It's Not the Level of Rates that Matters for Equity Returns

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra

With the 1-year Treasury bill paying 5%, why would anyone take the risk of owning stocks? - Everyone It is a good question and I can't tell you what investors will do this year or how stocks will...


Bull Market Is In Full Swing, and Most of Us Are In Denial

Ken Fisher, New York Post

Sucker's rally! Four months since the stock market began its recovery from last year's carnage, skeptics are still piling on.


Sen. Schumer's Nonsensical Charge Against Buybacks

George Will, NH Union Leader

FORGIVE THEM because they cannot help themselves. Progressives have a metabolic urge to boss around the private sector. It is not just that, as is said, progressives do not care


The Cost of Federal Reserve's Trillion Dollar Bridge To Nowhere

Andrew Levin, Hill

Our comprehensive analysis indicates that QE4 will cost taxpayers nearly $800 billion — more than a thousand times larger than the Alaskan fiasco.


The Fair Tax Would Add Trillions to the Debt

William Gale & Kyle Pomerleau, Brookings

The proposed rate for the FairTax is far too low to achieve its sponsors' stated goal of deficit neutrality argue William Gale and Kyle Pomerleau.


Rising Budget Deficits Are the Surest Sign Of a Lack of Inflation

John Tamny, RCM

Iran's rial is in decline. As of last week it had fallen to 1/600,000th of a dollar. If we're being realistic, it's no longer even a currency. Figure that money exchanges signal exchange of products...


Women Need Paid Family Leave

Jessica Milli & Jocelyn Frye, Center for American Progress

Black women are staying in the workforce, but their need for paid leave continues to go unmet.


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