
It Would Be Unrealistic to Expect Economic Moderation from Biden

Ira Stoll, NYS

How Will Biden Deal With GOP Economic Sabotage?

Paul Krugman, New York Times

He needs to make the G.O.P. pay a price for obstruction.

Biden's Economic Team Faces a 'Dark Winter'

Paul Davidson & Bart Jansen, USA Today

President-elect Joe Biden is set to unveil an all-star economic team Tuesday to tackle a darkening winter outlook as the USA struggles to dig out of the worst recession in a century. Analysts expect stiff resistance from a split Congress whose Republicans are reluctant to further swell the massive deficit.

Beware Biden Tax Hikes In '21 Even If GOP Holds Senate

Bruce Thompson, Examiner

Wall Street has been cheering the election results, believing that the lack of a big blue wave for Democrats means that the major tax increases proposed by the Biden campaign are not going to happen anytime soon. While control of the Senate will not be decided until the Jan. 5 runoff elections in Georgia, most observers believe that it is unlikely that the two Democratic challengers will win and tip control of the Senate to the Democrats.

High Taxes On Rich Never Achieve Stated Intention

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

Elon Musk has just passed Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg to become the second-richest man after Jeff Bezos -- all of whom are worth more than $100 billion.

Biden Got It Right With His Pick of Janet Yellen at U.S. Treasury

Mary Harris, Slate

Janet Yellen is back. That's good news for the economy.

Treasury Should Finance Its Coming Debt With 2%, 100-Years

Steve Forbes, Forbes

The U.S. is running up gargantuan debts to pay for massive pandemic-relief spending and will incur even more before the disease is conquered. Properly employing bonds that don't come due for a century can both help finance these mammoth Covid-19 outlays and avoid an outbreak of inflation.

James Rasteh Thinks Good Times Are Ahead for Gold

Christoph Gisiger, themarket

For James Rasteh, Investment Director of Coast Capital, the outlook for gold mining stocks has rarely been as attractive as it is today. He explains why he expects the price of gold to rise significantly and which mining companies will profit most from a secular bull market.

Why Big Tech's Stock-Market Reign Might Be About to End

Paul La Monica, CNN

Who says investing is hard? The FAANGs have boomed thanks to strong gains in revenue, market share and earnings over the past few years -- despite the Covid-19 pandemic and regulatory/antitrust concerns. But that might be finally about to change.

Why 2020s Could Favor Market Timers Over Buy & Hold

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

International stocks, gold and bonds may be a better bet for the next decade

How Baby Boomers Could Be Putting Retirement at Risk

Christy Bieber, Motley Fool

Most baby boomers are retired already, or are getting close to it. Unfortunately, far too many are putting their retirement security at risk. Recent data from Fidelityshows members of this generation are the most likely to be overinvested in stocks and thus invested too aggressively based on their retirement timeline.

They Say Worship Is Health Risk

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

The Supreme Court has decided that there is something not quite kosher about padlocking houses of worship, or imposing extreme limits on religious gatherings which amounts to the same thing, while bars and stores remain open.

S&P 4,200 - Dow Jones 35,000

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Pandemic Currency Panic

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

When Nurses Travel

Joshua Gottlieb & Avi Zenilman, University of Chicago

2021 Muni Bond Outlook: Storm Clouds Clearing

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

We expect the municipal bond market to return to a sense of normalcy in 2021.

Charting a Good Value Investing Story

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

ESG Industry Engagement Survey

Various, Structured Finance Association

Worried About Holiday Spending?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Is your holiday budget tighter this year? That doesn't mean your gifts can't be just as meaningfulâ?"maybe even more so, says Carrie-Schwab Pomerantz.

A Power Imbalance In New York Threatens Its Economy

E.J. McMahon, City Journal

With legislative supermajorities in Albany, Democrats look poised to push the state even further leftward.

Time to Move Federal Government Jobs Around the Country

Chad Bayse, The Hill

We are in the Digital Age when jobs are scarce. It is time for the federal government to reflect this reality.

Congressional Pork Is the Path to Good Government

Editorial, The New York Times

Nothing greases the gears of government quite like pork.

AOC's Latest Flunks Economics 101

Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education

Say what you will about left-wing darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but she knows how to get a message across on social media. One of the youngest members of the House of Representatives, the New York Democrat and socialist boasts 8.1 million Instagram followers.

Pacific Free Trade Deal, Revisited for the Biden Era

Dan Hannan, Washington Examiner

"The Pacific Ocean," prophesied William H Seward in 1852, "its shores, its islands and the vast regions beyond, will become the chief theatre of events in the world's great hereafter."

More & More Americans Face Early Retirement

Kate Stalter, U.S. News & World Report

ANY TIME A WORKER becomes unemployed during a recession, he or she may need to draw down savings or investments to cover expenses. That problem compounds for workers nearing retirement because they have fewer years ahead to recoup those savings.

World Lost 'Tremendous Visionary' In Tony Hsieh

Alta Spells & Christina Maxouris, CNN

Tony Hsieh, the former CEO of Zappos, died from injuries sustained in a house fire that occurred in Connecticut while he was visiting family.

Will Yellen-run Treasury Really Help Av. Americans?

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

Janet Yellen has a great résumé to be our next Treasury secretary. What isn't so good is her record at doing what is the most important part of any economist's job: Helping average Americans live better and more prosperous lives.

Time That Janet Yellen Threw Proverbial Book at Wells Fargo

Matt Egan, CNN

The night before Janet Yellen stepped down as Federal Reserve chair in February 2018, she shocked Wall Street by delivering a crushing blow to America's most messed-up bank.

$17B Boeing Bailout Didn't Find Boeing

Yeganeh Torbati & Aaron Gregg, Washington Post

The money, meant for businesses critical to national security, remains largely unspent almost eight months after Congress approved it.

Biden Should Prioritize Growth

Gonzalo Schwarz & Ben Wilterdink, Washington Examiner

As President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris prepare their agenda, dealing with the pandemic and working to rebound the economy are certain to be key priorities. However, the Democratic Party still has a tough battle ahead in Georgia to flip control of the Senate, and it lost many seats in the House when most projections predicted that it was going to increase its majority.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Moneyball Crack the Active Management Game?

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

Billy Beane seems to think so.

The Corporate-Woke Scam

John Loftus, National Review

It is a disgrace.

The Death of The Department Store & The Middle Class

Jason Del Rey, Vox

The collapse of America's middle class crushed department stores. Amazon and the pandemic are the final blows.

How Much Debt Is Too Much?

Raghuram Rajan, Project Syndicate

The new conventional wisdom in these unconventional times is that advanced-economy governments can take advantage of today's ultra-low interest rates to borrow and spend without limit in order to support the economy. But the fact is that there is always a limit, and it may come into view sooner than many realize.

Ultimate Stock-Pickers' Top 10 Buys and Sells

Eric Compton, Morningstar

Funds sell technology, buy basic materials and financial services.

Libertarians Have No Home in Either Political Party

J.D. Tuccille, Reason.com

Which leaves the U.S. without a major party even slightly inclined to leave people alone to manage their own affairs.

Making Sense of Sky-High Stock Prices

Robert J. Shiller, Project Syndicate

Many have been puzzled that the world's stock markets haven't collapsed in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downturn it has wrought. But with interest rates low and likely to stay there, equities will continue to look attractive, particularly when compared to bonds.
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