
JC Penney: Will Last Person to Leave Turn Out Lights

Douglas McIntyre, 24/7 Wall St.

As bidders vie to buy the J.C. Penney retail operations, and perhaps its real estate, one of its attorneys said the company is "in the red zone."

Let's Stop Pretending That Trump Isn't a Protectionist

Scott Lincicome, The Dispatch

The U.S. tariffs on Canadian aluminum that President Trump reimposed last week are a bad idea for many reasons: They hurt American manufacturers in the middle of a recession, have already sparked Canadian retaliation, stab a close ally in the back, and amplify uncertainty in an uncertain time. The tariffs do, however, have a silver lining: They should finally kill the myth of President Trump as something—anything—other than a protectionist.

A Case for a Dem Sweep In November Boosting Markets

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

Democrats would support more stimulus and spending

Are Bread Riots Born of Joblessness Coming to the U.S.?

Ryan Cooper, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

King Canute and the Virus Tide

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

Nine-hundred years ago, the English historian Henry of Huntingdon wrote down an older Anglo-Saxon story/myth of King Canute who claimed the throne of England in 1016. The story was of appalling arrogance. It resonated in this land where the idea of limited government and human rights was gradually being forged.

More Work Women Could Close Wage Gap

Christopher Whaley & Anupam Jena, USAT

In nearly every profession, women are paid less than men. In medicine, where detailed data on doctors’ productivity, hours worked, education and experience are available and gender differences in these have been accounted for, numerous studies still show that a gender gap exists. To put it simply, women earn less than men for the same work.

Interview w/David Goldman About China's Intentions

Richard Reinsch, Law & Liberty

Hello, and welcome to Liberty Law Talk. I’m Richard Reinsch. Today we’re talking with David Goldman about his new book, You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-form the World. David Goldman is the author of the widely read Spengler column for the Asia Times. He’s an award-winning Wall Street strategist. He’s worked for Credit Suisse. He was the head of global trading research for Bank of America. And he was an investment banker for a Hong Kong boutique called Reorient, which was purchased by Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba. He also is widely read...

Explaining UK's Worst-in-the-World Q2 Contraction

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Monthly figures offer a more nuanced view.

The C-19 Contraction Has Been Hardest On Families w/Kids

Sarah Hansen, Forbes

Households with children are more likely to face job losses, more likely to miss rent payments and more likely to rely on external support like unemployment benefits and food stamps.

Some Think the Virus Will Kill Lots of Shopping Malls

Josh Barro, New York Magazine

Careful About Claiming Social Security for a Ltd. Time

Katie Brockman, Motley Fool

With tens of millions of Americans still unemployed and the extra $600 per week in unemployment benefits having run out at the end of July, many struggling workers may be looking for extra cash any way they can get it. If you're at least 62 years old and entitled to Social Security benefits, you may decide to begin claiming early even if you hadn't planned on retiring just yet. Claiming early will result in smaller checks, though, which may spell trouble for your retirement plans, especially if you're struggling to save and will likely depend on your benefits for a significant portion of...

America's Retirement Race Gap, and Ideas for Closing It

Mark Miller, New York Times

Scholars and policymakers have proposed ways to fix the inequities between whites and people of color, including changes to Social Security and building wealth from birth.

Some Retirement Income Mistakes to Avoid

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

Avoiding simple mistakes can extend the life of your portfolio.

July CPI: Large Increases Unlikely to Be Sustained

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Does Diversification Still Work?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

During periods of market volatility, we need strategic asset allocation and diversification more than ever. Find out more from Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Why Investors Should Consider Taxable Munis

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Taxable municipal bonds can offer higher yields without excessive additional credit risk.

How Will 2020 Election Affect Market?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

If the IMF Is Right, a BIG IF, Then We'll Lose a Year

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

The IMF just updated its economic projections for this year and the year after. The bad news is that this year, economic output is expected to plunge almost 5%. The good news is that output next year is expected to spike at a faster rate than this year's plunge, at almost 5.5%.

What Could a Weaker Dollar Mean for Your Portfolio?

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The U.S. dollar has been showing signs of weakening, a trend that may underscore the importance of global diversification.

Stop Punishing Gig Workers, California

Allison Schrager, City Journal

The Golden State should repeal its anti-freelancer law.

How IBM Is Planning To Take On Amazon

Clare Duffy, CNN Business

When former IBM cloud leader Arvind Krishna took over the company's top job earlier this year, the move sent a clear signal about where the company sees its future.

Stocks Are From Mars, Bonds Are From Venus

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The two assets have responded very differently to the coronavirus crisis.

Are These Three Market "Anomalies" Dead?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

There’s an old Wall Street proverb that warns that the market can remain irrational for longer than you can stay solvent. The wisdom, or at least the empirical reality of that idea, has been put to the test in recent years on at least three fronts in the equity market via the persistent outperformance of growth stocks over value, large caps over small caps and US over foreign.

Managing Portfolio Risk in the Golden Age of Fraud?

Jules Hull, Medium

How technology and a dose of skepticism can provide protection.

How Did the Internet Get So Bad?

Lisa Borst, The Nation

The user always loses.

How Sumner Redstone Really Made His Fortune

Gideon Yago, Vanity Fair

Former MTV News correspondent Gideon Yago says the Viacom mogul’s obits omit that he built an empire out of cheap labor and unprotected I.P.

Inflation Is Low Now But Is Still A Big Threat To Retirees

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

An often-overlooked inflation hedge

Reasons (NOT) To Be Cheerful

James Montier, GMO

Never before have I seen a market so highly valued in the face of overwhelming uncertainty.

Another Roaring Twenties May Be Ahead

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

We always seem to be living in unprecedented times, according to conventional wisdom, mostly because we don’t spend enough time studying history. There’s certainly a precedent for our current times in the past, one that was truly unprecedented back then.

Why Stimulus Spending Fails

Veronique de Rugy, Reason.com

More spending means more debt and more future taxes.

What Would Keynes Do In The Covid-19 Economy?

Ezra Klein, Vox

What Ezra Klein and another liberal think Keynes would do is exactly what liberals wanted to do before the onset of COVID. What Keynes would actually want to do is beside the point.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Apple Has An Epic Battle On Its Hands

Alex Cranz, Gizmodo

The billionaires are fighting.

The Bipartisan Backlash Against Big Tech

Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason.com

Even as Americans rely on tech more than ever, our early-pandemic truce with the industry is officially over.

Investing's Most Irrelevant Facts

Safal Niveshak, Safal Niveshak

Lots of things people pay attention to don't matter at all.

The Bakken Boom Goes Bust

Justin Mikulka, Naked Capitalism

The boom has now gone bust and there’s no funding to clean up the damage, leaving the public to pick up the tab.

The Carney Barkers

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

It is the age of capital markets as a carny show.

The Hardest Investing Questions to Answer

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Regression to the mean has to be one of the philosophical underpinnings of any decent investment strategy.

How Bonds Beat Stocks In The Long Run

Jules H. van Binsbergen, Knowledge@Wharton

That's not how this is supposed to work.
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