
Inside the Betting Market For Who Will Win White House

Jean-Luc Bouchard, Marker

A look inside the stock market for politics, where traders bet big on whether Trump or Biden will win in November.

Is It Too Late To Hedge Against Another Stock-Market Correction?

Jon Ogg, 24/7

Investors frequently want to find ways to protect their assets from a crash without selling everything they have and going into cash or bonds. On days when the Dow falls over 900 points, most investors wish they would have hedged with put options or selling out of some stocks ahead time. The question that needs […]

Investor Expectation Of a Correction Is a Bullish Signal

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Widespread pessimism is a contrarian indicator

You Can't Just Game C-19 Away

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

I've rarely seen it put so bluntly as I have in the video posted below, in an interview with epidemiologist Paul Elliott. However, I have begun to suspect that this error has crept into the thinking of the lockdowners over the course of the summer. It seems that certain disease experts genuinely believe that they can game the reproduction rate of the virus to get it below 1, and thereby create a mathematical result that will make the virus go away. This seems to be their goal and the metric by which they measure whether and to what extent they have achieved it. The problem is that the...

More Evidence Joe Biden Has Spent His Entire Career In Gov't

Andy Puzder, RCM

In the presidential debate last Thursday, moderator Christine Welker asked former Vice-President Joe Biden if it was the “right time” to ask “struggling small businesses” to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. It was a good question and each of the candidates’ responses said a lot about how they view government’s role in our economy. Demonstrating that the government clearly has an important role to play in a national crisis, Republicans and Democrats came together early in the pandemic and passed the CARES Act. It included the Paycheck Protection...

Trump's Trade War Failed to 'Bring Back' Manufacturing Jobs

Brad Polumbo, FEE

President Trump was elected on an anti-trade agenda in 2016, and promised that tariffs and protectionist measures could restore the US manufacturing sector. After winning the White House, the president imposed tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Chinese goods meant to discourage imports in pursuit of this goal. He has describedhimself as a “tariff man” and said that “trade wars are good and easy to win.”

Biden's Proposed Capital Gains Increase Would Hurt Us All

Chris Edwards, The Hill

A capital gains tax hike would damage U.S. technology businesses for no good reason and reduce state tax revenues.

Be Serious, Both Dems & Reps Are Fiscal Utopians

jo jorgensen, Washington Examiner

A common charge leveled against libertarians is that we are utopians whose ideas may seem good in theory but don't work in the real world. But this is precisely backward. The true wild-eyed utopians of American politics are the Republicans and Democrats, who think they can just keep on running up spending and debt without endangering the economy.

The Economic Answer for Tomorrow: Progressive Taxation

Editors, New York Times

The people of Illinois, Arizona and California have a chance to make the distribution of state taxation a little more fair.

Big Government Spending Package Is Obviously What We Need

Matt Egan, CNN

The fragile economic recovery is losing steam. The pandemic is getting worse again. The risk of post-election chaos has never been higher.

How to Start Defusing NYC's Pension Bomb

Michael Hendrix & John Hunt, New York Post

Gotham's public-health crisis risks becoming a financial crisis â?" including by ravaging the underfunded retirement systems promised to public workers. Four essential steps could avert catastrophe.

Ridiculously Easy Ways to Retire in Splendid Fashion

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

We all want to retire with enough money to pay our bills and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. But saving for retirement takes work, and it means sacrificing other luxuries along the way. Here's the good news, though: There are a few simple steps you can take to increase your retirement wealth and put yourself in a better position to withstand financial surprises as a senior. Here are a few super easy ones to start with.

Is Your Financial "Go Bag" Packed, Ready?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Having a digital or physical financial "go bag" as part of your emergency plan is more important than ever these days, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

C19 Lessons Applicable to Less Exceptional Situations

Jeff Erber, Grey Owl Capital

Is the Recent Market Pullback Positive?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Economy Poised for More Growth

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Sector Allocation & Tax Benefit Capture

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

Are the Polls Wrong Again?

Ryan Detrick & Nick Pergakis, LPL Financial Research

Some Reminders as Tax Year 2020 Winds Down

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

A rundown of tax information to help you organize your thoughts as this tax year nears its end.

Dems Want to Rob From the Rich, Give To the Near-Rich

Brian Riedl, The Daily Beast

From student loan forgiveness to health care, Democrats' proposals will really benefit the upper middle class far more than the working class and poor.

Trump's Chi-Tax Wiggles

David Enrich & Russ Buettner & Mike McIntire & Susanne Craig, NYT

When his skyscraper proved a disappointment, Donald Trump defaulted on his loans, sued his bank, got much of the debt forgiven â?" and largely avoided paying taxes on it.

How the Economy Performed Under Trump, Others

Annalyn Kurtz & Tal Yellin, CNN

How does the Trump economy compare to prior US presidents? Here are 10 different economic metrics with charts showing progress over the course of each presidency.

Responding to Poverty with Welfare Is Cruel, Not Generous

Brad Polumbo, FEE

Progressive politicians are falsely blaming insufficient welfare for the 8 million people who have fallen into poverty since May.

In This Year's Election, Tax Hikes Are On Ballot

Chris Edwards, Washington Examiner

In this election, many voters will not only be choosing politicians for office but also voting on whether to increase or decrease their state and local taxes.

Women Are Much Better Off Economically Under Trump

Madison Gesiotto, The Hill

The White House has made several moves to benefit us.

Krugman Mis-Represents Rand

Richard Ebeling, American Institute for Economic Research

How Many Americans Will Ayn Rand Kill?” When New York Times columnist Paul Krugman’s article for October 22, 2020 was first posted on the internet that was the title of his piece. Someone at The Times must have had second thoughts about it, because now if you download Krugman’s piece the title has been changed to, “When Libertarianism Goes Bad,” but he still takes a named swipe at Ayn Rand in the body of the article, along with libertarians in general.

Joe Biden Win Could Spur On More Dealmaking

Lina Saigol & Paul Clarke, MarketWatch

The prospects of tax changes could 'serve as potential catalysts for taxpayers to close M&A deals this year,' said law firm Skadden

Price Controls on Big Pharma Will Put the U.S. Last

Stephen Moore, RealClearMarkets

President Trump promised Americans lower drug prices and in some areas drug price inflation has come down. Under Obama prices rose by more than 50% according to White House statistics. But Americans are still demanding lower prices. How do we achieve that without slowing the innovation process that leads to new life saving drugs and vaccines? The administration is now moving forward with its years-long effort to implement an international pricing index (IPI) for prescription drugs. This time, it includes a “most-favored nation” (MFN) provision that would implement even stricter...

Though GDP Grew At Record Pace, the Crisis Still Isn't Over

Anneken Tappe, CNN

The government's third-quarter GDP report, released this Thursday, is expected to show the economy partially rebounded from coronavirus lockdowns in the summer months. But economists warn, it's not as impressive as it may sound.

American Companies Are Challenging Trump's Tariff Narrative

Marc Busch, The Hill

Legal arguments about the nexus between tariffs and foreign policy goals have been sharpened over the past 18 months, both at home and in Geneva.

Reduce Racial Inequality, Raise Min. Wage

Ellora Derenoncourt & Claire Montialoux, NYT

Diversity and inclusion programs for elites are tokens. A large wage increase that would most benefit the Black working class is far better.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

From "Who Gets What?" to "Who Are We?"

Jonathon Sine, Quillette

American politics can be conceptualized through two questions. The first is "Who gets what?" and the second is "Who are we?"

Value Investing Waves the White Flag Again

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

Ted Aronson is throwing in the towel.

Other Sectors Deserving of Antitrust Investigation

Alec Stapp, Pro Market

The House Judiciary Committee’s antitrust report was a missed opportunity. The 450-page report focused solely on digital markets. But what about antitrust in other sectors such as food and healthcare?

Life Without The Internet Is Nice. It's Okay To Log Off.

Rani Molla, Vox

Ahead of the presidential election, it's okay to log off.

The US Election's Chaos Quotient

Nouriel Roubini, Project Syndicate

While hoping for a conclusive outcome on November 3 (or immediately thereafter), market watchers unfortunately must prepare for the worst. After all, US President Donald Trump and the Republicans are not even hiding their plans to steal the election.

Americans Are Finally Moving Again

Erica Pandey, Axios

For decades, the share of Americans moving to new cities has been falling. The pandemic-induced rise of telework is turning that trend around.

The Power Of The Crowd Watching The Crowd

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

Three weeks ago, I didn’t see a narrative path for Trump to win a turnout-based election hinging on four or five swing states. Today I do. It’s the same funny feeling I got in 2016, but with a twist.
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