
How a Major American Oil Pipeline Got Held Up For Ransom

Sara Morrison, Vox

How a major oil pipeline got held for ransom

It's Time For A Supply-Side Economics Resurgence

Wayne Winegarden, Forbes

To promote widespread prosperity, the U.S. needs a comprehensive supply-side agenda of sound money, free trade, affordable government, and low taxes.

Republicans Are Still Waging War on U.S. Workers

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Times are good? Punish the unemployed. Times are bad? Punish the unemployed.

Weak Unemployment Rpt. Shows Limits of 'Stimulus'

Brian Riedl, National Review

It is not difficult to see why the economy may not respond strongly to the latest stimulus law.

Fed Has Abandoned Policies That Stood for Decades

Anthony O'Brien, The Hill

The Federal Reserve has broken with its previous approach to monetary policy to an extent that few people realize.

Yellen's "Truth-Telling" Exposes Bankrupt Econ. Profession

John Tamny, Forbes

In a more rational world away from academic theory, investment bankers will continue to run roughshod over the central-planning fantasies of economists.

We've Reached Point of Absurdity In Crypto

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Investments

We have reached the point of absurdity in the crypto markets. There were people buying Dogecoin last week in anticipation of Elon Musk's appearance on Saturday Night Live, with the expectation, presumably, that he would say something bullish and they'd be able to ring the cash register. Easy, peasy, cha ching. Except, well,

Slow Joe Biden Puts the SEC Into Major Turmoil

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

Gary Gensler, the new sheriff on Wall Street, has set some ambitious plans for cracking down on stock-trading shenanigans — but the sheriff will need some deputies if he wants to get the job done.…

For Biden & Allies, Warming Requires Econ. Transformation

O.H. Skinner, RCM

For President Biden and his allies, climate change—now called a "climate crisis"—has grown from being a widely accepted, incredibly important public policy challenge into a mantra in support of a fundamental transformation of our economy from top to bottom. They talk often of a coordinated climate agenda that includes deploying the full capacity of federal agencies in partnership with state and local governments. Much of this agenda will be fought out in the halls of Congress, international settings, and the ballot box. But that hasn't stopped an alliance of local officials, trial...

Social Security Myths That Could Wreck Retirement

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Buying into false information about the program could leave you in a serious financial lurch.

What Happens If You Work, and Take Social Security?

Rachel Hartman, U.S. News

Picking up a part-time job in retirement is an easy way to improve your retirement lifestyle. But before starting a retirement job, you'll want to run the numbers to see how your Social Security benefits might change.

Next Global Disaster Is On the Way. We Aren't Ready

Niall Ferguson, Bloomberg

The Covid-19 pandemic is not over, but it is already clear that Lord Rees, Britain's astronomer royal, has won his 2017 bet with the Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker that "bioterror or bioerror will lead to one million casualties in a single event within a six-month period starting no later than Dec. 31, 2020."

Tragic C19 Shutdowns

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

Ok, And Then What?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Will Taxes Increase For the Rich?

Michael Townsend, Charles Schwab

President Biden has proposed a higher top individual tax rate and changes to the capital gains tax. Both are a long way from becoming law.

Have Stocks Already Priced the Econ. Boom?

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

The stock market has been generally cheering strong economic data; but history shows that boom economic conditions may already be largely priced in.

April Employment: Supply Side Constraints

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

April Demonstrates That March Wasn't a Fluke

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth

In April, the medical news was good, and the economic news was better. Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan assesses the potential for more progress ahead.

TIPS Implications of Rising Inflation

Collin Martin & Christina Shaffer, Charles Schwab

The pace of inflation—from below 2% to greater than 4%—has a big impact on the performance of various asset classes.

Finally, Many Years Late, We're On Brink of Dow 36K

James Glassman, Kiplinger

The main thrust of our book was that buying and holding a diversified stock portfolio is by far the best strategy.

What To Do Now To Catch Up On Retirement Savings

John Wasik, New York Times

Even if your finances weren't devastated by the pandemic recession, many Americans have not yet started saving. Here's what you can do.

Biden's Economic Program Is Already Slamming Econ.

Editorial, New York Post

Economists expected the country to add 1 million jobs in April. It added just 266,000 — a sign that Bidenomics is kicking in and already becoming a dangerous drag on the economy. The Bureau of…

They're Telling Lies About Biden's Alleged Call to Ban Meat

Emily Atkin, MSNBC

How Republicans' recent lies about climate action double as advertising for the meat industry.

Yellen Hands the Republicans a Very Potent Campaign Issue

Liz Peek, The Hill

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and all the other folks trying to calm our inflation fears have clearly not gone to the supermarket recently.

Joe Biden Has a Game-Changing Approach to Conservation

Benji Jones, Vox

The America the Beautiful initiative could redefine US conservation as we know it.

Happy Birthday to the Great Friedrich Hayek!

Eamonn Butler, Adam Smith Institute

On 8 May 1899, in Vienna, Friedrich Hayek was born. He would become, in Robert Skidelsky's words, "the dominant intellectual influence of the last quarter of the twentieth century" and he remains influential among liberals and libertarians today. From the 1940s to the 1970s, Hayek had — almost alon

How Bus Can Heed MLK's Call to Aid Black Banks

Bernice King & Ashley Bell, CNN

Hours before an assassin's bullet ended his life in the spring of 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. — a father to one of us, a role model to the other — delivered his final public address to a Memphis crowd that had gathered to fight what he called the inseparable twins of economic and racial injustice.

Long Live the 60/40 Portfolio

Jason Kephart, Morningstar

The classic balanced portfolio wasn't slowed down by the worst quarter for U.S. core bonds this century.

Restaurant Staff Shortages Spurs More Automation

Joanna Glasner, Crunchbase

Across the country, restaurant operators are reporting steep staff shortages, and are struggling to hire both cooks and wait staff.

The Fed And Schrodinger's Phillips Curve

Edward Price, Financial Times

Is the Phillips curve alive or dead?

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Saturday Night Dive

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

Elon's sketches weren't the most painful thing on Saturday night for Dogecoin hodlers.

How the Internet Turned on Elon Musk

Derek Robertson, Politico

An unlikely, polarizing SNL hosting stint for the mogul reveals the boundaries and tensions of our ever-present culture wars.

Free the Gig Economy!

Allison Schrager, City Journal

The Biden administration wants to keep the labor market stuck in the past.

Don't Fret About Tax-Law Changes....Yet

Christine Benz, Morningstar

How changes to the step-up in cost basis could affect your financial plan.

We Need to Build More Houses

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Whenever there's a huge run-up in prices in any financial asset there is usually more than one reason for it.Take housing as an example.Prices are going crazy because of demographics, low rate

What Can You Do About High Valuations?

Charlie Bilello, Compound Advisors

Valuations in the US are high, exceeding all prior periods in history with the exception of the dot-com bubble (March 1998 to December 2000).1 The long-run implications of higher valuations? Lower future returns and higher volatility/drawdowns, on average. What can an investor do about this?

Four Berkshire Bombshells

Michael Johnston, Evergreen Gavekal

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger dropped four bombshells at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.
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