
Historical Sell-Offs Perhaps Provide Clues About Recovery

Sergei Klebnikov, Forbes

Stocks could fall even lower but history shows that the market typically recovers within six months.

The Markets Are Scared. How Bad Could It Get?

Spencer Bokat-Lindell, New York Times

An oil glut and a deadly virus walk into a stock market ?

When You Feel You Must: When You Shouldn't Buy

Vitaliy Katsenelson, ContrarianEdge

Why Investors Shouldn't Worry Over Market Corrections

Coryanne Hicks, U.S. News

IF THE OCEAN WERE HALF as choppy as the stock market has been recently, there'd be far fewer surfers. But stock investors have something surfers do not: decades to wait out any short-term chop.

Investors Trust Trump's 'Magic Words': Time to Nibble

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

The president said he will institute ?very dramatic? actions to support the economy

Is This the Beginning of a U.S. Recession?

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Investments

As I sit here Monday evening with the Dow having closed down 2000 points and the 10-year Treasury yield around 0.5%, the title of this update seems utterly ridiculous. With the new coronavirus stil?

Stagflation Is Ugly Scenario for Readers to Consider

Paul R. La Monica, CNNMoney

The Federal Reserve has already slashed interest rates by a half-point to counteract a possible coronavirus-induced economic slowdown. But will the Fed soon have to fight concerns about a recession and rising inflation pressures at the same time?

Assessing the Trump Economy: Int. w/Steve Moore

Bill Walton, The Bill Walton Show

A weekly selection from The Bill Walton Collection focused on recent events and timely interviews.

Amid Perilous Disease Panics, Free Markets Are Your Savior

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

That hand sanitizer you are using, where did you get it? The local store or an online shop. And who made it? Private enterprise, operating based on profit and loss within a market economy. And that mask you are keeping just in case? Same thing. It came from private investment, brought to you by international trade. It cost a buck or two but it might save your life.

Invest in Job Training to Boost Income Equity

Maurice Jones & Ed Skyler, USA Today

Trump's Payroll Tax Cut Exactly What Econ. Needs

Tim Worstall, Washington Examiner

President Trump has just announced exactly the right policy to deal with coronavirus interruptions to the economy â?" well, announced he's thinking about it. Cutting payroll taxes is the best way to handle it, as even John Maynard Keynes himself pointed out.

Policymakers Must Craft Plans to Revive the Global Economy

Nick Sargen, The Hill

This marks the first time the global economy has been buffeted by simultaneous supply shocks. The two are related.

A Coronavirus Recession?

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

The Best and Worst States For Hiring Veterans

Various, InMyArea.com

Just under 20 million residents of the United States are veterans of America's armed forces, and while ...

Why Muni Investors Should Keep an Eye on Puerto Rico

Cooper Howard, Schwab

Decisions made during the island's restructuring process could have an impact on credit protections for some types of municipal bonds.

Heightened Market Volatility; Heightened Econ Uncertainty

Richard Moody, Regions

Why You Should Hold Bonds Even When Yields Are Low

Kathy Jones, Schwab

Historically, there has been no better hedge against an equity market decline than long-term Treasury bonds.

Investors Shrug Off Jobless Report As 'Old News'

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Women Gain on Men in America's Labor Market

Kay Hymowitz, Manhattan Institute

Panics Come & Go. Buying Opportunities Long Lasting

John Huber , MarketWatch

Every panic of the past â?" even 'mini-panics' such as those in 1998, 2011 and 2018 â?" fades away, which is an important lesson for investors

A Short, Sharp Global Recession Is Looking Inevitable

Julia Horowitz, CNNMoney

The coronavirus outbreak has triggered extreme fear in financial markets as investors face up to an unsettling reality: The pandemic, unprecedented in modern times, could tip the world into a short, sharp recession.

Coronavirus Won't Be Econ. Catastrophe, Unless We Let It

Zachary Karabell, Time

Monday's stock market crash over coronavirus fears isn't irrational. It is a moment to panic, but just don't act on it.

Covid-19 Is Attacking Your Stocks. Here's How to Fight Back

Garvin Jabusch, Worth

An epidemiological and health crisis can quickly become a financial crisis, even where there was not an existing financial crisis before.

Why the U.S. Economy Is Near Impossible to Stimulate

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

The Clamor for More Immigrants Is Bad Economic Policy

Mark Krikorian, USA Today

The fact that outgoing White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney’s claim that “we need more immigrants” was delivered at a private gathering, rather than in public, suggests he understands how politically damaging it is for an administration that won office because of its hawkishness on immigration. But Mulvaney’s comments aren’t just bad politics; they’re also bad policy. The clamor for more immigration comes from industry lobbyists complaining that their clients — agriculture, landscaping, hospitality, construction, etc. — are having a hard...

Is SALT Deduction Something You Can Gain From?

Irina Ivanova, CBSMoneywatch

Your state, local, property and sales taxes can be steep. Here's how to figure out whether to itemize deductions.

The SEC Should Withdraw Its New Regulations on ETFs

Jack Butler, National Review

The Securities and Exchange Commission should make sure that everyone, not just the big boys on Wall Street, can invest and trade as they wish.

What Should You Do With Your 401(k)? Do Not Panic

Paul R. La Monica, CNNMoney

Stocks plunged Monday and the market has unnerved investors during the past two weeks with its gut-wrenching ups and downs. But if you're a long-term investor, what should you do with a 401(k), IRA or 529 savings plan for your kids' college tuition?

Retiring Into Shaky Market? Think Long Term Still

Tara Siegel Bernard, New York Times

Americans in their mid-60s could live nearly three more decades, research shows, so a healthy dose of stock in your portfolio is actually prudent now.

Fear Is the Cruel Virus That Is Really and Truly Dangerous

Ian Buruma, MarketWatch

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

A Bad Day On The Goldman Trading Floor

William Cohan, The Hive

The S&P down 7%; crude down 25%. “Liquidity has been difficult,” says a trader, but it’s not a “systemic financial system issue.” Yet.

Tokenizing Assets As Crypto Is A Delusion

Frances Coppola, CoinDesk

The cost of reliably linking tokens to real assets drives the market towards monopoly. Tokenization of assets and "be your own bank" seem merely a dream.

I'm Here To Remind You

Joshua M Brown, The Reformed Broker

You will see and hear amazing things today and this week - 10 things you must remember right now

A Bold Plan: What The Fed Should Do Right Now

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

The Fed could do a lot more.

There Were Signs Of Panic Monday

Jason Goepfert, SentimenTrader

One of the worst days in market history

We'll Get Through This

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

It looks bad today. It may look bad tomorrow. But hang in there. We'll get through this.

You Need A Plan. Any Plan

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

No one survives this kind of volatility without a plan, even one that is sub-optimal.
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