
Donald Trump Wins the Election Based On Good Economy

Stephen Moore, The Hill

Voters have to decide on what is best for workers.

The Architect of Biden's Plan to Rescue the Economy

Jim Tankersley, New York Times

Ben Harris is not a household name, even in economics. But he helped develop a package of tax and spending increases that has not spooked Wall Street.

National Debt Still Matters, Despite Low Rates

Maya MacGuineas, Washington Examiner

With the election upon us, the growing national debt is not the top policy priority for most voters. That's understandable given that the ongoing pandemic and economic recovery are the most pressing priorities. At this moment, more borrowing is needed.

Biden and Harris Are Scarily Promising Equality of Outcome

Ira Stoll, New York Sun

Vice presidential candidates, like doctors in the Hippocratic Oath, are supposed to “do no harm.” Joe Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, risks violating that traditional rule with an animated videonarrated in her voice that she posted Sunday on social media. “There’s a big difference between equality and equity,” she says in the video.

As Businesses Board Up, Why Aren't Democrats Ashamed?

John Tamny, RCM

"We need to have a conversation about the fact that DC, arguably the most heavily-Democratic part of the country, is currently boarded up like a hurricane is coming. And we all know that the plywood isn't up in the event of a Biden win." - Patrick Hedger “Donald Trump is quite simply the most policy ignorant presidential candidate to ever emerge from the Republican primaries.” That’s what I wrote on November 6, 2016, just two days before the presidential elections. In a piece titled “Why Republicans Should Hope Donald Trump Loses In A Landslide,” I made a case...

Making a Pandemic-Based Case For a Two-Day Workweek

J.C. Pan, New Republic

The ongoing national nightmare makes it clear that we need to disentangle work from basic needs like health care and housingâ?"and then do way, way less of it.

It's Time For Us to Revolt Against Covid-19 Collectivism

Donald Boudreaux, AIER

Liberal individualism is often interpreted as an ideology based on the belief that individuals are atomistic egoists, each of whom single-mindedly pursues only maximum material gain and sensual satisfaction for himself or herself. Each person, in this interpretation, engages with people outside of his or her immediate family exclusively for reasons shallow and prudential – most notably, to trade in impersonal ways that materially enrich the person. Liberal individualists are accused of being blind to higher human desires, such as for community and a sense of purpose more elevated than...

Environmentalists Unwittingly Bring On Discredit of 'Peak Oil'

Chris Baecker, RCM

One of my favorite passages early on in my class’ textbook explains one of the reasons to study economics; to be “a well-rounded thinker.” Closely related in the next chapter is the concept of positive vs. normative statements. Positives can be proven, or disproven, with facts, while normatives are basically opinions. Anyone who follows and/or partakes in political discourse these days no doubt sees how often the former is dispensed with in favor of the latter. One key word to look for when trying to differentiate between the two is...

A Reason for Optimism In Today's Trying Times

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Per recent Census data, the American entrepreneurial spirit persistsâ?"a reason to be optimistic about the future.

This Market Presidential Predictor Foretells a Biden Win

Jessica Menton, USA Today

If you're watching the stock market for a signal about who the next president will be, Friday's closing is a telling sign. The S&P 500 index finished lower over the period of July 31 to Oct. 31. When that happens in election years, it isn’t a great sign for an incumbent presidential party to win, according to Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at research firm CFRA.

Another Market Measure Moves Back Into Trump's Favor

William Watts, MarketWatch

Gauges measure stock-market performance in runup to election

Watch Bill Gates Answer Common Job Interview Questions

Carmine Gallo, Forbes

Bill Gates shows NBA star Stephen Curry how to sound confident in job interviews.

Economic Margin Valuation: Twenty Five Years Later

Rafe Resendes, Applied Finance

In October 1995, Dan Obrycki and I started Applied Finance. As we struggled to solve several valuation problems back then, we did not know that we would ultimately create and manage the Valuation 50, one [..more]

"De-globalization" Already Happened And It Didn't Matter

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

In 2020, politics and the pandemic have led to a lot of speculation that they could bring about an end to the rise of globalizationâ?"yet that began over a decade ago.

GDP Bounces Back In a Big Way

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Economic Blog The outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns triggered the largest quarter over-quarter decline in gross domestic product (GDP) since WWII, so perhaps it comes as no surprise?

Beware of These Alt. Minimum Tax Triggers

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Common tax items that can trigger the AMT.

An Election Pattern You Might Not Know About

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Economic Blog With Election Day a mere five days away, we at LPL Research thought we would add one last election forecaster to the mix of what we've presented over the last several monthsâ?"as much b?

Fine-Tuning Treatments for C-19

Henry Miller, American Council on Science and Health

There are about 2,000 drugs and vaccines (mostly the former) now in clinical trials. ACSH advisor Dr. Henry Miller argues that to get COVID-19 under control we will need therapeutics no matter how effective vaccines are. Here's why.

How Would Biden’s Tax Proposals Impact Your Tax Liability?

Kyle Pomerleau, AEI

In our recently updated analysis of Joe Biden’s tax proposals, we found that the Biden plan would raise federal revenue by $2.8 trillion over the next decade. Almost a quarter of that new revenue would come from individual income and payroll tax increases that fall primarily on high-income households.

Stock Market Is Predicting Biden 'By a Hair' In Election 2020

David Goldman, CNN

The presidential election is just two days away and the stock market has locked-in its prediction, according to one indicator.

Trump Has the Better Economic Plan & Record of Success

Scott Walker, Fox News

Who will get America working again? Donald Trump wins in a landslide when applying that criteria to this election.

Donald Trump's Energy Plan Will Cost United States Trillions

Shahir Masri, The Hill

President Trump struggles to articulate any new energy plan â?" mostly pledging continued support for the coal, oil, and gas resources that he embraced over the last four years.

Don't Let Your Election Fears Hurt Your Investments

Paul Sullivan, New York Times

It may be tempting, one economist says, to think that if your side wins, the economy will be all right. But no matter who wins, it may not be as good or as bad as you think.

Elite Democrats Could Harm Middle Class If Biden Wins

Joel Kotkin, New York Post

If the Democrats win on Election Day, the future for the middle class could be bleak.

The Bears Have Taken Away Control From the Bulls

Lawrence McMillan, MarketWatch

Watch 3200

Monopoly v. Monopoly: Sloppy Definitions Lead to Bad Policy

Ray Niles, AIER

Here is an exam question for my Introduction to Economics students: Below are two sets of organizations. How are they similar, and how do they differ? Which factor — the factor they share in common, or the factor that differentiates them — should be of greater concern to economists and regulators?

Some Tips On How to Handle a Stock-Market Downturn

Christy Bieber, Motley Fool

Most Americans are making a big mistake with their investments. According to a recent study from TIAA, just 39% of Americans believe their investments are well protected from stock market downturns and volatility. This figure is shocking, especially in light of the fact the survey was taken during the bumpy ride the market has been on since March.

Dire Rates: The Biden Tax Plan

Kevin Hassett, National Review

Biden intends to reverse the policies that led to higher investment, productivity, and wage growth at precisely the wrong time.

How A Century of RE Tax Breaks Enriched Donald Trump

James B. Stewart, NYT

The real estate industry has long enjoyed uniquely favorable tax treatment thanks in part to Mr. Trump's actions before and after he became president.

The Managers Who Found Unlikely Covid-19 Winners

Amanda Cantrell, II

Boat makers. Home improvement retailers. Industrial real estate. These stocks have improbably crushed it this year.

A Stock Market Bubble Is Forming

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

However, it has not (yet) become a mania.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Robot Ships Are Coming...Eventually

Eric Niller, Wired

As the pandemic fuels demand for less contact and fewer sailors, shipping companies turn to AI-assisted navigation.

The Implications Of A Democratic Clean Sweep

Preston Caldwell, Morningstar

Macroeconomic impact will likely be muted, and the boost in taxes and spending won't be unprecedented.

The Rust Belt Bet On Trump. It Hasn't Paid Off.

Eric Boehm, Reason.com

If Trump loses his bid for re-election, it will be because Rust Belt voters abandoned him after four years of misguided economic policies.

Gridlock Is More Bullish Than Blue or Red Waves

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

The reality is that it is businesses that create jobs, not politicians.

The Stock Market Doesn't Care Who Wins

Joshua M Brown, The Reformed Broker

The next presidency, whether it's Trump II or Biden the First, doesn't represent a magical switch being thrown to end the predominant trend.

Stagflation Will Be The Challenge Of 2021

Peter Morici, MarketWatch

Inflation will surge next year, but growth will be hobbled by structural unemployment

MMM Good or MMM Bad?

David Hay, Evergreen Gavekal

For all of us Baby Boomers, Campbell Soup's iconic tag-line of "MMM Good" was burned into our collective memories at a young age. As we now transition into senior citizenship, we are discovering that it may well be a case of MMM Bad, totally unrelated, however, to what formerly was America's favorite soup company.
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