
How to Protect Yourself Now From Any Biden Tax Changes

William Baldwin, Forbes

If the Democrats get both the White House and the Senate, you will have scarcely a month to make some important moves.

Trump Issues New, Empty Econ. Threat To China

Bruce Yandle, Washington Examiner

On Friday, President Trump added another page to his ongoing "gatekeeper capitalism" story. Once again, China is the target, and once again, Trump is threatening to close the door to the flow of its imports, unless they shape up. He indicated that we don't have to do business with China. But there is a bit more to the story.

Don't Fall Prey to Dollar Gloom. Markets Have Priced In the Risk

Ken Fisher, RCM

The dollar knows! So say the many pundits now calling the dollar’s recent slide a canary in the coalmine for America’s economy and stocks. That’s really stupid. But, they claim the S&P 500 surged to record highs with blinders on, ignoring the economy, soaring deficits, COVID containment struggles and more. But the dollar is properly weighing these risks, the story goes. And once stocks get wise, the party’s over. It’s an old story—and a tired one. History and simple logic show currency markets don’t predict stocks. To say currency markets...

One Strategy for Making Money In a Pandemic: Buy Big Macs

Matt Egan, CNN

Americans are stressed like never before. They're juggling work-from-home while taking care of children. They're worried about the pandemic. And they fear for their jobs.

Nihilism Is Just as Dangerous to the Markets As Post-Modernism

Seth Levine, TII

Some of the Most Costly 401(k) Mistakes You Can Make

Kailey Hagen, Motley Fool

401(k)s are one of the most popular types of retirement accounts, but despite their widespread usage, people still make a lot of mistakes with them. You may not realize you're making some of them and others may not seem like a big deal at the time, but this is your life savings you're talking about. It's not something you can afford to take chances with. You owe it to yourself to avoid the following five mistakes.

The Empty Argument About Trump As Friend of Working Man

Eric Levitz, New York

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley argues that Joe Biden represents "the revenge of the elites,"after four years of President Trump upsetting the status quo on Wall Street?in favor of working people." He cites no evidence for this claim.

'Work Sharing': A Really Bad Idea That Just Won't Die

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

The U.S. would be quite a bit more prosperous if policymakers understood a few basic things. Up top would be a grasping of the simple truth that money isn’t wealth; rather it’s a measure that serves no purpose other than as a medium to facilitate the exchange of actual wealth, and also store it. Progress springs from this. Major progress. When we can easily exchange the fruits of our labor, we can logically specialize. And when we’re specialized in our work, we’re much more productive. Our productivity means we don’t have to consume all the fruits of work such...

Why the USPS Is a Vital Part of the U.S. Healthcare System

Susan Cantrell, The Hill

The deliberate slowdown of the USPS raises serious concerns about timely medication access, which could lead to negative health outcomes â?" especially for our most vulnerable.

The Biggest Oil Discovery Of the Year Could Happen Here

Sam Kennedy, OilPrice

A new oil frontier is opening up in Africa, where exploration companies are reporting increasingly bigger finds in a time that global oil markets need them the most

Greenland's 'Melting Ice Sheet': Why There's Little to Fear

Editors, Issues & Insights

Yet again there's story behind the latest tale telling us to be afraid of global warming.

With the Virus, Neither Gov't Nor Science Can Remove Risk

Allison Schrager, CJ

Can we trust our fellow citizens to weigh the consequences of their actions?

Largest Decline In 30 Years for New York Real Estate

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Fed to Lean Moderately Dovish

Steve Englander, Standard Chartered Bank

Bond Real Yields: What's Happening Beneath Surface

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

Real yields have dropped into negative territory as inflation expectations rise.

5 Charts To See With Stocks At New Highs

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog "Better late than never." It took a while, but the S&P 500 Index finally made a new all-time high, coming all the way back from the vicious 34% bear market in less than six months.?

Home Sales: Best Ever, But Still Not Good?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Residential Construction: Supply Still the Issue

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

ERISA and ESG Investing

Bernard Sharfman, The FinReg Blog

Cryptoconvert: Getting By In a Time of Electro-payments

Michael Del Castillo, Forbes

When printing paper money is your core business, hyper-inflation is your best friend and digital transactions are your worst enemy. How Germany's Giesecke & Devrient has learned to thrive in a low inflation, electronic payments world.

No Way, Charity Cannot Save the United States Postal Service

Ellen Aprill, The Hill

We cannot look to philanthropy for deliverance here. In terms of authority, that is a letter only Congress may postmark.

Elderly Should Be Anti-Lockdown

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

It’s happened to quite a number of us. We write against the lockdowns for all the incredible economic, psychological, and institutional carnage they have caused, and how they have shattered our expectations of our rights and freedoms, and our presumptions about what government has the power to do to us.

Reviewing Joe Biden's Vision for Taxation

Garrett Watson & Erica York, Tax Foundation

Biden's tax vision: higher taxes on high-income earners and businesses paired with more generous provisions for specific activities and households.

CA's Attack On Gig Economy Musn't Go National

Charles Sauer, Washington Examiner

While the gig economy helps entrepreneurs around the country pursue their dreams, California is enforcing rules that will crush this innovative movement. The move takes away the people's freedom to decide how they would like to pay their bills, live their lives, and pursue their dreams.

EV Makers Find a Back Door to Wall Street

Kate Kelly & Neal Boudette, New York Times

Special purpose acquisition companies, or SPACs, are helping them and other fledgling companies raise money and gain coveted stock listings.

Energy Solutions Smarter Than Awful 'Green New Deal'

James Meigs, New York Post

While wind and solar are making growing contributions to our energy mix, there are huge obstacles to them becoming our primary sources of electric power.

Financial Repression Revisited?

Anne Krueger, Project Syndicate

Although massive current spending in response to the COVID-19 pandemic seems justified, policymakers will have to address the mounting public debt once the crisis has passed. Policymakers will be strongly tempted to impose an interest-rate ceiling on financial institutions, but conditional tax increases would be preferable.

The Forgotten $1 Trillion Supporting the Economy

Tim Duy, MSN

The key provisions of the CARES Act have mostly expired, but they have given a big boost to consumer savings.

Another Stimulus Check Isn't Enough

Michael Tubbs & Melvin Carter, CNN

For millions of Americans, the initial stimulus checks provided through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which allotted $1,200 per adult and $500 per child for households under a certain income threshold, lasted only a few weeks.

The Go Fund Me Economy Was Never Going To Work

Annie Lowrey, The Atlantic

Trying to replace government with personal initiative requires an impossible amount of energy.

It's Not the 2008 Recession All Over Again

Preston Caldwell & Eric Compton, Morningstar

Risks are far lower than during the last U.S. financial crisis, despite COVID-19's impact.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Amazing Solution For Almost Nothing

Jesse Frederik, The Correspondent

Blockchain technology is going to change everything: the shipping industry, the financial system, government … in fact, what won’t it change? But enthusiasm for it mainly stems from a lack of knowledge and understanding. The blockchain is a solution in search of a problem.

The Back To Normal Index: Still A Long Way To Go

Mark Zandi, CNN Business

How far from normal is the US economy? And how much progress are we making toward whatever "normal" will mean in the future? These are tough questions, but CNN Business and Moody's Analytics have teamed up with a new Back-to-Normal Index to take a crack at answering them with regard to the economy.

Jerry Seinfeld's New York Patriotism

Kyle Smith, National Review

The city will bounce back, but will it ever be the same?

Maybe Mom & Pop Aren't The Dumb Money

Jason Goepfert, SentimenTrader

Mom & pop sell while newsletters tell them to buy

The Crowding-Out Myth

Robert Skidelsky, Project Syndicate

The argument that public investment invariably "crowds out" private capital is wrong both theoretically and empirically. States have always played a leading role in allocating capital, either through direct investments, or by deliberately encouraging certain types of private investment.

The Great Dumbbell Shortage

Alex Abad-Santos, Vox

We're talking exercise equipment not people.

Opportunism, Thy Name Is Zuckerberg

Shoshana Wodinsky, Gizmodo

Despite being at the center of at least one massive antitrust probe while fielding regulatory pressure from right- and left-leaning pundits alike, Facebook's spent the last few months doing a whole lot of nothing to tweak the monopolistic business practices that landed it in hot water with regulators in the first place. Instead, its strategy is (and has been) to point fingers at any passing distraction.
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