
Investors Have Seen Trump 'Stimulus' Before, and They Reject It

Amity Shlaes, CJ

America's past crises show that a free-market policy is the best way forward.

Voicing Strong Support for Trump Plan to Revive the Economy

Newt Gingrich, Fox

President Trump should create a planning team to think beyond the immediate crisis. We need two enormous steps beyond the trillion-dollar emergency bill.

Give Every Single American $2,000 & Give It Immediately

Editorial, New York Times

A consensus is building around the simple expedient of sending cash to every American. Politicians need to move quickly.

Pols Shut Down Economy, Pile On w/Non Sequiturs & Keynes

John Tamny, RCM

It's March 20th today, at which point it's worthwhile to travel back in time to February 20th. Was any economist, politician or pundit calling for stimulus checks, "lending...

Targeted Stimulus Needed: Int. with Raghuram Rajan

Christoph Gisiger, themarket

Raghuram Rajan, Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago, warns of defaults in the credit sector. To dampen the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic, he argues for targeted economic measures, and he explains why he views Switzerland as a role model for the revitalization of growth in the industrial world.

A Costless Way for Trump to Save Jobs

Ed Bersoff & Bruce Lyman, RealClearMarkets

Lawmakers are working at breakneck pace to combat the coronavirus-induced economic panic. Checks for citizens, flexible business loans, free coronavirus tests, and more are being considered in a...

A Try Everything Approach To Stimulating the U.S. Economy

Editors, USA Today

Just as this coronavirus is novel, so is the economic crisis it is spawning. This economic crisis was triggered by an external event — a pandemic — rather than internal excesses in the economy such as too much inventory, too much debt or wildly inflated asset prices.

Political Hysteria Causes Market Hysteria

Richard Salsman, InterMarket Forecasting Inc.

Newly Expressed Fears Shouldn't Make You More Anxious

Market Minder, Fisher

As a bear market wears on, it is normal for fear to spread far beyond the downturn's proximate cause.

Panic Creates Generational Wealth Opportunity

Daniel Obrycki & Rafael Resendes, AFG

Only in 2008 have valuations been as attractive as now. Today, the market is essentially pricing in 0% sales growth over the next five years, not as harsh as the -15% priced in during the 2008 lows, but very harsh compared to the expected 20% to 30% growth these firms have typically delivered over a five year period. Unlike 2008 there will not be liquidity issues driving economic decisions and panicking investors. This is a confidence crisis similar to 9/11. As medical policy catches and surpasses the virus, confidence will return and economic activity will march forward. Already, in China,...

ETFs Born In 1987 Crash Make 2020 Crash Less Awful

Andrea Riquier, MarketWatch

'ETFs have quite literally become the market,' says one industry expert

Neither the Crisis Nor Its Timing Is Actually Random

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

This isn't random. Neither the crisis nor its timing. If it feels a lot like 2008 right now that's because, in large part, nothing was learned from the first Global Financial Crisis...

'Severe Recession' Will Be the Outcome of All This

Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank

Could Negative Bond Yields Come to America?

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The Federal Reserve is reluctant to cut its policy rate below zero, but markets could drive Treasury yields negative anyway.

Don't Time Bottom, Don't Panic Sell

Daniel Kern & Renee Kwok, TFC Financial Management

What Do Recent Changes to FICO Scores Mean for Me?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Trying to improve your credit score? This week's Ask Carrie, talks about the impact of recent FICO changes and how to maintain good credit.

Residential Construction Momentum Won't Be Sustained

Richard Moody, Regions

Ideas For Boosting Economy In Age of Coronavirus

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

Plans for economic mitigation from the coronavirus -- by Tyler Cowen We need a series of policies to achieve some rather complex ends, and in conjunction. Other than the obvious goals (?minimize human suffering?), these ends are: Scale down economic activity in a rapid way to keep people at ho...

Retail Sales Down 0.5% In February

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Common Enemies: Will COVID-19 Unite Us?

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

We came together to fight World War II and we can do the same to fight the coronavirus.

Containing the Dollar Credit Crunch | by Philip Turner

Philip Turner, Project Syndicate

As the full implications of the COVID-19 pandemic have slowly become clear, private liquidity has begun to drain out of global markets. As a result, the record-high level of dollar-denominated debt held by non-banking entities outside of the United States has become a problem that central banks simply cannot ignore.

How The Dollar Is Amplifying The Volatility

William Watts, MarketWatch

The dollar is surging against everything.

Will We Survive the Washington Stimulus Panic?

Veronique de Rugy, National Review

We couldn't trust the government before, and we can't trust them now, so let's exert more accountability than we have in the past. The stakes are too high.

16 Solid Stocks During Rocky Times

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

This shortlist of high-quality companies with predictable cash flows and modest leverage are well-equipped for today's market uncertainty.

Innovation Gains Traction During Tumultuous Times

Catherine Wood, 24/7 Wall St.

Odds of a V shaped recovery have increased.

Bond ETFs Are Not Failing The Stress Test

Dave Nadig, ETF Trends

The bond market is convulsing in paroxysms of uncertainty. You don't need me to tell you that. We're seeing absolutely unprecedented moves in every corner of fixed income as markets try and deal with the quintuple threat of a global health crisis, a global recession, an energy price war,

Goldman: Coronavirus May Bring Out the Corporate Raiders

Emily Stewart, Vox

The stock market drop means opportunities for corporate raiders, activist investors, and private equity.

Coronavirus Will Change Grocery Shopping Forever

Nathaniel Meyersohn, CNN

The outbreak of coronavirus is pushing Americans to buy their groceries online, a development that could have a lasting effect on the supermarket industry.

Timeless Optimism Will Conquer Panic. Yet Again.

Todd Bliman, Fisher Investments

I believe optimism will eventually triumph over prevalent pessimism.

Painful Lessons Cautious Investors Sometimes Must Face

John Lim, MarketWatch

It?s hard to stay the course in both bull and bear markets

Myth That President & Fed Direct Stock Market

Barry Brownstein, Intellectual Takeout

The relationship between the stock market and interest rates is not what many believe.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Only Multilateralism Can Save Us

Anne Krueger, Project Syndicate

Between a coronavirus pandemic and collapsing stock markets, the global economy may be in a worse situation than it was during the 2008 financial crisis, because America has all but slammed the door shut on international cooperation. And yet, without a multilateral response, the US will suffer as much as anyone.

Coronavirus Reveals the Downsides of Urbanization

Dan McLaughlin, National Review

This viral outbreak should make us reconsider the social trend toward megacities.

Congress to the Rescue?

Aron Szapiro, Morningstar

Yes, really. A fiscal stimulus could significantly help Americans manage the current economic crisis.

Let's Please Stop the Propaganda About the Very 'Lethal' Covid-19

Rbf, Medium

Since I published several days ago, COVD19 grips the world even more. Cases spiral upward, and fatalities accrue and gain momentum. Besides closure of all athletic events, schools, and theaters, the?

The Psychology Of Panic Buying & Selling

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

There are psychological reasons investors are so quick to panic buy and sell during volatile markets.

No safe havens

Jason Goepfert, SentimenTrader

Bond volatility has been off the charts.

Do The Right Thing

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

The government should not be bailing out airlines.
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