
I Used to Be For a 100% Lockdown. My Thinking Has Changed

Marty Makary, NYT

Months ago, I called for a long lockdown. Now we must minimize collateral damage.

Millions of Experiments Needed

Raymond Niles, American Institute for Economic Research

Why No Oil Bailout Is Worth the Green New Deal

Kevin Williamson, National Review

'Stop trying to help us,' the industry says.

Dems Nix Anti-Recession Policy That Would Aid Many

Eric Levitz, New York Magazine

Nancy Pelosi removed automatic stabilizers from the Democrats' new $3 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill out of fear that the policy would have made the legislation look too expensive. That's foolishness.

Demand a 'Liability Shield' Ahead of Any New Spending

Brian Brenberg, Fox News

Businesses need protection in order to reopen their doors, rehire employees and lead America into economic recovery.

Endless Economic Truths in ESPN's Excellent 'The Last Dance'

John Tamny, RCM

The great Austrian thinker Ludwig von Mises always rejected the idea that economics was "the dismal science." What about the study of human action and progress could possibly be...

The Paycheck Protection Programs Hurts More Than It Helps

Sean Higgins, The Hill

Yes, businesses are applying for loans en masse. They're desperate to survive and a drowning person will likely clutch at anything thrown their way. That doesn't mean that the life preservers being tossed at them are the best. The 75 percent provision was excessive, #Neverneeded and should be rolled back.

Covid Jobs Program: Int with Mark Cuban

Jimmy Sengenberger, Jimmy at the Crossroads

Govt Is Providing Insurance Today, Not Socialism Tomorrow

Allison Schrager, NW

We must not let emergency coronavirus policies turn into socialism.

Bezos Could Become First Trillionaire, and Some Are Mad

Brett Molina, USA Today

The Price of the U.S. Dollar is Ultimately Our Problem

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

Why EM Countries In Better Shape Than Headlines Suggest

Austin Fraser, Fisher

Most Emerging Markets are in much better shape than headlines suggest.

How Can Oil Actually Go Negative?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Valuation Investing During Financial Crises, Recoveries

John Holt, Applied Finance

Over the past 25 years, Applied Finance has studied market patterns and trends using millions of Valuations. The firm's live database goes back to 1998, with further data starting from the early 1990's. The two [...more]

Roth vs. IRAs: Which Is Right for Your Retirement?

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

Important distinctions exist between traditional and Roth IRAs, including eligibility and contribution limits. Here's a guide to help you decide what's best for you.

S&P 3,100, DJIA 27,570

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Forget About the Shape, Try to Define 'Recovery'

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Helping You to Make Sense of Your Tax Refund

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Was your tax refund smaller than in previous years? Did you owe more than usual? Here's why.

Years of Progress Erased In a Single Month

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Trader Who Shook Global Markets From His Bedroom

Liam Vaughan, BBW

A new book reveals fresh details about the man authorities blamed for the Flash Crash that erased $1 trillion of value in a matter of minutes.

Creativity Flourishes, Even Amid a Pandemic

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

Marveling at people's endless ability to love, connect, and create.

Inside The Covid Vaccine Fast Track

Brooke Jarvis, Wired

The very first vaccine candidate entered human trials—and Neal Browning’s arm—on March 16. Behind the scenes at Moderna and the beginning of an unprecedented global sprint.

Tesla's Remarkable Profit Achievement

Chris Isidore, CNN Business

It hasn't received a lot of attention with all the Twitter wars and comments from CEO Elon Musk about Covid-19, but Tesla has become incredibly profitable.

Americans Click & New Online Shopping Winners Emerge

Nathaniel Popper, NYT

Online shopping surged after virus-related shutdowns. But even within the areas of rapid growth, the recent gains have not been spread evenly, new data shows.

Denial & Isolationism Is Not A Strategy

Richard N. Haass, Project Syndicate

If great power rivalries, and how well or poorly they were managed, shaped much of the history of the past few centuries, the current era is more likely to be defined by global challenges and how well or poorly the world addresses them. Above all, that requires avoiding false cures.

Get Ready For A Second Wave Of Economic Pain

Matthew Yglesias, Vox

If Congress doesn't act, state budget crises and unemployment insurance cuts will hammer the economy.

What Has Happened To Value Stocks?

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

They will rise again, but we just don't know when

Worker Protections That Should Be In Next Deal

Elizabeth Warren & Ro Khanna, CNN

We have to protect these workers who are protecting us, and we must act with urgency. That's why we have introduced a 10-point proposal that we're calling the Essential Workers Bill of Rights, and it should be included in the next relief package.

Why Musk's Civil Disobedience May Be Key to Econ Recovery

Dan Sanchez, FEE

PPP Loan Grift Shows Fight Against Greed Never Ends

Rep. Katie Porter, MSNBC

PPP loan grift is still happening. Congress must open the books â?Â" or corporate greed wins again.

Another Month of Lockdown Will Devastate NY Bus.

Betsy McCaughey, New York Post

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

A Truth That's Told With Bad Intent

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

A truth that’s told with bad intentBeats all the lies you can invent. William Blake (1757 – 1827)

Stock Market Keeping Score in the War Against the Virus

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

We are still in the midst of VWW-II, the second world war against the coronavirus. VWW-I occurred from 1918-19 as the world battled the Spa...

Cuomo's Wager

Sheldon Richman, Free Association

It’s time for the lockdown orders to be lifted, liberating society’s widespread entrepreneurial problem-solving process to do its thing.

Acceptable Flaws

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Life is a little easier if you expect a certain percentage of it to go wrong no matter how hard you try.

Projecting Coronavirus' Long-Run Economic Impact

Preston Caldwell, Morningstar

We've updated our near-term GDP forecast and look to previous recessions for longer-term guidance.

Tech Stocks Won't Lead Forever

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

A reader sent me an old piece I wrote in early-2014 that contained a stat that made me do a double-take: The energy sector outperformed the S&P 500 by nearly 7% per year with nearly the same standard deviation. This seems almost impossible to believe at the moment but it really happened.

The New Empty Argument Against Trade

Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg, Project Syndicate

To those already predisposed to favor domestic production over international trade, the COVID-19 pandemic seems like a case in point. Yet a closer look at the facts shows that, if anything, the current crisis offers powerful evidence of why we need global supply chains and widely distributed production.
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