France Aspires To Work By Working Less. But Is It Working?

Peter Weber, The Week

How the famed French work-life balance really plays out, and how the French economy is affected


Does GOP Want to Emulate China & Ban TikTok?

Sen. Rand Paul, The Courier-Journal

The First Amendment is precisely there to protect speech that might be unpopular or might be controversial.


Producers Decide Which Currencies Circulate, Not Politicians

John Tamny, RCM

Washington Post columnist Fareed Zakaria writes that the dollar "gives Washington unrivaled economic and political muscle." But that's like saying that rising usage of the meter as a measure of...


Why Your Money Is Much Safer Than You Think

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

With many worried over recent bank failures, understanding account security and insurance may be a salve.


As Banks Become Utilities, Too Big To Fail Is Too Big for Bias

Scott Shepard, RCM

Here we are, in another round of de facto bank bailouts. This time investors seem to be (rightly) losing their investments, but depositors are to be covered fully - as long as they bank at...


Like Past POTUSs, Is Biden Foisting IRS On Enemies?

James Bovard, New York Post

Journalist Matt Taibbi testified March 9 before a congressional committee on the vast federally funded "censorship-industrial complex" the Twitter Files exposed.


Elon Musk Is 'Robbing' Me of What Makes Me Feel Special!

Rex Huppke, USA Today

On April 1, Elon Musk will be robbing verified Twitter users of that which makes us special – the fancy blue check marks next to our names.


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