
How Harley Went From Trump's Favorite Motorbike to Pariah

Seth Stevenson, Slate

The once-favored ride of stunt performers, tattooed boomers, and cinephiles is now on a road to nowhere.

Our Love of Pick-Up Trucks May Be Derailing Retirement

Ben Carlson, MarketWatch

There were 13.2 million new pickups sold from 2013 to 2019 in the U.S., with monthly payments of as much as $1,300 for each. That money could be better spent on 401(k) or IRA payments

Are Your Retirement Savings In Govt Crosshairs?

Kim Iskyan, American Consequences

America’s national debt has soared more than $4 trillion this year alone… It now totals $26.7 trillion. That’s $81,000 for every man, woman, and child. It’s around the value of every residential dwelling in the country. It’s about 130 of Jeff Bezos’ fortunes. It’s an astronomically large figure… And it could be paid off tomorrow if the U.S. government raided one of the biggest pools of capital on earth… one that partly belongs to you.

Even In Low-Rate World, Emergency Cash Is Very Important

Market Minder, Fisher

Low interest rates may reduce the appeal of savings accounts, but a right-sized emergency fund is still important.

Economic Inequality Costs the Average Person $42,000/Yr.

Richard Kirsch, The Hill

Policies to give a big chunk of that back are on the ballot this November.

Do New York Times Headline Writers Believe Their Headlines?

John Tamny, RCM

Café Phillip is a sandwich shop on the SE side of K Street in Washington, D.C. Call this the historically unfashionable K Street versus K Street NW where the major lobbying shops have historically located. Until March of 2020, Café Phillip was booming. Staffed with energetic and highly professional immigrant employees, it did huge business in a part of D.C. that was increasingly filling up with office workers and residents. Then came the political panic related to the coronavirus. Even though there were no indications from the virus’s origin, or Asia more...

A Moral Case for Reopening the Schools, Without Masks

John Tierney, City Journal

Achieving herd immunity in this pandemic should be society's goal right now.

American Polyannas Are In Denial About the Coronavirus

Jeva Lange, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

The Problem w/'Aristocracy of Pull'

Art Carden, American Institute for Economic Research

At first glance, a lot of the social problems and resource waste emerging from government intervention seem pretty easy to fix: the government should just stop doing whatever it is doing that is creating the problems and the waste. The stubborn persistence of institutions and organizations that keep societies poor is a vexing problem for social scientists. In Political Capitalism, the economist Randall Holcombe takes on this problem by analyzing “political capitalism” as a distinct economic system with its own logic and features rather than as some kind of midpoint between...

Trump and His Allies Poison Well with Big Tech Disinformation

Oliver Darcy, CNN

It's been clear for years that tech platforms needed to get their houses in order ahead of the 2020 election.

Beyond TikTok Deal, Walmart Aims to Transform

Michael Corkery, The New York Times

Away from the political drama of the TikTok deal, Walmart has been taking steps that are already changing the company and, by extension, the broader retail sector.

Normalized Trade with China Haunts Us 20 Years Later

Michael Stumo, Duluth News

This month marks 20 years since the U.S. Senate voted to approve "normalized" trade with China. It was a mistake that now threatens to help position China as the world's superpower.

Covid-19: Facts vs. Phobia

Richard Salsman, InterMarket Forecasting Inc.

Will Biden v. Trump Sink Stock Market?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

The Long Slog Recovery?

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Existing Home Sales: Not Buying Headline Hype

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Thursday's Jobless Claims Is the Number to Watch

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Investors Should Fasten Their Seat Belts for Year End

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Thoughts On Retail Sales and Industrial Production

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Contrary to what headlines portray, we don't think these data reflect a teetering economic recovery.

Why The September Selloff Has Contrarians Bullish

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Contrarian-minded investors are bullish about short-term market-timers' growing bearishness

Is Tesla's Stock Price Crazy or Just Plain Nuts?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Placing the company's valuation into historical context.

History Says Stocks Perform Better Under Dems

Matt Egan & CNN Business, CNN

President Donald Trump has warned of economic and financial Armageddon if Joe Biden and the Democrats retake the White House next year. But history paints a very different story.

Top Twenty Lessons I've Learned In 2020

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

This year has been a shocker in more ways than one.

Are There 10 Million Fewer Jobless Than Thought?

Matthew C. Klein, Barrons.com

Processing backlogs and the way jobless claims are counted have likely inflated the number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits, writes Barron's economics commentator Matthew C. Klein. .

Trump's Spectacular Trade Failure

Anne Krueger, Project Syndicate

Since coming to office in early 2017, US President Donald Trump has assumed that America could secure better "deals" with trading partners around the world by negotiating with them bilaterally. But after three and a half years, the evidence is clear: US trade policy has achieved the opposite of Trump's stated goals.

The Ridiculous Profits From Re-Selling Dumbbells

Alex Abad-Santos, Vox

Dumbbells are impossibly expensive right now, thanks in large part to resellers taking advantage of a shortage.

The Story of Cheaper Batteries, Smart Phone to Tesla

Timothy Lee, ArsTechnica

The economics of cheaper batteriesâ?"and why they're good news for the planet.

Your Retirement Probably Won't Be Anything Like Your Parents'

Brett Arends, MW

The numbers were looking dismal â?Â" even before the coronavirus

American Job Centers Are Important to the U.S. Recovery

John Pallasch, The Hill

COVID-19 has presented us with many challenges. To meet them, we must rethink how we put America back to work. For the Department of Labor, that means fostering a One Workforce strategy.

California Keeps Moving Re-opening Goalposts

Jim Desmond, Washington Examiner

Every day, tens of thousands of people safely shop at big box retail and grocery stores where respectful San Diego shoppers obey the mask, social distancing, and sanitation protocols. Churches, museums, restaurants, and the zoo are now open, but to a limited 25% capacity. Legoland, street fairs, and wedding venues have yet to open, whereas liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries operate unabated.

Xi Jinping Wants Private Companies to Fight Along With the CCP

Laura He, CNN

President Xi Jinping has sent a message to China's private businesses: You can make money, but only if you follow my rules.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

No Paradigm Has Shifted. Value Is Just Fine Folks.

Drew Dickson, Drew's Views

Was value just a "hot hand" thing?

A Few Rules

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Just a few short rules about the way the world works.

Where Schools Have Opened, It's Mostly Good News

Rob Soave, Reason

In communities where young kids returned to classes, it's mostly good news.

Why Walmart Thinks TikTok Is The Future of Its Business

Jason Del Rey, Vox

The brick-and-mortar retailer is trying to invent a digital future where it's a leader of Amazon rather than a follower.

Are Nasdaq Stocks Really Overvalued?

James Gard, Morningstar

The tech-focused index has hit record highs this year before a rough patch in September. How are its biggest companies valued after recent volatility?

Why the Return from Dividends Matters

Eddy Elfenbein, Crossing Wall Str/eet

Dividends matter. A lot.

Gangster Capitalism

Danny Crichton, TechCrunch

It used to be easy to tell the American and Chinese economies apart. No longer.
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