
Elon Musk Is About To Change The Auto Industry Again

Justin Bariso, Inc.

Elon Musk has tried to position Tesla as a partner to legacy automakers, not a competitor. His recent statement takes it a step further.

10 Myths About Big Tech & Antitrust

Alec Stapp, Medium

This is an odd moment for lawmakers to be expending energy castigating America’s most innovative and globally competitive companies, simply because they are big.

The Consequences Of 'Worthless Cash'

Louis-Vincent Gave, Evergreen Gavekal

The jury is still out on whether the dollar’s long run as the world’s leading reserve currency will be sustained in the coming years.

MMT Twilight Zone: We're Not In Kansas Anymore, Toto

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

We live in surreal times. I’ve previously compared them to the TV series The Twilight Zone. However, a more apt comparison would be with the land that Dorothy and her dog Toto visited in the movie "The Wizard of Oz."

The 21st Century Battle of the Bubbles

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

SPACs are not new. They proliferated during the South Sea and Mississippi Bubbles in the 18th century.

Efficient? How The Stock Market Is Cheating Us All

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

We should be getting as much as 30% more, study suggests

Journalism's Death by a Thousand Tweets

Thomas Moller-Nielsen, Quillette

Imagine you want to create a digital platform that will both destroy—or, at the very least, seriously enfeeble—the journalism profession, and simultaneously make you a vast amount of money. How should you do it?

Cities Americans Are Flocking To

Grant Suneson, 24/7 Wall Street

Americans are getting out of big cities and heading for the small and mid-sized oases.

How to Close America's COVID-19 Testing Deficit

Simon Johnson, Project Syndicate

The US is facing a major health and economic catastrophe for one simple reason: its existing COVID-19 testing infrastructure has broken down. There is still time to build a new system that enables policymakers and the public to understand where outbreaks are occurring and where they are likely to occur next.

After Record Q2 GDP Drop, What's Next?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

By most accounts, the economic road is shaky at best for the next several quarters as the country continues to struggle with managing coronavirus. Unfortunately, the silver bullet that could solve everyone’s problem – a proven vaccine that’s widely distributed and widely used – remains elusive for the near-term.

Can Gold And Stocks Keep Going Up Together?

Mark Decambre, MarketWatch

'Think about this: 2020 is the first year since 1979 to have both gold and the S&P 500 make new highs during the calendar year,'

Why Does Monaco Exist?

Ned Donovan, Terra Nullius

This week, I walked the length of a country. As much as I would like you to imagine that I have completed some great feat of athleticism, it should be made clear that the country in question was Monaco.

How Far We've Come, But How Far We've Got to Go

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Fed Holds Rates Steady Amid Somber Outlook

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

The Fed left rates unchanged near-zero, as expected, while emphasizing that "the path of the economy will depend significantly on the course of the virus."

The Dollar Is Not Collapsing

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

You Didn't Miss Anything From FOMC

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Highest Joblessness In Lowest Econ. Impact Sectors

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

The data below from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show which sectors have the highest and lowest unemployment rates. As of this writing, overall unemployment is an uncomfortably high 11.2%, but that's for all sectors combined. When you break out the different sectors, you see that this can range from almost 40% in leisure and hospitality to about 10% and under for construction, manufacturing, education and health.

GDP's Bottom Fell Out

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

In the Market, Not Everything Is Always As It Seems

Jeffrey Buchbinder, LPL Financial

Market Blog "That's not a knife ? that's a knife!" Paul Hogan in Crocodile Dundee

The Cult of Selfishness Is Killing America

Paul Krugman, The New York Times

The right has made irresponsible behavior a key principle.

Apple, Amazon and the Thriving US Middle Class

Douglas A. McIntyre, 24/7 Wall St.

The earnings of two of the most dominant tech companies in America showed that the middle class has money to spare, even when tens of millions of Americans are out of work. Big tech has not merely held on financially. It has flourished.

Tech Titans at Bay? Is The Writing On The Wall?

Diane Coyle, Project Syndicate

Though the tech monopolists may capture significant short-term gains from the accelerating shift online, the recent congressional antitrust hearing showed that they can no longer avoid the harsh glare of the political spotlight.

How Private Equity Is Coping With The Pandemic

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

PE firms are flush with cash and kicking off a buying spree as they take creative approaches to deal-making.

Even Vanguard Active Funds Are Seeing Withdrawals

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Their future is becoming decidedly uncertain.

What Happened Before Kodak's Moment

Judd Legum, Popular Information

The CEO and other insiders were buying shares while negotiating with the government.

Comparing US, EU and China GDP

Bill McBride, Calculated Risk

The US did a little better in Q2 but the EU may be the better bet for the rebound.

Off the Charts

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

You know the expression, "Off the charts?"I think many people do not truly understand exactly what that phrase means.

The Cockroach Portfolio Is Shining in 2020

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

Bulletproof investing could be back in style

The Grifters, Chapter 1 - Kodak

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

Our political and market worlds have become an unending sea of grift … small cons, big cons, short cons, long cons … and every day the distinction between grifters and squares becomes more and more blurred.

Can America Benefit from Covid? Ask 14th-Century Florence

Jacob Soll, Politico

We may be getting some of the most positive lessons of plagues wrong.

Winners & Losers From The Big Tech Hearing

Shirin Ghaffary & Jason Del Rey, Vox

The heads of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google fielded questions from members of Congress, some better than others.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Cities Americans Are Abandoning

Grant Suneson, 24/7 Wall Street

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have relocated out of large urban areas — either to try to avoid contracting the virus or because the resulting economic fallout cost them their job. While population statistics are not yet available for 2020, plummeting rental prices in many of America’s largest population centers indicate significant population losses.

Don't Expand Coronavirus Unemployment Insurance

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

The negative impact of the program is well documented.

Even Apple Gives Amazon Tax Breaks

Catie Keck, Gizmodo

Amazon pays just half Apple's regular app store fee.

The Outsized Power Of Ethanol

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

The Midwest is not the place of rusting cities and reactionary farmers of popular imagination.

The Wasted Ammunition of Fiscal Spending

Scott Sumner, Econlog

Why give $1200 to middle class people with stable jobs who were actually benefiting from a decline in the cost of living?

The Myth of the Failure of Capitalism

Ludwig von Mises, Mises Institute

he nearly universal opinion expressed these days is that the economic crisis of recent years marks the end of capitalism.

The Road To Inflation

Dario Perkins, TS Lombard

The worst kept secret in macro is that economists don’t really understand inflation.
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