Inflation Lessons From the Turkey Dinner for 10

Elisabeth Dellinger, Fisher Investments

Thanksgiving feasts got a bit cheaper this year.


Blame Global Warming For This Year's Pricey Thanksgiving Meal

Umair Irfan, Vox

Are your holiday meals pricier this year? Blame the record-breaking heat around the world.


Thanksgiving Travel Won't Be Bad for Rich, Powerful

Joseph Schwieterman, MSNBC

The past few months have been tough for many Americans reliant on bus stations and curbside spots across the country.


NY Times Finally Admits To Harm Done To Children

Jennifer Sey, Brownstone Institute

If a normie like me could read and interpret the data available since March 2020 and know that closed schools be incredibly harmful to the most vulnerable children, then certainly the science desk at...


What The Latest Attacks On Musk Are Really All About

Editorial, Issues & Insights

The left will never, ever, concede anything, and will use whatever means necessary to score points and win


Automakers Have Failed To Dent Tesla's Lead With Electric Cars

Editors, The Week

The demand for EVs remains high, but sale numbers show a dip


OpenAI Coup's Great for MSFT. How About for Us?

Julia Angwin, The New York Times

The OpenAI fracas most likely cements control of one of the most powerful and promising technologies on the planet under one of this country's tech titans.


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