
How the Robinhood Era Is Changing Investing

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

When investor communities, not institutions, drive security pricing.

Michael Dell's Deal Of The Century

Antoine Gara, Forbes

After years battling Silicon Valley skeptics and Wall Street adversaries, Michael Dell has pulled off the deal of the century, borrowing and flipping his way to a $50 billion fortune.

Even Hollywood Is Decamping For Texas

James Hibberd, The Hollywood Reporter

As stars like Stephen Amell and Zachary Levi flock to the Texas capital, median home prices have risen a stunning 43 percent in one year in the "cool," "friendly" city: "I've just been waiting for the secret to get out," says Matthew McConaughey.

The Pandemic Business Boom

Annie Lowrey, The Atlantic

COVID-19 killed countless businesses. Surprisingly, it also launched a whole bunch of new ones.

Apple Can't Protect Your Privacy. But You Can.

Firmin DeBrabander, LA Times

Consumer are at risk if they think Apple's privacy promises can truly secure their data and devices.

A New Venture Capital Playbook?

Michael Johnston, Evergreen Gavekal

Will US venture capital firms adopt the European model?

Trading Cards Are Big Business Now. Blame the Adults.

Luke Winkie, Vox

Pokémon cards, baseball cards, even Magic: The Gathering cards can all be worth thousands.

How California's Megadrought Is Affecting Food Prices

Thor Benson, Gizmodo

California's multibillion-dollar agriculture industry is in serious trouble due to the drought. And you'll be paying for it at the grocery store.

Zomato: What A Modern Tech Company Is...And Isn't

Vijay Govindarajan, HBR

Six qualities that define a modern tech business.

Can You Change The Way You Feel About Money?

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

CNBC recently highlighted a survey that asked a group of Americans how much money they need to feel financially secure.The average answer was a little more than half a million dollars.Acco

How & Why We Reported the Secret IRS Files

ProPublica, ProPublica

The ProPublica journalists who obtained the secret tax documents of thousands of America's richest people share how they conceived of their stories, what readers should understand about the tax system and where they're taking these stories next.

Must We Suffer The Woke Children Of H&M?

Bruce Bawer, City Journal

A woke corporate ad campaign shows that there are many ways to exploit the young.

Is China's Bear Market an Opportunity?

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

China's recent stock market pullback has been in line with the average annual drawdown; historically, this volatility has tended to produce double-digit annualized gains.

China ADRs: Not (Yet) At Risk From Clampdow

Thomas Kirchner, Camelot Portfolios

Lower Skilled Workers: Bolder, or Scarcer?

Allison Schrager, Economics21

Where does the salary power reside?

Tough for Equities, August Good for Fixed Income

Lawrence Gillum, LPL Financial

Most investors are aware that seasonal patterns exist in equities, but they may not be as familiar with the seasonal patterns in fixed income markets. As pointed out in the LPL Research Market Blog on Monday, August 2, stocks have historically been relatively weak in August and September. This temporary increase in equity volatility is tough for equity investors, but can core fixed income investors glean anything from a traditionally volatile period for equity markets? Because of the seasonal patterns in the equity markets, changing investor risk sentiment in August could make core bonds more...

Schwab Sector Views: Drilling Down on Energy

David Kastner, Charles Schwab

We recently downgraded our rating on the Energy sector. Here's why.

The Seeds of Stagflation

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

'All Weather' Is More 'All Weather' Now

Jeff Erber, Grey Owl Capital Management

Dear Chairman Powell....

Joe Manchin, Senator Joe Manchin

The Official U.S. Senate website of Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia

This Is the Job Market We've Been Waiting For

Neil Irwin, New York Times

The new monthly numbers show job growth not seen in recoveries from the previous three recessions.

Jobs Report Not as Impressive as Headline Suggests

Robert Hughes, AIER

Payrolls posted a strong gain in July though details were not as strong as the headline suggests. The overall outlook is tilted to the upside, but challenges remain, and risks are growing.

No, This Isn't Another Housing Bubble

Dana Peterson, CNN Business

Basic supply and demand factors — not speculation, predatory lending and/or bad underwriting — are driving home prices.

What Is Direct Indexing? Pros And Cons

Karen Wallace, Morningstar

We take a look at the pros and cons of this investing strategy.

Who Benefits Most From Our EV Push?

Bryce Coward, Knowledge Leaders

You really probably ought to own a copper miner or two.

He Uncovered A Fraud But SEC Won't Pay Reward

Leah McGrath Goodman, II

After reaping more than $50 million from a sprawling fraud uncovered by Eugene Ross, the SEC has handed down a final order denying him any award.

4 Very Undervalued Wide-Moat China Stocks

Jakir Hossain, Morningstar

A regulatory crackdown has left some big names at cheap prices.

No, Our Highways and Bridges Are Not Crumbling

Robert Krol, Reason

Washington isn't helping, so let states take the lead.

Why Not Go for Broke in Cryptoland?

David Segal, New York Times

Some hype coins mint instant millionaires. Others go bust. Why not take a chance?

All In: How Gambling Swallowed Sports Media

Danny Funt, CJR

How gambling swallowed sports media

The Chip Shortage Is Getting Worse

Rebecca Heilweil, Vox

The semiconductor supply crunch came for cars and phones. Now consumers are facing higher prices.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Five Minutes A Thief: Crime In Newsom's California

Erica Sandberg, City Journal

In Gavin Newsom's California, crime is too easy.

Annuities, Once More, With Feeling

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

It is rare when it makes sense to buy a variable annuity.

Other People's Mistakes

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

"It is easier to recognize other people's mistakes than our own."

An Action Plan for Long-Term Care

Christine Benz, Morningstar

Many people put off creating a long-term-care plan. This step-by-step guide can help you get over inertia, dread, or both.

August Jobs Day Bearish Last 20 Years

Jeff Hirsch, Almanac Trader

August Jobs Day Bearish Last 20 Years

Let's Get Back To Normal

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

This is the new normal.

Are Central Banks to Blame for Rising Inequality?

Kenneth Rogoff, PS

The view that central-bank interest-rate policy can and should be the main driving force behind greater income equality is stupefyingly naive, no matter how often it is stated. Central banks can do more to address the inequality problem, but they cannot do everything.
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