself to death shamed a state health department into more transparent record keeping â?" and what it could mean for nationwide coronavirus mortality statistics.

Washington Helps Cities and States the Wrong Way

Steven Malanga, City Journal

Instead of encouraging reform, Washington's new bailout bill rewards states and cities for bad fiscal practices.

Pushers of Monetary & Fiscal Stimulus Are Ultimate Deniers

Richard Salsman, Hill

Economics, like epidemiology, is a science; its theories and forecasts must be logically valid and empirically grounded. No science or data supports "stimulus" claims.

Covid Brings Folly of Big Investors' Political Activism Into Light

Mark Perry, RCM

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 and the restrictions implemented to stop its spread, a huge number of US businesses - from large to small - have been left reeling. Others, with the...

Coronavirus May Happily Make UBI More Palatable

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

The coronavirus crisis may mean that the time has come for the Universal Basic Income idea

NASA Should Enable SpaceX-Style Revolution In Space Flight

Editorial, USA Today

If all goes according to plan and the weather permits, two U.S. astronauts will head to the International Space Station on Wednesday aboard a rocket built by SpaceX, the company started by maverick entrepreneur Elon Musk.

Financial Markets Work Exceedingly Well Without Coercion

Don Boudreaux, AIER

What’s the purpose of financial markets? The conventional answer runs along these lines: Financial markets’ core function is to get resources from people who save to people who can use saved resources productively.

Why Buffett May Have Erred In Selling Off Airline Stocks

Michael Brush, MarketWatch

Industry insiders at these airlines are buying up shares of their companies

Reserving Judgment on Oddly Strong New Home Sales

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Signs of Economic LIfe?

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Oil Price Shocks and Catastrophic Financial Losses

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Will the European Union Bond Over Coronabonds?

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

For the first time ever, German Chancellor Angela Merkel blesses joint EU bond issuance.

Which Country Stock Markets Did Best, Which Worst

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Riding the Liquidity Wave

Liz Ann Sonders & Jeffrey Kleintop & Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

Recent stock action suggests some investor exuberance is being worked off.

A Holiday Shortened Week Brings Top-Tier Releases

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Micro-Managed Re-Openings Could Have Caused More Harm

Max Gulker, AIER

Depending on who you ask about the reopening of businesses beginning across the United States this week, we may have finally reached the light at the end of a self-imposed tunnel or be on the brink of a reckless leap into the abyss. Where both visions likely go wrong is their assumption of a climactic moment, where some are proven right and some wrong, and we turn the page on the COVID-19 pandemic that’s dominated our lives like few other events in recent memory.

3 Words That Will Decide Trump's Fate: 'Made in America'

Salena Zito, The Examiner

ALLENTOWN, Pennsylvania â?" Long before the outbreak of the coronavirus, Americans wanted to buy, use, wear, eat, and build with more things made in this country. It was a sentiment that crossed party lines, generations, ethnic backgrounds, and geographical regions.

Joe Biden Is Set To Risk Taking Trump On Over the Economy

Amie Parnes, The Hill

Joe Biden is taking on President Trump over the economy.The former vice president's campai...

Ideas for You If You're Eager to Fly Again

Kacey Ernst & Paloma Beamer , MarketWatch

What to consider amid coronavirus

Honoring Moral Purpose of Business In Bus. Schools

James Otteson, Law & Liberty

James R. Otteson explores the concept of honorable business, and how schools might seek to teach it in their classrooms.

What's Ahead In Corona-World? Interview w/John Tamny

Dan Proft, Dan Proft Show

Comments on the presumed re-opening.

The Billionaire Rich Got Richer During Covid Meltdown

Noah Manskar, New York Post

The combined fortunes of America's billionaires ballooned by $434 billion during the coronavirus pandemic, including Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg.

Europe's Firmly Committed To Economic Suicide

Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian

Combating elite Manhattan political ideologies on climate change, the purpose of government, New York state news, and the basic principles of economics.

The Stock Market's "V" Is Not For Victory

Editors, The Economist

Explaining the stockmarket rally

A $350 Million COVID-19 Crony Capitalist Grift

Eric Boehm, Reason.com

A member of the five-month-old company's board has been touting bogus stats about America's supposed dependency on Chinese-made drugs.

Why Cash Has Become the New Typhoid Mary

James Rainey, Los Angeles Times

Many retailers and consumers fear handling dollars and cents during the coronavirus pandemic. Some experts say it will accelerate the transition to a cash-free U.S. economy.

Sports Will Return, Just As They Did In 1919

Dan Gelston, The Christian Science Monitor

If sports fans return to stadiums, what rules will be in place? With social distancing and masks, history shows football could come back strong. While a full comeback to stadiums is a ways off, one thing is certain: Sports will return – just like they did in 1919.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Is Netflix Cooking The Books?

Stephen Clapham, Behind The Balance Sheet

We analyse Netflix's content spend and conclude its P&L charges look low and inconsistent with its policies.

Index Funds Really Delivered In The 2010s

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Index funds delivered as promised.

Will The "Stimulus" Be Enough? It Isn't Close

Jeffrey P. Snider, Alhambra Investments

The numbers just don't add up. Even if you treat this stuff on the most charitable of terms, dollar for dollar, way too much of the hole almost certainly remains unfilled. That's the thing about "s?

How a City Went Silent

Hazel Sheffield, Institutional Investor

The City of London shut down in a matter of hours. Will it ever return to its former vibrancy?

The Stark Loneliness Of Our Digital Togetherness

Laura Entis, Vox

Zoom and other video calling has become a primary form of social interaction. But sometimes they highlight what we've lost.

Momentum Isn't Working Very Well

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

High-momentum stocks are losing their appeal, and that trend goes beyond the reversal of the last two months

The One Prediction I'm Confident Making

Joachim Klement, Enterprising Investor

Things usually don't change as much you think they will.
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