
Let's Learn From Disastrous Panic

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

Thinking back to February 28, 2020, and the New England Journal of Medicine. It published an article called “Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted” signed by Anthony S. Fauci (THE Fauci), Clifford Lane, and Robert R. Redfield.

Ideology That Criticizes Government Leads Us to Depression

Paul Krugman, NYT

Anti-government ideology is crippling pandemic policy.

In Blaming 'the Chinese', Republicans Sound Like Democrats

John Tamny, RCM

A Republican businessman who's developed somewhat of a following in the post-2017 world recently blamed "the Chinese" for an economic contraction foisted on us by U.S. politicians. What's...

Can Biggest Keynesian Stimulus Avert Depression?

Zachary Karabell, Foreign Affairs

In the grip of the coronavirus pandemic, governments are spending with overwhelming force to stave off economic collapse

Imperial College Indicated 98% C-19 Reduction without Closures

Steve Trost, OSU

When Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt announced on March 24 that he was issuing an order closing all non-essential businesses in 19 countie...

Capitalism: Virus Reminds What We Can't Live Without

Oliver Wiseman, City Journal

The present crisis is a bracing reminder of the social value of free enterprise.

Use 'Contagion Tax' to Re-open Part of Economy

Frederick Chen, Washington Examiner

Several states, counties, and cities in the United States have gone into shutdown mode to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus that has now infected over 1 million people worldwide. Amid reports that our healthcare capacity is inadequate to handle the surging number of cases, we also hear grumbling that the measures in place may have devastating long-run impact on the economy.

How to Re-Open Economy? The Same Way We Shut It Down

Red Jahncke, The Hill

The objective of the extraordinary stay-home measures was to 'flatten the curve' of infection, not to eliminate it.

It's Most Definitely Not the Math. It's Always People

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

Some of the Rules for Investing In a Bear Stock Market

Michael Sincere, MarketWatch

7 rules for investing in a bear market

The Market Is Acting Like Rapid Recovery Is a Slam Dunk. It Isn't

Matt Egan, CNN

Wall Street has experienced a breathtaking rebound from the coronavirus crisis lows -- one that reflects a belief among investors that the US economy will enjoy a swift recovery from this historic collapse.

How Deregulation Can Fuel Covid-19 Recovery

Grover Norquist, American Spectator

Barack Obama's chief of staff famously explained that one should "never let a crisis go to waste." Heeding that advice, long-time proponents of government-controlled health care...

The Power of a Balanced Portfolio

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

Things Could Get Worse Before They Get Better

Daniel Kern & Renee Kwok, TFC

Industrial Production: Largest Decline Since 1946

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Edmund Phelps on the Covid-19 Response

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

Just Compensation for Taking of Jobs

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Important Lesson from Spanish Influenza

Reuven Brenner, Montreal Economic Institute

The reason for the Spanish flu having had such a disastrous impact was that the two enemy coalitions fighting in WWI kept the information about the spreading flu secret.

Large Gaps In the Economic Data Will Continue

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

How To Create Opportunities In A Time Of Crisis

Yoram Wind, Knowledge@Wharton

The truth is that every crisis, while deeply unsettling, also contains the seeds of opportunity.

What Are Your Worst Fears? Lockdown or Open Economy?

Steven Phillips, The Hill

Our current early-pandemic flatten-the-curve game plan will buy critical time. If we can now take on the virus in its own court, the endgame becomes winnable and insight.

Personal Governance Needed

Richard Salsman, American Institute for Economic Research

A US Shale Bust Like No Other

Jennifer Hiller & Liz Hampton, Reuters

Texas oilman Mike Shellman has kept his MCA Petroleum Corp going for four decades, drilling wells through booms and busts and always selling his crude to U.S. oil refiners.

It's the End of the World Economy as We Know It

Neil Irwin, MSN

When big convulsive economic events happen, the implications tend to take years to play out, and spiral in unpredictable directions.

A Rapid Recovery Is Anything But A Slam Dunk

Matt Egan, CNN

Wall Street has experienced a breathtaking rebound from the coronavirus crisis lows -- one that reflects a belief among investors that the US economy will enjoy a swift recovery from this historic collapse.

The End Of The Office As We Know It

Rani Molla, Vox

Coronavirus could close off open offices, buoy working from home, and transform coworking.

An Army of Virus Tracers Takes Shape in MA

ELLEN BARRY, The New York Times

Asian countries have invested heavily in digital contact-tracing, which uses technology to warn people when they have been exposed to the coronavirus. Massachusetts is using an old-fashioned means: people.

There Are Tradeoffs Btw. Disease Prevention, Collapse

Claus Wiemann Frølund, FEE

What's an Essential Service in a Pandemic? Post Office

Editorial, New York Times

From the census to the November election, the Postal Service is critical to American democracy.

Economic Recovery Starts with Lifting Up of Small Business.

Jason Pye, The Hill

The economic devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic has l...

Apartment Renters Are Desperate for More Help

Yuliya Panfil & Tim Robustelli, CNN

Amid calls for social distancing and "shelter-in-place" orders, millions of Americans are now questioning how they will pay their rent or mortgage.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ready To Reopen? No, But Not Why You Think

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

Are we ready to reopen? No but not for the usual reason. Once we have testing we can reopen, says conventional wisdom. I doubt that. Who...

Reach for Yield, Mad Dash for Cash, Buy Stocks

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

We live in an age of future shocks. It wasn't too long ago that everyone seemed to be reaching for yield in the bond and stock markets. Act...

Is A "V" Recovery Still Possible For The US

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

The deep recession triggered by the coronavirus is the worst downturn since the Great Depression, but the hope is that the rebound will be equally swift and strong–a ‘V’ recovery. Unfortunately, the outlook for this best-case scenario is precarious.

When Do The Riots Begin?

Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution

From the point of view of the non-elites, the elites with their models and data and projections have shut the economy down.

Overtrading? Holding Losers? Might Be Hormonal.

Leanna Orr, Institutional Investor

New research has linked cortisol and testosterone to behavioral biases in investors.

The Great Economic Whiplash

Kaushik Basu, Project Syndicate

Before we become swept up in collective hysteria, we should remember that we were foolish to remain complacent in the initial months after COVID-19 emerged. Dizzy with whiplash, we may prove similarly foolish in assuming that only disaster lies ahead.

Captain Obvious Predicts The Future

Jeff Carter, Points and Figures

I am seeing more and more predictions about the future. Most are produced by Captain Obvious. For example, as a society, we will do more and more online. Duh. That trend was happening prior to the Wuhan Flu.
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