
How Corporations Surrendered to Lefty 'Wokeness'

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

Companies used to be in business to make money, sell stuff and employ people. They were run by executives who were proudly capitalist and believed in the country's founding principles.

Way Out of Our Zero-Sum Thinking on Race, Wealth

Heather McGhee, New York Times

The evidence shows we all lose when society's overwhelmed by white resentment and win when we organize across our differences.

Jack Ma's Ant Is Further Evidence of Central Bank Irrelevance

John Tamny, Forbes

If you?re doing something special, global sources of finance will find you.

Biden Corporate Tax Hikes Will Send Jobs Overseas

Alex Hendrie, RealClearMarkets

President Joe Biden has proposed $4 trillion in tax increases on American families and businesses. While Biden touts his tax hike plan as a way to ensure corporations "pay their fair share," the proposal will harm the U.S. economy at a time that it is recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic. These tax hikes will make American a more uncompetitive place to do business, send jobs overseas, trigger a return of corporate inversions, and make it easier for foreign businesses to acquire U.S. companies.

How Kamala Harris Can Bring Gender Pay Equity Into Focus

Keisha Williams, Hill

Changes must be made to close the gender-wage gap â?" it has been stagnant for far too long.

Joe Biden's Housing Orders Replace Old Sins with New Ones

Howard Husock, NR

An administration interested in correcting housing-policy sins of the past would not overlook existing problems of subsidized housing.

Why Working Longer Can't Solve Retirement Income Problems

Brett Arends, MW

Putting off retirement and delaying Social Security is a luxury many can't afford

Sen. Warren's Rich Tax Won't Just Hit the Rich

Isabelle Morales, Washington Examiner

As one of her first acts after joining the Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Elizabeth Warren plans to introduce a $2.75 trillion wealth tax. This legislation would impose a tax on those who have assets above $50 million with a top rate of 6% per year.

Tesla Bitcoin Dabble: Perfect Avoidance Technique

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

Tesla is making a $1.5-billion investment in the cryptocurrency bitcoin. That's more than Tesla has spent on R&D in any of the last three years.

Want Solid, Dependable Returns? Here Are Stocks We Love

Paul La Monica, CNN

People are obsessed lately with trying to find a way to get rich quick through short-term trades. Just look at bitcoin, GameStop or cannabis stocks.

Julian Simon Was a Model Person

Art Carden, American Institute for Economic Research

You have heard it said that the environment is in trouble. We are running out of resources. Things are bad, and they will only get worse-unless, of course, we hand practically unlimited power to direct our affairs to those who very clearly know better than we do what is best for us. The world, you hear day in and day out, is coming to an end. The inevitability of resource scarcity and hence the long-run tendency toward desperate poverty for everyone was the plot in one of the most successful film franchises of all time. In Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, our heroes do battle...

How the Coronavirus Could Lead To Next "Lost Generation"

Scott Bass, USA Today

Stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus, opening schools and reigniting the economy is job one for President Joe Biden and his administration. However, long after the virus is contained, and students are back in school, the residues of this pandemic will remain etched as stains upon America's youth. What we do today will determine the fate of a generation whose spirit, hope, and energy are in danger of being forever lost.

Surprise! Factor Betas Don't Deliver Factor Alphas

Various, Research Affiliates

By buying or overweighting characteristics-based factor exposure and selling or underweighting beta-based factor exposure, investors can position their portfolios to reap the rewards of factor investing while bearing less risk.

The Earnings Recession Has Ended

David Kastner, Charles Schwab

The financial sector has struggled as of late, but we think this is a potential opportunity for investors.

Should I Take the Lump Sum Option from My Pension?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, CS

Take a lump sum or lifetime income from my pension? The best choice for you depends on your individual circumstances.

January Was a Month of Transition

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Why Immunity Is Closer Than You Think

Brian Wesbury, First Trust Advisors

A Tax-Smart Approach to Your Cost Basis

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Understand tax rules to keep more of your gains.

Why Widespread Muni Defaults Are Unlikely

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Many municipalities are under stress, but that's not necessarily a reason to avoid municipal bonds.

A Currency That Rises In Value Will Change Everything

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

Maybe widespread ownership and use of Bitcoin and other cryptos can make a cultural and economic contribution to converting us from profligate to thrifty in the way our great-great grandparents could celebrate.

Schrödinger's Bitcoin

Willem H. Buiter, Project Syndicate

Notwithstanding the recent spectacular surge in its price, Bitcoin will remain an asset without intrinsic value whose market value can be anything or nothing. Only those with healthy risk appetites and a robust capacity to absorb losses should consider investing in it.

California Is Making Liberals Squirm

Ezra Klein, The New York Times

If progressivism can't work there, why should the country believe it can work anywhere else?

Amazon Transformed The Geography Of Wealth

Vauhini Vara, The Atlantic

Understanding America in the giant company's shadow

The High Cost Of Protectionism

Scott Beyer & Ethan Finlan, City Journal

President Biden's "Buy American" commitments will conflict with his goal of improving mass transit.

The Latest Evidence That Investors Have Lost Their Minds

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Ken Goldin has sold sports trading cards for four decades. What happened earlier this month still shocked him.

The Wall Street Investor Unfriendliness Checklist

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Why Does Janet Yellen Sound Like Trump on Trade?

Eric Boehm, Reason

In comments to The New York Times Magazine published this week, the new treasury secretary says free trade has been "so negative" for "a large share of the population." That's just wrong.

Elon Musk Is About To Get A Whole Lot Richer

Chris Isidore, CNN Business

For a CEO with no base salary, Elon Musk's 2020 payday reached sky-high record levels.

Stop Stressing About Inflation

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

Fiscal Stimulus Around The World

Greg Mankiw, Greg Mankiw

Governments are spending a lot.

The Best Story Wins

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

A truth that applies to many fields, which can frustrate some as much as it energizes others, is that the person who tells the most compelling story wins. Not who has the best idea, or the right answer. Just whoever tells a story that catches people's attention and gets them to nod their heads.

How Sneakerheads Ruined Online Shopping

Casey Taylor, Vox

How shopping for everything from in-demand sneakers to Funko Pop! figures got so competitive.

The Stock Market Pendulum: What Time Is It?

Jon, Novel Investor

The key to the pendulum analogy is to be aware of the risks and behavior that come with stock market extremes and that those excesses revert.

Now THAT Was A Bubble

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Japan was the bubble that defines all bubbles.

"A Certain Degree Of Eco-Dictatorship"

Climateer, Climateer Investing

A very clear-eyed analysis by Deutsche Bank's automotive, climate policy, energy, transportation and German manufacturing analyst, Eric Heymann.
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