
Is Stock Market Rooting For Donald Trump Or Joe Biden

Jessica Menton, USA Today

For those Americans wondering whether their 401(k)s will see a bigger boost under Donald Trump or Joe Biden as president, it turns out that the stock market cares more about which party controls Congress than it does about which one wins the White House. Stocks have typically thrived under legislative gridlock in Washington, and a split Congress has historically been the best scenario for investors.

Companies That Spend Wisely Are Good Buys

Lawrence Cunningham, MarketWatch

High-quality shareholders and savvy CEOs have the same priority: effective capital allocation

Biggest & Best GDP in American History? Here Are the Facts

Annalyn Kurtz, CNN

President Donald Trump is celebrating an eye-popping report on gross domestic product. But is the economy really the "biggest and best"? Here are the facts.

It's Apparent Steven Rattner Forgot That the Internet Is Forever

John Tamny, RCM

“If the unlikely event happens and Trump wins, you will see a market crash of historic proportions.” Who made this prediction? Was it Democratic economic eminence Lawrence Summers, or perhaps was it New York Times columnist Paul Krugman? Actually Summers concluded that if Donald Trump “were elected, I would expect a protracted recession to begin within 18 months.” In Krugman’s case, he told his flock after Trump’s win that “We are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight.” So who predicted a stock-market crash?

Biden's Tax: Who Gets Tax Cuts, Who Gets Hikes

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business Daily

As the election peaks, many voters wonder what the Biden tax plan is. Taxes would rise for the wealthy. For others, surprises would include tax cuts.

Financial Engineering Saves the Travel Industry

Thomas Kirchner, RealClearMarkets

One of the hardest hit industries from the Covid-crisis is the travel industry, for obvious reasons. While some observers have criticized the tendency of companies to securitize assets rather than keep them on the balance sheet, we believe that the shift in the industry toward an asset-light model will help to save many of its members during the Covid-lockdowns. Capital-intensity haunts the industry A common feature of much of the travel and leisure industry is its heavy use of capital. Some ancillary businesses such as restaurants or booking systems may be able to operate with...

Workers & Capitalists of Rural Pennsylvania Unite

Tim Carney, Washington Examiner

ALTOONA, Pennsylvania â?" Over a hundred years ago, Edward Hallinan from County Mayo ended up in Altoona, here in Central Pennsylvania. "He was a railroader," explains his grandson, Kevin Hallinan.

Does Anyone Trust the Fed?

Thomas Hogan, American Institute for Economic Research

In August, the Federal Reserve introduced its new monetary policy strategy of Average Inflation Targeting. This measure was expected to increase price inflation in the short run by raising the public’s expectations of higher prices in the future. Based on evidence from financial markets and even from the Fed’s own forecasts, it does not appear to have done so.

The Dollar Disease Well Predates the Coronavirus

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

A shocking disease about which we know very little even though it has been running rampant for seemingly a long time already. Not COVID. As sad as it may be, there’s more documented about SARS-cov-2 than the timid investigations into how the global monetary system really functions. In less than a year, we’ve come to know quite a lot about how the coronavirus gets transmitted, yet know shockingly little about how dollars are transmitted globally. Or that they aren’t really dollars at all.

What Soaring GDP Numbers Say About Trump Economy

Andy Puzder, Fox Business

GDP numbers show that Trump's economic policies are continuing to make miracles, despite all the fear-mongering

Federally Assisted Boom Is Running Out of Steam

Ben Casselman, New York Times

Third-quarter growth set a record, fueled by federal assistance. But recent signs point to a loss of momentum in job gains and production.

Massive GDP Growth Still Leaves the Economy In Big Hole

Kathryn Krawczyk, Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

ETFs and Taxes: What You Need to Know

Michael Iachini, Charles Schwab

Different ETF structures have different tax implications. Be informed and avoid unpleasant surprises come tax time.

Extreme Poverty Plummets

Robert Murphy, Foundation for Economic Education

Capitalism rushes people out of desperation.

Is Your Financial "Go Bag" Packed, Ready?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Having a digital or physical financial "go bag" as part of your emergency plan is more important than ever these days, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

C19 Lessons Applicable to Less Exceptional Situations

Jeff Erber, Grey Owl Capital

Is the Recent Market Pullback Positive?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Economy Poised for More Growth

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Sector Allocation & Tax Benefit Capture

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

How Trump Maneuvered His Way Out of Trouble in Chicago

David Enrich, NYT

When his skyscraper proved a disappointment, Donald Trump defaulted on his loans, sued his bank, got much of the debt forgiven and largely avoided paying taxes on it.

Dishonest Politics and Coronavirus Relief

Veronique de Rugy, Reason.com

Why people continue to trust government officials is a mystery.

Gray Rhinos, Black Swans & Resilience

Peter Bakker & Keryn James, Project Syndicate

COVID-19 is forcing firms to reimagine resilience. Instead of trying to strengthen their ability to resist change, companies must learn how to adapt and adjust if they are to continue to exist as employers, value creators for shareholders, and trusted members (and servants) of communities around the world.

How COVID Has Changed Our Spending & Savings Habits

Jeanne Sahadi, CNN

The pandemic has changed how many of us use our money.

Jerome Powell: The World's Best Bureaucrat

Tasos Katopodis, Intelligencer

Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell was made for this moment. As chairman of the Federal Reserve during the global pandemic, Jerome Powell has managed to do something almost unimaginable in Washington: a good job.

Where Everyone Wants to Live Right Now

Grant Suneson, 24/7 Wall St.

America's cheapest cities.

In The Foothills Of The China/US Cold War

Vitaliy Katsenelson, Contrarian Edge

The world appears less safe today than at any time since the Berlin Wall came down.

Safer Than Stocks And Yielding 5%. Interested?

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

It's not fixed income, but safer than equities and yielding close to 5%

Dems Want to Rob From the Rich, Give To the Near-Rich

Brian Riedl, The Daily Beast

From student loan forgiveness to health care, Democrats' proposals will really benefit the upper middle class far more than the working class and poor.

Trump's Chi-Tax Wiggles

David Enrich & Russ Buettner & Mike McIntire & Susanne Craig, NYT

When his skyscraper proved a disappointment, Donald Trump defaulted on his loans, sued his bank, got much of the debt forgiven â?" and largely avoided paying taxes on it.

Responding to Poverty with Welfare Is Cruel, Not Generous

Brad Polumbo, FEE

Progressive politicians are falsely blaming insufficient welfare for the 8 million people who have fallen into poverty since May.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

"Contrarians Are Usually Wrong"

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

They're Both Wrong: A Guide For Free Thnkers

Ethan Yang, AIER

If you get your information about American politics from the media, politicians, and even from a lot of Washington, DC think tanks, you’re doing it wrong.

City Hall Socialists

Steven Malanga, City Journal

The far Left is making inroads into local government races.

I Have A Few Questions

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

They’re relevant to everyone, and apply to lots of things

Globalization Needs Rebuilding, Not Just Repair

Jean Pisani-Ferry, Project Syndicate

If US President Donald Trump is defeated on November 3, there will be no lack of eagerness to erase his international economic legacy. Policymakers should focus on taking care of global public goods, containing the weaponization of economic relations, and making the international system fairer.

'King Solar': Cheapest Electricity Source Ever?

Ronald Bailey, Reason.com

Yes, and it's only going to get cheaper.

From "Who Gets What?" to "Who Are We?"

Jonathon Sine, Quillette

American politics can be conceptualized through two questions. The first is "Who gets what?" and the second is "Who are we?"
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