
Just Use 'the Computer' to Give People More Money

Stephanie Kelton, New York Times

Congress has all the firepower it needs. It just needs to send spending instructions to the Federal Reserve, as it always does.

A Chance for Republicans to Shed Keynes, Try Free Markets

Amity Shlaes, The Hill

The GOP's old free-market agenda actually could do more than we imagine for the stock market, stability and general American prosperity.

The Coronavirus Bailout Should Put U.S. Workers First

Elizabeth Warren, USA Today

As Congress responds to the coronavirus emergency, the financial security of workers and their families should be our first priority. That means making sure that any federal bailout of giant corporations directly helps their employees, fuels a grassroots recovery and ensures that those big companies make serious, long-term reforms that reduce the odds they’re back before taxpayers again looking for another bailout.

Don't Let Fear Set Public Policy

Rep. Ken Buck & Rep. Andy Biggs, Washington Examiner

The coronavirus is a serious disease that we are fighting to bring under control. But we also need to combat fear.

If You're Mad at Richard Burr, You're Missing the Point

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

As of this writing, more than 20% of Americans have been told to cease activity outside their place of residence. The individuals decreeing the inability of tens of millions to work, produce and...

How a Riskier World Forces a Rethink of Investments

Josh Barro, New York Magazine

My strategy had long been to buy and hold for the long term. That changed â?" in part, anyway â?" earlier this month.

Thirty Days That Brought the World to the Brink of Depression

Charles Riley, CNN

Monday, February 17. The novel coronavirus outbreak is raging in China, but fewer than 1,000 people have been infected outside the country. With the virus out of sight and mostly out of mind, the Dow Jones Industrial Average stands just shy of 30,000 points, driven by the longest US economic expansion in history.

Tips for Working From Home From One Who Hates It

Therese Poletti, MarketWatch

Experts weigh in on how to survive isolation, cabin fever as COVID-19 forces workers to stay at home

Congress Must Give Small Business Funds to Stay Afloat

Editorial, New York Post

If these businesses can't pay their bills â?" to landlords, vendors, insurers, etc. â?" then their creditors, in turn, won't have the cash to make their ends meet, triggering a metastasizing debt crisis.

Coronavirus Will Hurt Those w/the Least the Most

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

The rift between the experience of those able to work from home and those in the service sector, now out of work, shows how the coronavirus outbreak will only exacerbate income inequality in America.

How Businesses Are Working w/Trump In Covid-19 Fight

Peter Navarro, Fox News

President Trump has promised to unite the full force of the federal government with the full power of American enterprise to respond the China Wuhan virus â?" and the response from the private sector has been overwhelming.

Can They Nurse Econ Back to Health?

Hunt Lawrence & Daniel Flynn, American Spectator

President Donald Trump pushes a stimulus package, which includes a moratorium on Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes as well as rebate checks of between $600 and $1,200 sent to Americans, that exceeds $1 trillion. This comes atop the Families...

Coronavirus Hits Markets Hard

Liz Ann Sonders & Jeffrey Kleintop & Kathy Jones, Schwab

Recent stock action suggests some investor exuberance is being worked off.

Next Fed Steps: CP, QE and Beyond

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

'Severe Recession' Will Be the Outcome of All This

Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank

Could Negative Bond Yields Come to America?

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The Federal Reserve is reluctant to cut its policy rate below zero, but markets could drive Treasury yields negative anyway.

Don't Time Bottom, Don't Panic Sell

Daniel Kern & Renee Kwok, TFC Financial Management

What Do Recent Changes to FICO Scores Mean for Me?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Trying to improve your credit score? This week's Ask Carrie, talks about the impact of recent FICO changes and how to maintain good credit.

Residential Construction Momentum Won't Be Sustained

Richard Moody, Regions

The Four Stages Of (Most) Bear Markets

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

When will stocks recover?

What If You Buy Stocks Too Early?

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

You are unlikely to catch the low but in past crashes buying too soon wasn't as painful than you might think.

Are Even Utilities Dividends at Risk?

Jon C. Ogg, 24/7 Wall St.

Earnings are impossible to predict even for the most predictable of companies.

Markets in Turmoil: Our Game Plan

Vitaliy Katsenelson, Contrarian Edge

Investing isn't about beating others at their game. It's about controlling yourself at your own game.

The GFC Playbook Won't Work For This Crisis

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

During the 2008 crisis, unprecedented actions by the US Federal Reserve were both appropriate and decisive in addressing the primary source of the shock: a devastating blow to the financial system. In the COVID-19 crisis, the Fed cannot play the same role, because it is addressing the financial repercussions of a shock to the real economy.

A Once In A Decade Bond Opportunity

Adam Collins, Movement Capital

TIPS are cheap.

Normal is Not An Option

Arnold Kling, askblog

I believe that we have to resist the temptation to benchmark the economic outlook against "normal," where normal means what would have happened had the virus never appeared. Normal is not an option...

Stimulus?? This Is Life Support

Caroline Baum, MarketWatch

Businesses and workers need cash to pay their bills until the economy can revive

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

We Need A Reopening Plan. Fast.

John Cochran, The Grumpy Economist

A trillion bucks is a lot of money. The costs of shutting down the economy are larger.

American Capitalism Will Solve This Problem

Jeff Carter, Points and Figures

The invisible hand is hard at work.

Averting Economic Disaster Is the Easy Part

Anatole Kaletsky, Project Syndicate

Based on China's experience with COVID-19, the fiscal cost of comprehensive compensation for lost income could reach 10% of annual GDP, and as much as 25% of GDP in the US and Europe if the epidemic turns out to be worse there, which now looks likely. These may seem like mind-boggling sums, but they can be financed in several ways.

Into And After The Viral Storm

Jon Evans, TechCrunch

Things will get worse before they get better.

Markets Are A Confidence Trick

timarr, The Psy-Fi Blog

Central banks are writing a one way ticket for stocks - up.

COVID-19: Who Bears the Losses?

James Kwak, The Baseline Scenario

In an economic crisis like this the overriding question is: who bears the losses?

Only Multilateralism Can Save Us

Anne Krueger, Project Syndicate

Between a coronavirus pandemic and collapsing stock markets, the global economy may be in a worse situation than it was during the 2008 financial crisis, because America has all but slammed the door shut on international cooperation. And yet, without a multilateral response, the US will suffer as much as anyone.
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