
How Guaranteed Income For Kids Has Arrived In America

Natalie Foster, The Hill

The CTC found political will in a moment of a global crisis. Let's make sure we learn some important lessons from COVID-19 and be better prepared for what comes next.

Growing Political Roadblock to Biden Spending

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

As the debacle in Afghanistan consumes the Biden administration, Wall Street is keeping a closer eye on another debacle.

Cutoff of Jobless Benefits Found to Get Few Back to Work

Ben Casselman, NYT

Prematurely ending federal programs had little effect on employment but sharply cut spending, potentially hurting state economies, researchers say.

If Demography Is Truly Destiny, "Help Wanted" Is Here to Stay

Kim Iskyan, AC

A fixture of pandemic America is the "Help Wanted" sign. Why are jobs available months after openings were as scarce as atheists at church?

Does the Economy Need Another $480 Billion In Stimulus?

Julia Horowitz, CNN

The Federal Reserve is buying $120 billion in bonds per month, part of a package of emergency measures to prop up the US economy during the pandemic. But as activity returns to normal, is that level of support necessary?

Trillions In Corp. Savings Mock 'Money Multiplier' Theory

John Tamny, Forbes

If money were in a constant state of evisceration due to savings, no one would use it in the first place. And there would certainly be no savings.

Afghanistan a Sad Symptom of a Gov't With Too Much Money

Rob Smith, RCM

It was a night time firefight. In the jungle. Vietnam. The morning sunlight exposed the carnage from the night's horror. The dead and blown up body parts lay scattered around the encampment. Ken walked over to a dead "gook" and rummaged through his pockets looking for souvenirs. It might sound ghoulish, but as Ken said "that's just what we did." His 9-year-old kid brother was often the recipient of Ken's souvenirs. Ken had been in college, but dropped out to join the Marines so he could serve his country in Vietnam. His father Marston and his three brothers had all suited up and were shipped...

Biden Eviction Stance Reveals Tragic Constitutional Disdain

Kim Herman, RCM

One night while we were sleeping, America lost its Constitution. That's not such an unrealistic scenario, and it can happen without gunfire or marches in the streets. In fact, with very little drama, it may be occurring at this moment. By itself, the U.S. Constitution is merely a collection of words. Only citizens who cherish liberty give the document real meaning, and if they remain silent when it's under threat - as it surely is at this hour - our rights and freedoms become imperiled.

Don't Let Summertime Blues Cloud Investing Decisions

Market Minder, Fisher Inv

Sentiment surveys don't tell you much about stocks' future direction.

C-19 Is Sticking Around, the U.S. Should Plan Accordingly

Noah Millman, Week

How to end a pandemic when the virus never goes away

What Dave Ramsey Gets Wrong About Retirement

Christy Bieber, The Motley Fool

Financial guru Dave Ramsey's got some great advice about paying back debt. But his advice about retirement planning leaves a lot to be desired.

Clash of the Titans: Wind Power vs Coal Power

Geoffrey Pohanka, RealClearEnergy

The headlines are clear: renewable energy is on the rise as a source of electricity for America and coal power is headed for the door. President Biden has set a goal 30,000MW of offshore wind by 2030

The Next Market Phase

Liz Ann Sonders & Jeffrey Kleintop & Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The U.S. economy appears to be shifting from recovery mode to a new, more-mature expansion phase.

The Most Popular Outdoor Sights In America

Various & Various Articles, Outdoorsy

Among NPS's historically significant sites, national historical parks and national memorials were most visited in 2020. Here are the top 15!

The Pandemic's Financial Impact on Children

Anu Gaggar, Commonwealth Financial

A study suggests that, due to the pandemic, children may grow up financially worse off than their parents. Commonwealth's Anu Gaggar reviews the data.

Should I Worry About Inflation?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

We can't control inflation or know what it will be in the future, but we can be smart about how we prepare.

Should the Fed Issue a Digital Currency?

Paul Kupiec, American Enterprise Institute

Residential Construction: Still a Supply Side Story

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

New Data Hints At Peaking US Inflation Trend

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Yesterday's July report on US consumer inflation suggested that the recent surge in pricing pressure may be peaking. That's also the message in revised data for CapitalSpectator.com's Inflation Trend Index (ITI).

179 Reasons You Needn't Panic About Inflation

Josh Bivens, New York Times

These charts break down the data behind the headline numbers.

How to Choose a Great Dividend Income ETF

Daniel Sotiroff, Morningstar

Use caution when chasing yield.

China Is No Home For Innovation

Allison Schrager, City Journal

Why China will never have the world's preeminent economy.

Vaccine Mandates Meet America's Worker Shortage

Chris Isidore, CNN Business

At Kevin Smith's home health care agency in Massachusetts, only 52% of his 400 staff members have been vaccinated. He'd like to order them all to get the shot, but he says he can't risk a mass exodus.

How Nixon Made The World Safe For Cryptocurrency

Larry Elliott, The Guardian

The decision has led to volatile financial markets, geopolitical tension and inflated asset prices

How Apple Took on Georgia And Won

Emily Birnbaum, Politico

Poorly resourced state governments are no match for the lobbying firepower of Apple, the most valuable company in the world.

Why Tontines Should Be Part of the Retirement Solution

Jasmin Sethi, MStar

Old-fashioned tontines are a modern option to cut fees and manage retirement money.

Afghanistan, Regime Changes & Debt

Jamie Catherwood, Investor Amnesia

The politics of debt.

How Dollar Stores Scam Poor Americans

Andrew Paul, The A.V. Club

Surprise—the too-good-to-be-true store is exactly that

5 Superior High-Quality Funds

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These Morningstar Medalists have a significant portion of their assets tucked in wide-moat stocks.

Apple's Double Agent

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai, Motherboard

He spent years inside the iPhone leaks and jailbreak community. He was also spying for Apple.

Inflation vs. Wages

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

So who wins — corporations or labor? That is the billion-dollar question.

Bubble Signs: Stock Issuance

Asset Allocation Team, GMO

Stock issuance in 2021 is setting a new record, blowing away the last high set in the run-up to the Tech Bubble. This is a dubious item to celebrate, if history is any guide.

Plastic, Perfected

Ronald Bailey, Reason

Researchers have developed a promising and "infinitely recyclable" plastic called polydiketoenamine.
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