
In Biden's America, It Is Better Not To Be Employed

Stephen Moore, New York Post

The latest flailing jobs report for August shows how President Joe Biden's ludicrous government spending is valuing the unemployed over working-class Americans.

Let's Honor True Spirit of Labor Day With a Union Revival

Jerome Karabel, NYT

The labor movement's often bloody struggle for human dignity is neglected in standard accounts of American history.

Actually, Workers Deserve Nat'l Right to Work Law

Mark Mix, Washington Examiner

The "right to work" principle is simple: No worker should be forced to join or pay dues to a union just to get or keep a job.

On Labor Day, Celebrating Workers, Unions, and Better Future

Ray Curry, Hill

Auto workers know what solidarity can achieve. Together, let's ensure the coming transitions bring opportunity, prosperity and a bright future for all of us.

Why the August Jobs Numbers Have Econ. Types Worried

Anneken Tappe, CNN

America's jobs recovery hit a major roadblock in August as the Delta variant threatened the labor market recovery, and the US economy added far fewer jobs than expected.

Market Says America is Recovering from Pandemic Economy

Jerry Bowyer, VF

Mr. Market is an idea popularized by Warren Buffett, which he learned about from his mentor, Benjamin Graham.

How to Build Well Diversified Investment Portfolio

Ken Fisher, Fisher Investments

Is your portfolio properly diversified? In this video, Ken Fisher examines the fundamentals of portfolio diversification and why it matters for your retireme...

Mr. Powell's Quest for Economic Stability Is Destabilizing

Richard Ebeling, AIER

"By trying to pursue their declared goals through the monetary and interest rate policy tools at their disposal, they are, in fact, continuing to imbalance and wrongly 'twist' the real economy in ways that will result in instability." ~ Richard M. Ebeling

Industrial Policy Mythology Confronts Econ. Reality

Samuel Gregg, Law & Liberty

What took the Asian Tigers from the status of economic backwaters to first-world economies was economic liberalization and trade openness.

American Needs More Corporate Diversity

Jessica Guynn & Jayme Fraser, USA Today

Sharp racial and gender disparities still persist in corporate America despite last year's diversity pledges following the murder of George Floyd.

Remembering Paul Harvey's Optimism, Wisdom & Sense

Lawrence Reed, FEE

A great man remembered.

Top Ten American Restaurants That Are No Longer With Us

John Tamny, Forbes

Restaurants that cause our mouths to water when discussed, but that are sadly no longer open.

Dividends by the Numbers in August 2021

Ironman, Political Calculations

August 2021 was another strong month for dividend paying firms in the U.S. stock market.

Fed Policy Supports The Cyclical Rotation

Bryce Coward, Knowledge Leaders

Today at the annual Jackson Hole Economic Symposium, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell reiterated that the Fed is in no hurry to either taper asset purchases immediately or aggressively.

Common-Sense Policy Reforms for California Housing

Lee Ohanian, Cato

A few ideas to enhance affordability.

Unfinished Business In Building a More Stable System

Donald Kohn, Brookings

Don Kohn delivered remarks on financial stability at the August 2021 Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium.

How Much Can You Spend in Retirement?

Rob Williams & Chris Kawashima, Schwab

How much can you spend in retirement without running out of money? The "4% rule" is a popular rule of thumb, but we think you can do better. Here are our guidelines for finding your personalized spending rate.

Negative-Yielding Bonds Are Like Options

Lauren Foster, Enterprising Investor

Anything that you want to price in finance has three key inputs, Vineer Bhansali says.

We Still Think Stocks Undervalued

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Will Biden Make a Historic Mistake at the Fed?

J. Bradford DeLong, PS

The past 30 years should have taught Democrats to put their own economic policy priorities before symbolic gestures of "bipartisanship." If US President Joe Biden does not replace Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell with Lael Brainard, he will almost certainly regret it.

Why Investors Are Shrugging Off A Lousy Jobs Report

Paul R. La Monica, CNN

The August jobs report was a massive disappointment, with Corporate America hiring far fewer people than expected. But investors largely shrugged off the weaker jobs gains.

What Hurricane Ida Says About America's Future

Daniel A. Gross, Vox

The history of hurricanes like Katrina and Ida says a lot about America's future.

6 Retail Stocks on Sale

Jakir Hossain, Morningstar

Retailers posted solid numbers this earnings season, but we think their stocks are, in general, overbought--with some exceptions.

How Urban Employers Adapt To Work From Home

Eduardo Porter, NY Times

Offices are unlikely to be as full after the pandemic as they were before. Service businesses and their employees will have to adapt.

Bernard Baruch's Biggest Mistake

Jon Petersen, Novel Investor

Bernard Baruch's biggest mistake came early in his career. It was his quickest and largest loss ever and provided a lasting lesson.

The $150 Million Machine Keeping Moore's Law Alive

Will Knight, Wired

ASML's next-generation extreme ultraviolet lithography machines achieve previously unattainable levels of precision, which means chips can keep shrinking for years to come.

Private Equity's Build Back Better Payday

David Dayen, The American Prospect

Hundreds of billions of dollars are scheduled for industries private equity dominates. Advocates want to make sure workers and families benefit, not financiers.

Sorry FTC, Facebook Still Isn't A Monopoly

Ben Thompson, Stratechery

The FTC's new Facebook case isn't any better than the old one, even as there are ever more questions about the potential harm of regulatory interference

Little Flaws

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Some small flaws I've noticed in humans.

Social Security Will Be Insolvent in 12 Years

Eric Boehm, Reason

Without policy changes, beneficiaries will receive only 78 percent of what was promised starting in 2034.

What's Wrong With Gold? Nothing...

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

People keep asking why gold isn't going up with inflation. It already did.

Everything Goes to Zero in the Long Run

Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism

Is all crypto going to zero?

What Does Transitory Mean?

Steven Vannelli, Knowledge Leaders

The economy is slowing but inflation isn't.
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