
Governments Can't Create Jobs, 'Green' or Blue

Dan Hannan, Washington Examiner

Everyone is at it — Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, the G-7, the United Nations. All are in the business of "creating" green jobs. Johnson wants 250,000 of them, to be "created" by clean energy technologies. Biden promises no fewer than 10 million. Everything, I guess, is bigger in America.

Cutting Critical Family Support Won't Solve Labor Crisis

Gary Cunningham, Hill

Policymakers and their allies need to stop patronizing families for receiving assistance by falsely assuming that their intentions are of ill-will.

Art History Major Math Errors, and Other Irritations

Rob Smith, RealClearMarkets

You know what burns my biscuits? Math. Don't get me wrong, math is a wonderful tool to understand quantitative applications. For example, "Rob Smith can throw a football 65 yards on a rope." We can all understand the meaning of this statement, not to mention the reasoning behind the statement (I have a cannon for an arm). But what I can't stand is the misuse of math in public policy. This occurs for various reasons and motivations. Below are a few of the more common varieties of math errors let loose into "public discourse."

Why Being Superrich Doesn't Make You a Superhero

Jeff Yang, New York Times

The American idealization of wealthy mavericks isn't confined to the pages of comic books.

Use Emily Litella Clips to Relieve You of Fed Obsession

Joe Calhoun, Alhambra

I thought of Gilda Radner this past week. Actually I thought of a character she created on the original Saturday Night Live, Emily Litella, who was a regular on the Weekend Update segment. She'd start to rant about something topical, getting it completely wrong at which point Jane Curtin or Chevy Chase would

The Economy's Not Going Back to February 2020

Heather Long, Washington Post

Fundamental shifts mean the past isn't returning.

How China Can Achieve 2049 Econ Goals

David Dollar, Yiping Huang, Yang Yao, CNN

In 2012, the Chinese government set a long-term goal: build China into a fully developed and prosperous country by 2049, 100 years after the founding of the People's Republic.

Eager to Protect Small Investors, Gensler Leaves 'Em Scraps

Paul Jossey, RCM

In a rush to protect retail investors, new Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler is promoting ill-considered policies that will undermine everyday investors. That means business as usual at the SEC, continuing a pattern of failing to trust retail investors while favoring established players. Whether it's app-based trading, cryptocurrencies, or reckless tweets, politicians have fretted this year about tech-savvy predators conning retail investors, and now Gensler is charging in. During recent congressional testimony and other public appearances, Mr. Gensler claimed that legal...

Woke, Inc: How Corp. America Poisons Society

Vivek Ramaswamy, New York Post

There's a new invisible force at work in the highest ranks of corporate America, one far more nefarious. It's the defining scam of our time — one that robs you of not only your money, but your voic…

Build Back a Better Economy: Spend Less, Liberalize More

Dan Pearson, RCM

The Biden administration and Congress have approved nearly $2 trillion of new spending to try to stimulate the economy through expansive measures related to COVID-19. The White House hopes for trillions more taxpayer dollars devoted to what has been termed "infrastructure" and other objectives, plus almost that much in the "American Families Plan," which would greatly increase federal control over child care, pre-kindergarten, and other social endeavors.

The Significance of Local Elections for Investors

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Regional elections often don't predict upcoming national votes, but they do have significance for investors.

A Tax Milton Friedman Liked & Bernie Sanders Won't Raise

Dominic Pino, NRO

Any time an economic policy has the approval of Milton Friedman and the disapproval of Bernie Sanders, you should, at the very least, strongly consider it.

The Most Expensive Olympic Games In History

Various, ACE Cash Express

Have you ever thought about how much money it costs to host the Olympics? The ACE Cash Express Knowledge Hub breaks down the estimated cost for the countries that have hosted the Olympics.

Investing a Lump Sum vs. an Annuity

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

Should you take a lump-sum pension payout, or a monthly income stream for life? How to decide.

Turn Turn Turn: Rotations Persist

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

It's been a highly-rotational stock market this year in terms of leadership; with aggressively-speculative themes peppered in. Remember, neither FOMO nor HODL are investment strategies.

Fed Still Hasn't Found What it's Looking For

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

The Fed kept rates unchanged, but updated median projections from the FOMC show two rate hikes likely by the end of 2023.

Intrinsic Value in Passive Indexing

Derek Bergen, Applied Finance

While Applied Finance has long advocated for investors to consider the strategic advantages from incorporating a valuation-based discipline in portfolio construction and stock selection, this study provides compelling evidence that even passive allocations benefit when index weights are formed on intrinsic value characteristics instead of using market cap as a proxy.

Fed to Remain Accommodative, Despite the Dots

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Will the Fed Sit Tight—or Tighten Policy?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial

With inflation a concern, what should we expect from the Fed? Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan says despite the headlines, the Fed will likely sit tight.

"I Quit" Is How Americans Respond to Recovery

Sydney Ember, New York Times

With new opportunities and a different perspective as the pandemic eases, workers are choosing to leave their jobs in record numbers.

End the Ban on Felon Participation In the Securities Markets

J.W. Verret, Hill

The blanket ban on felons in the federal securities laws was adopted in 1934, long before the nation's failed over-prosecution strategy in the war on drugs.

What It's Like to Work in AMZN Warehouse On "Prime"

Sara Ashley O'Brien, CNN

For much of the past 16 months, Amazon's warehouse workers have faced grueling pressure to keep up with the demand from households for online goods during the pandemic. Now, workers must endure the stress of meeting a spike in orders from Amazon's summer shopping holiday, which kicks off Monday.

Is Amazon's Jeff Bezos Under Taxed?

Seth Berenzweig & John Tamny, The Capitol Brief

Seth Berenzweig & John Tamny discuss taxes on billionaires

How to Propel 2 Million Into the Middle Class

Shelley Stewart & Michael Chui, CNN

Eliminating racial barriers for Black Americans could initiate a wave of growth, dynamism and productivity as well as promote new markets and help counter demographic headwinds that threaten to slow down the US economy.

AMC Is the Best-Performing Stock in America:Don't Buy It

Stephen McBride, RH

Here we go again. The stock of movie theater chain AMC Entertainment (AMC) just skyrocketed out of nowhere, jumping as much as 127% in one day earlier this month.

How the New Alzheimer's Drug Could Blow Up Budget

Benjy Sarlin, NBC News

A new medicine could cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. Will Washington crack down on drug prices in response?

How to Stop Getting Ripped Off and Save Big Healthcare $$

Marshall Allen, NYP

The business model of the American health care system is based on making Americans pay more than they should.

Big Oil Takes a Beating, Investors Are Riding High

Jeff Sommer, New York Times

While major oil companies have been losing public battles over climate change, energy stocks and oil prices are soaring.

It's Too Late To Avoid A Major Oil Supply Crisis

David Messler, OilPrice.com

The level of capital investment in oil exploration and production in the last few years has been far too low, and now it is likely too late to avoid a supply crisis

The Dollar Bears Are Taking A Beating After The Fed

Saikat Chatterjee, Reuters

A hawkish shift from the Federal Reserve has woken up a slumbering dollar, sending the U.S. currency to its highest level in months and stoking expectations that an unwind of bearish positions could fuel more gains.

The Long-Term Forecast for U.S. Stock Returns

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Expect 7.5%.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Biden Is Back, America Is Not

Carl Bildt, Project Syndicate

China's leaders clearly understand the critical importance of trade linkages to their country's global clout. Unfortunately, US President Joe Biden's administration needs to relearn that lesson.

'Green Energy': Looters, Moochers, Parasites

Robert Bradley Jr, Master Resource

A free-market energy economy promotes and rewards the creators and producers. Parasites and glad-handers need not apply.

How Wall St. Is Squeezing The Middle Class. Again.

Elena Botella, Slate

Invitation Homes bought 90 percent of the homes for sale in some ZIP codes in Atlanta in the early 2010s.

Fast Times As A Wall Street Whistleblower

Leah McGrath Goodman, II

SEC's Office of the Whistleblower has splashed out nearly a billion dollars in its cash-for-tips program. But it's not for the faint of heart.

It's Wishful Thinking to Believe Lockdowns Are Past

Casey Carlisle, UncleNap

Unintended: Colorado's Equal Pay Law Backfires

Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason

Major companies tell Colorado workers they need not apply.

A Series of Unforeseen Events

Michael Johnston, Evergreen Gavekal

One of the unexpected, world-defining events of the past year has been the global shortage of semiconductor chips.
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