
In Defense of Me-First Capitalism That Is Free of Politics

Ronald Dworkin, City Journal

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong sparked Silicon Valley's ire for the sin of trying to keep business and politics separate.

A Company's Green Cred Must Be Real, Visible and Actionable

Eliot WIlson, Worth

Nowadays, a company's green credentials have to be real, visible and translate into action. One way to help work toward that goal would be to hire a chief sustainability officer.

Corporations Must Do Part to Preserve Democracy

David Teece, The New York Times

China does whatever it can to thrive economically, putting freedom and prosperity at risk for the rest of the world.

The Fate of American Movie Theaters Looks Terribly Bleak

Mike Sampson, New York

Theater owners across the country explain how they're going to survive 2020: "It's a darker time now than when theaters were initially closed."

Freedom Will End the Contraction

Joakim Book, American Institute for Economic Research

Old people die. That’s awful in the abstract, and horrible whenever it happens to someone we know personally. We’d much prefer old people not to die and postpone death for as long as possible. But die they must – like all of us, eventually. The way in which they do so may be a question of cosmetics or personal preference rather than anything else. Yes, I would prefer to just slowly and painlessly drift off into sleep, surrounded by those I love and all my affairs in order. That happens sometimes, but more often than not it’s more disorderly: worldwide, the...

Is It the Best Move to Contribute More To Your 401(k)?

Christy Bieber, USA Today

There's some good news during the coronavirus pandemic: A recent survey by Schwab indicates the average amount 401(k) plan participants contributed to their accounts this year is up 20% compared with last year. Investing more for retirement is always smart. And those Americans who increased account contributions during the coronavirus-driven market crash made an especially prudent choice since market downturns often present buying opportunities.

How Rich Is U.S. Middle Class? It's Not What You Think

Alicia Munnell, MarketWatch

The answer is probably not what you think

The Tax-Cut Denier In Joe Biden Wants to Repeal What Worked

Alex Hendrie, RCM

One of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s top campaign proposals is to repeal the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) “on day one” as part of trillions of dollars in tax hikes. This is a terrible idea given the success of these policies and the fact that the economy is still recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic. Because of the strong fundamentals of the Trump economy, we are seeing signs of progress in the recovery from COVID-19.

Time to Fix Government's Trillion Dollar Financial Systems

Jason Tepperman, Hill

The nation's economic recovery has been hampered by the government's inability to efficiently send cash payments.

Look Outside the S&P 500 for Today's Biggest Winners

Stephen McBride, Risk Hedge

RiskHedgeâ?"Disruption Research, Disruptive Technology Stocksâ?"RiskHedge helps investors profit from disruption by providing research on the latest breakthrough technologies and the stocks driving them.

It Turns Out We Weren't Partying Exactly Like '99

Vitaliy Katsenelson, Contrarian Edge

A year ago, I called the stock market mood “partying like it’s 1999.” I was off by a year. Last year was missing the necessary euphoric speculation, which ironically arrived in the middle of a pandemic that engulfed the world.

He's Just 17, Yet He's Helping To Make Travel Germ-Free

Lois Alter Mark, Forbes

He fell asleep on an airplane tray table and ended up creating Germ Genie.

Do Stocks Care Who Wins?

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

Small Cap Growth: Most Expensive Valuation Since '01

John Holt, Applied Finance

This is a follow up piece to a recent article focusing on large cap stocks. This commentary will instead look at small cap value/growth relative attractiveness, as well as compare large and small caps. The [...more]

Problem Is Jobless Numbers Aren't What They Seem

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

October And The Fourth Quarter In Six Charts

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog "October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and Februa?

Risk of Second Wave of COVID-19 Lockdowns

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

The biggest political risk facing investors may be the potential for politicians to implement national lockdowns in response to a rise in new COVID-19 cases that could lead to renewed recession and a new bear market for stocks.

Most Rich People Do Pay a Lot in Taxes

Brian Riedl, Manhattan Institute

ISM Manufacturing: Settling Into a More Sustainable Pace

Richard Moody, Regions

Congress Must Act Fast to Avoid Soaring Unemployment Rate

Adriana Kugler, Hill

Americans who are out of work need critical federal benefits.

De Blasio's Small Steps Not Near Enough to Fix Fiscal

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

Last week, the Moody's agency slashed the credit rating on NYC's debt. Just like with your credit score, the lower it goes, the higher an interest rate the city pays.

Social Security Strategies That Can Pay Off For Married

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

In come cases, two can do a lot better than one

Why You Should Seek Stocks Climbing Out of "Big Base"

Justin Spittler, RiskHedge

Today I'm going to show you a trading tactic so simple, yet so reliable, it'll allow you to predict when certain stocks will skyrocket days or even weeks in advance.

A Carbon-Free Future Is Nuclear

Rep. Michael Burgess & Bud Albright, Washington Examiner

There was a time not that long ago when electricity was not universally available. Up until 1925, fewer than half the homes in the United States had any electricity, and even then, it was mainly supplied to the cities of America. Today, most of us cannot imagine life without it.

Calamities Challenge California's Econ. Foundation

Conor Dougherty, New York Times

The pandemic and wildfires have underscored issues of housing and growth. Will the disruptions and dislocations force the state to chart a new course?

The Luxury Real-Estate Market Surges In The Hamptons

Emma Reynolds, Forbes

The Hamptons real-estate market is thriving as city dwellers abandon New York City in favor of seclusion.

What We Can Learn From High Achievers w/Disabilities

Rainer Zitelmann, Examiner

There are many athletes with disabilities who perform exceptionally well at the Paralympics. But aside from four gold medals at the 1992 Barcelona Paralympic Games, Marla Runyan won the 1500 meters at the Pan American Games in 1999, finished eighth over the same distance at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, and won the United States 5000 meters three times in a row in 2001, 2002, and 2003. Runyan is legally blind â?" she can see the feet and the colors of her competitors' jerseys and the red surface of the running track, but she can't see the finish line. In her autobiography, No Finish...

The World Lost a Giant In Melloan

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

George Melloan, who died last week at the age of 92, wrote his last column for the Wall Street Journal in June 2020. I was absolutely thrilled when at this time, he dropped me a note and said that he wanted to hang his hat at the American Institute for Economic Research. Because he has long had such a profound influence on me, and really the entire world during his 54 years of writing for the Journal, I was thrilled and deeply honored.

Should Politics Belong in Retirement Planning?

Martha White, The New York Times

Whether financial advisers like to address the topic or not, clients are bringing it up.

Trump's C-19 Diagnosis Is Another Market-Moving Wild Card

Matt Egan, CNN

President Donald Trump's battle with Covid-19, the most serious health threat facing a sitting US president in decades, is yet another market-moving wild card on Wall Street.

Rethinking a Nobel Econ. Prize That Has Been Ridiculous

James Broughel, The Hill

There is a danger we elevate and institutionalize controversial, yet-to-be-proven, or just-plain wrong ideas.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Why A $400k Income Isn't Rich In Some Places

Shawn Langlois, MarketWatch

Apparently, for some earning $400,000 a year, the struggle is real.

When The SPAC Met The Blockchain

Jemima Kelly, FT Alphaville

Yuuge Potential Exponential Organic Growth Opportunity here guys.

Why Is This Measure Of Fear So Stable?

Mark Rzepczynski, Disciplined Global Macro

A certain measure of market fear shows little at the moment.

How To Protect From Really Long Term Risks

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

The last 30 years produced an annual return of just 0.8% in Japan. How do you protect yourself from that?

It's Getting Better & Worse At The Same Time

Tyler Cowen, MSN

Great scientific and technological progress is often accompanied by social upheaval.

Why Congress Must Take on Big Tech Monopolies

Zephyr Teachout, Pro Market

Congress must overturn bad Supreme Court precedent and reassert Congressional supremacy over the Supreme Court in antitrust policy. It should legislate break-ups and mandate structural separations or line of business laws in the digital economy. And it must use its investigative powers to their fullest extent. Anything short of that would imperil American democracy. Editor's note: ?

Finding Opportunity Beyond Mega-Caps

Dave Sekera, Morningstar

Although the market's largest names are pricey, we see several pockets of value.
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