
Florida Fully Ends the Lockdowns

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

Governor Ron DeSantis has proven it: it is actually possible for a politician to wise up and do the right thing. In a sweeping order announced September 25, the governor has opened up the entire economy. He has even limited the ability of local governments to impose more restrictions and collect fines for mask violations.

Rise of Remote Work Can Be Surprisingly Liberating

Jessica Powell, New York Times

What if you are better off without the office?

Is the Official U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Accurate?

James Agresti, Issues & Insights

The evidence shows that the "official" number is likely exaggerated.

Where Have Entrepreneurs Gone? Int. w/ Carl Schramm

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

We badly need a big wave of business startups to ignite a post-Covid economy, but unnecessary barriers stand in the wayâ?"including some surprising and destructive myths.

Larry Ellison's On-Off TikTok Deal Is 3-Ring Circus

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

Software giant Oracle's on-again, off-again deal to save short-video app TikTok from a White House ban has been called many things in the weeks since it was proposed. Now let me add one of my own: Clown show.

Will Michael Bloomberg Cause Fed Focused to Turn the Page?

John Tamny, Forbes

If you represent remuneration, money will always and everywhere find you.

Let's Be Sure Coronavirus Relief Doesn't Damage Econ.

Thomas Vartanian, The Hill

When it comes to COVID-19 relief, policymakers should be relying on data that can determine with pinpoint accuracy what government assistance is necessary

Giving People Money in a Pandemic Worked. Give Them More.

J.C. Pan, TNR

A new Fed report reveals a jump in the number of people able to afford an emergency expense.

No, It's Not Your Natural Right Buy a Gasoline Car

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

California's ban on gas-fueled vehicles calls the auto industry's bluff on zero emissions

Key Takeaways From NYT's Trump Tax Investigation

Matt Stieb & Chas Danner, NYM

The New York Times' investigation into President Donald Trump's tax returns reveals a pattern of tax avoidance and massive debt.

Rich Owe Us More Of Their Wealth: Increase Cap Gains

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

Higher capital gains taxes would do little to hurt CEOs' wealth

How Amazon Is Trying to Train Alexa to Join Real Conversation

Rachel Metz, CNN

Even with years of practice, it can be tricky for humans to understand the back-and-forth and nuances of conversations â?" we interrupt each other, misunderstand things, and sometimes have to repeat ourselves to get a message across. Now imagine how difficult it may be for artificial intelligence, which at its best is far less capable than any of us, to figure all that out and weigh in at the right time, too.

Reasons to Stay the Course as the Election Approaches

Various, Charles Schwab

Why investors should focus on their financial plans in the run-up to the 2020 election.

A Look Ahead to This Week's Economics Reports

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Navigating NYC Out Of Covid Financial Crisis

E.J. McMahon, Manhattan Institute

Exploring the history of NYC's past budget crises, restoring the FCB's authority over spending could help deliver the city out of this Covid crisis.

Covid-19: Facts vs. Phobia

Richard Salsman, InterMarket Forecasting Inc.

Will Biden v. Trump Sink Stock Market?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

The Long Slog Recovery?

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Existing Home Sales: Not Buying Headline Hype

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Buckle Up. October Is Coming

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Combination of October?s volatility and average gain can work to your benefit

Can You Predict Future Stock Market Returns?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The longer the time period, the stronger the pattern.

The Vise Tightens on the Dollar

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

In the second quarter of this year, the US experienced the sharpest plunge in domestic saving on record, dating back to 1947. Because that will continue, and the current-account balance is following suit, the dollar's real effective exchange rate can head in only one direction.

Welcome to FinTok, Where Gen-Z Gets Its Financial Advice

Alicia McElhaney, II

TikTok is Gen Z's financial education hub. That's a problem.

COVID Accelerated Creative Destruction

Louis-Vincent Gave, Evergreen Gavekal

Covid came as a shock to the world, but in many cases it is merely accelerating fundamental trends that were already unfolding anyway.

Why Platinum May Be A Better Bet Than Gold

Paul R. La Monica & CNN Business, CNN

Gold prices have soared more than 20% in 2020, and they hit a new record high earlier this year. Silver and palladium are surging, too. But platinum prices are down almost 15% year-to-date.

One Billion Americans: The Case For Many More Americans

Kelsey Piper, Vox

A conversation with Matthew Yglesias on families, the economy, global competition, and One Billion Americans.

China Is on a Building Binge, Metal Prices Are Surging

Matt Phillips, NY Times

Iron ore, nickel, copper and other metal prices are rising as China restarts construction, and the global economy could benefit.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Man Buffett & Gates Both Call Their Hero & Role Model

Bill Murphy Jr., Inc.

"He is my hero. He is Bill Gates's hero. He should be everybody's hero."

Words Matter

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

Trump's rhetoric matters as much as his policies.

Revenge of the Money Launderers

Matt Taibbi, Substack

The "FinCen files" story reveals: getting caught doesn't stop banks from taking dirty money. It may even encourage them

Is The Post Crash Reflation Trade Fading?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Last month the Federal Reserve announced that it was adjusting its monetary policy in a bid to push inflation higher. Based on recent trading in the Treasuries market, the crowd remains unconvinced and may be in the early stages of unwinding a months-long rise in pricing inflation expectations higher.

Why Is Funny? How America Lost Its Sense of Humor

Robert Lynch, Quillette

Americans have lost the ability to laugh at themselves.

The Emerging Markets Chart You Need To Watch

Tom Bruni, All Star Charts

Emerging Market stocks have their place in a lot of portfolios, but for the last decade they've been underperforming especially relative to US stocks. As we head into a new quarter, we thought it'd be worthwhile to highlight two charts worth monitoring to track these stocks' progress.

Has Regulation Stamped Out Growth?

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

Is economic growth inexorably slowing down? If so, what caused it?
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