
Let's Cheer Heroes Who Stay Open

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Econ. Research

This Will Get Worse: Grim Math of Covid-19 Future

Josh Barro, New York Magazine

The coronavirus endgame depends on a series of unknowns. We keep getting more data, but we still don't know how inherently infectious or deadly the COVID-19 virus is. We don't know how well we will respond to risks of infection and death.

Compared to What? Breaking Down C-19 Numbers

Heather Mac Donald, New Criterion

Compared to what? That should be the question that every fear-mongering news story on the coronavirus has to start with. So far, the United States has seen forty-one deaths from the infection. Twenty-two of those deaths occurred in one poorly run nursing home outside of Seattle, the Life Care Center. Another nine deaths occurred in the rest of Washington state, leaving ten deaths (four in California, two in Florida, and one in each of Georgia, Kansas, New Jersey, and South Dakota) spread throughout the rest of the approximately 329 million residents of the United States. This represents...

Vital Investor Asset Right Now: A Lack of Emotion

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Resist the temptation to read into the big ups and downs.

Common Sense Investing Tips We Forget Amid Panics

Russ Wiles, Arizona Republic

Many people seem to invest rationally, until the going gets tough. Then we often throw our reasoning out the window while making a mad dash for the exits. It shouldn't be like that. Here are some common-sense reminders that are worth heeding during volatile stretches in the stock market like now, with coronavirus anxiety seemingly everywhere.

Addressing Covid-19 Threat From Risk Manager's Perspective

Aaron Brown, RCM

One political leader in the world has delivered an honest speech about a rational policy to respond to the novel coronavirus. Boris Johnson's approach may prove to be wrong, but it's the...

Panic Sellers Will Miss Good Returns: Rafael Resendes

Christoph Gisiger, themarket

Rafael Resendes, Co-founder of Applied Finance, shares his view on the stock market crash. He warns of panic selling and explains why Facebook, McKesson and Aptiv are attractive value plays.

We Need Muscular Government, Including Rebates

Steven Rattner, New York Times

The coronavirus is pushing down growth and risking recession.

By Responding Differently to Coronavirus, Trump Can Be Great

John Tamny, RCM

It was sometime in 2004 that Cato Institute senior fellow Tom Palmer returned from a visit to Iraq. He was speaking at a Cato donor retreat, and as readers can likely remember, the U.S.'s...

Trump Culpable for Market & Economic Impact of Coronavirus

Neil Baron, The Hill

Trump's mishandling of the coronavirus has shattered his favorite argument for getting reelected: the strong economy and buoyant stock market.

A Keynesian Approach to Calming Covid-19 Nerves

Jonathon Trugman, New York Post

The US is now in the throes of the novel coronavirus scare, and panic has ensued.

Billionaire NBA Owners Must Help Suffering Arena Workers

Dave Zirin, The Nation

It's unconscionable that half the teams are still dragging their feet.

Federal Reserve Cuts 100 Basis Points

Steven Englander, Standard Chartered Bank

The Federal Reserve Goes All In with Cuts

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

The Market's Value Is Still In Question After the Crash

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Where Bear? There Bear!

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Pension Plans Suffer Investor Flight to Bond Safety

Allison Schrager, City Journal

As investors flock to bonds to avoid risk, pension plans face shrinking returns.

Speculating On Econ. Implications of Coronavirus

William Poole, Merk Investments

How Has the Mortgage Market Changed Since 2008?

Francesca Ortegren, Clever

Time to Buy, Says GMO

Christine Idzelis, Institutional Investor

Jeremy Grantham's army is "excited about equity."

Something Weird Is Happening on Wall Street

Neil Irwin, The New York Times

A sinking feeling reminiscent of the global financial crisis, when all kinds of obscure markets went haywire.

The Bond Bubble Debate Is Over

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Going where no Treasury notes have gone before.

Looming Recession's Cause Doesn't Change the Response

Matthew Yglesias, Vox

All unhappy economies are unhappy in their own way. That doesn't change the solution.

A $1 Trillion Plan To Save The Economy

Dennis Kelleher, MarketWatch

Medical needs come first, followed by money to support people who've lost their jobs

Can Corporate America Deliver Better Healthcare?

Andrew Hirschfeld, Ozy

Amazon, JPMorgan, Berkshire Hathaway, Walmart and others are promising an affordable health care option that's a third alternative to what Democratic moderates and progressives are offering.

Observations On The Corona Panic (Part II)

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

You can't blame your week ago self for not knowing how things would change.

A Made-in-China Pandemic

Brahma Chellaney, Project Syndicate

The COVID-19 pandemic should be a wake-up call for a world that has accepted China's lengthening shadow over global supply chains for far too long. Only by reducing China's global economic influence â?" beginning in the pharmaceutical sector â?" can the world be kept safe from the country's political pathologies.

Walmart's Free Market Healthcare Experiment

Steven Greenhut, Reason.com

No one will ever head to Walmart for a kidney transplant, but retail companies and profit-based clinics certainly can offer high-quality, lower-level servicesâ?"and impose market discipline in a sector that sorely needs it.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

No Time For A Victory Lap

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

President Trump shouldn't be taking any victory laps for Friday's rally.

Our Infected Machine

Jon Evans, TechCrunch

We are handling the first real global crisis since the Cold War with staggering incompetence. People are already dying en masse. We all need to stay home and stay away from one another.

The Sudden Economic Stop

Bill McBride, Calculated Risk

Business is coming to an all stop.

Remembering Who Is Keeping Us Alive

Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

Millions of Americans must go to work as usual, to help those of us who stay home during the pandemic.

28 Great Stocks at Great Prices

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These exceptional businesses are on sale.

Some Stocks Weathering The Storm

Jeff Desjardins, Visual Capitalist

There are a few stocks that were actually up last week.

Trump Must Abandon The Stock Market To Save It

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

No bottom in stocks or the economy until the test kits are ubiquitous. We believe markets want an aggressive plan and action to treat the disease rather than focusing on the symptoms. Then markets will take care of themselves and find their appropriate levels.
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