
How I Survived a Year In a Weird and Empty Manhattan

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

A year ago, virtually all of the nearly 4 million people who swamp Manhattan below 60th Street each day deserted the central city â?" except me.

How the U.S. Got It (Mostly) Right in the Economy's Rescue

Ben Casselman, NYT

Though the recession has been painful, policymakers cushioned the pandemic's blow and opened the way to recovery.

A Growing Admission That the Lockdowns Were Disastrous

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

President Biden made a statement last week that Americans might be able to gather in small groups by July 4, to celebrate Independence Day. One wonders who is protecting him from the reality: most of the country is almost entirely back to normal.

The Barbecue Has Already Started, Mr. Biden

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Investments

Markets continue to move based on the expectation of a post-virus boom. At least that is the dominant narrative right now. The economy, boosted by another round of stimulus, will surge once the vir?

The PRO Act Would Resuscitate a Dead Middle Class In U.S.

Todd Vachon, The Hill

The middle class was built on a foundation of worker voice and prosperity, and it has withered and died in their absence. It's way past time to modify our outdated labor laws. The PRO Act would give American workers a fighting chance to earn a decent living.

Contra Nicholas Kristof, Presidential Ink Will Never End Poverty

John Tamny, RCM

Nicholas Kristof is elated. Of course, there lies the problem with elation found in the overly emotional. It's not always grounded in reality. To see why, consider what has the New York Times columnist overjoyed. It's the $1.9 trillion so-called "American Rescue Plan" that President Biden has signed into law. It seems Ktistof thinks "this time is different." The spending will apparently be transformative. In Kristof's words, "one of the great moral stains on the United States" is that there's child poverty in the world's richest country. Supposedly Biden's signature will "scrub at that...

Who Has Really Benefited from Mkt. Boom?

Jessica Menton & George Petras, USA Today

While some Americans have seen the value of their stock holdings soar, millions of low-income or unemployed people have missed the market boom.

A Case For This Market As Riskiest In a Century

Dan Ferris, American Consequences

March 15, 2021 - Today, we're sharing my (Dan Ferris) feature story from the latest American Consequences magazine. The current stock market environment is so volatile, I'm sounding a bearish alarm.

Let's Not Pretend the $1.9T Is Targeted at Coronavirus

Luke Hogg, RealClearMarkets

As Congress sends the latest COVID-19 "stimulus" package to the White House for President Biden's signature, the furious and unprecedented pace at which Congress continues to...

We On the Left Should Know Thomas Sowell

Thomas Chatterton Williams, Law & Liberty

As a conscientious liberal, Sowell leaves you with a nagging question: Why haven't you or anyone you know grappled with his work?

Missing From EdTech Discussion: Any Kind of Purpose

Roger James Hamilton, RCM

Educational technology, or edtech, is now a $10 billion global industry. It's in every classroom whether physical or virtual. But gone missing from the conversation around the proliferation of edtech companies in the U.S. and around the world is a discussion of the philosophy of education. While billions of dollars are pouring into edtech companies and new technologies are delivering and creating content in creative new ways, there does not appear to be any meaningful discussion about what education's aim should be in a world that has changed and is changing dramatically. We are now in the...

Boston: Silicon Valley of Longevity?

Joseph Coughlin & Luke Yoquinto, The Boston Globe

An older population can serve as the hub for a new kind of innovation cluster.

Data This Week Could Be More Noise Than Signal

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Final Four Factors For the Stock Market In 2021

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial

In Weekly Market Commentary, LPL Research share their "Final Four Factors" for the stock market in 2021. Read more.

Is Great Inflation Lifting Inflation Expectations?

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

Is Stock Market Disconnected From the Economy?

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

Examining performance trends over the past year reveals a nuanced relationship.

Bond Yield Spike Denting Euphoric Sentiment

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

Sentiment has been a problem; higher yields was the catalyst for a bit of a reset.

Corporate Bonds: Is a "Zombie" Apocalypse Coming?

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

With interest rates rising, "zombie companies" may have to refinance debt at higher rates.

Feb. CPI: Faster Inflation Coming, But Is It Staying?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Coronavirus Killed Gospel of Small Government

Zachary Carter, New York Times

The crisis showed, once and for all, that things fall apart when the government steps aside.

The CDC Fights Common Sense

Paul Alexander, American Institute for Economic Research

The death of Common Sense begins with the words initiated by the morass of Bureaucracy couched in safety and security. Indeed, and according to past President Ronald Reagan, the most frightening words to hear in the English language are para ‘We're here from the government and we're here to help you!' The underpinnings of such beginnings appear benign and with benign neglect the malignancy storms through, metastasizing arboreally through the veins of the entire system. The world is seeing such a death these days.

Why Congress Should Protect Integrity of Regulatory Analysis

Randall Lutter, NRO

Congress should act to protect the impartiality of federal agencies' economic analyses of regulations.

Infrastructure Spending Will Rebuild Middle Class

Bobby Jindal, Washington Examiner

The last year has been undeniably challenging for communities across the United States, leaving families and businesses reeling from an unprecedented one-two punch of health and economic hardships. Add to that the recent widespread power and drinking water failures that affected millions of people in the midst of extreme winter weather, and it is clear why a transformative investment in infrastructure should be a top priority for members of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats, in the months ahead.

Jack Ma Cris-Crossed Much of China Amid His Silence

Noah Manskar, New York Post

Jack Ma's clash with Beijing may have pushed him out of the public spotlight â?" but it didn't stop him from taking to the skies. The...

The Rise of WallStreetBets & the Retail Investor

Trish Regan, American Consequences

In the wake of GameStop, it's clear that millennial investors have more in common with hedge fund managers than they'll like to admit.

A Strong Female Workforce Presence Benefits Everyone

Teresa Tanner, USA Today

OPINION 5 ways companies need to step up to help keep women in the workforce — to benefit everyone A strong female presence benefits all employees. Companies need to think creatively to stop women from leaving and to create a more diverse workforce. Teresa Tanner Opinion contributor 0:42 1:42 A senior leader walked into my office after returning from maternity leave with her third child and said she was quitting. It was too much, she told me. Work and family were at conflict, and family was going to win. It was a story I had heard over and over as a...

Semi-Annual Time Changes: Pointless, Empty Ritual

Allison Schrager, Business Insider

This Sunday, March 14, we will all take part in a pointless, disruptive, and expensive annual ritual. We (unless you live in Arizona, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, or most other countries in the world) will set our clocks forward one hour and move from Standard Time (ST) to Day Light Saving Time (DST).

The Federal Gov't Has Forgotten Power of Compound Interest

Joseph Minarik, Hill

This nation and its elected leaders must tackle the deficit.

Warren Wealth Tax Fails as Tax Generator, Fairness Too

Sukhayl Niyazov, City Journal

It fails as a revenue generator and as a tool to deliver fairness.

Biden's Bill Could Lift Millions of Kids Out of Poverty

Andrew Keshner, MarketWatch

President Joe Biden said he?ll sign the bill on Friday

All Else Is Equal (& oh by the way Weighted) In the Market

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Being A Passive Investor Has Never Been So Risky

Bryce Coward, KLC

The risks of passive investing may now exceed the low cost advantage.

The Annual Cost of Days Off For Federal Workers

Adam Andrzejewski, RealClearPolicy

It sure does pay to be a federal employee. Literally. Federal employees working for longer than three years, on average, are given 43 paid days off: 10 federal holidays, 13 sick days, and 20 vacation...

The World Just Moved Closer to A Real Working Warp Drive

Tim Childers, PM

An astrophysicist has created a theoretical design of a warp drive that uses conventional physics.

Can't Stop Selling Gamestop Vol

Harris Kupperman, Adventures In Capitalism

Implied volatility on Gamestop is off the charts.

Peter Thiel Is Making Another Big Political Bet

Theodore Schleifer, Vox

The billionaire investor is putting $10 million behind the author of Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance.

The Alt-Currency Martyr

Brian Doherty, Reason.com

Before the feds feared bitcoin, they feared e-gold.

Science Goes Rogue

Lawrence M. Krauss, Quillette

Social justice activists have been arguing for some time that scientific societies and institutions need to address systemic sexism and racism in STEM disciplines. However, their rationale is often anything but scientific.
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