
Madrid Shows How to Manage C-19 w/o Heavy Force

Alberto Mingardi, City Journal

Madrid shows that it's possible to manage Covid without heavy-handed restrictions.

Joe Manchin Has a Funny Definition of 'Fiscal Insanity'

Ryan Cooper, The Week

The moderate from West Virginia has a funny definition of 'fiscal insanity'

Only In Leftieland Is $1.5 Considered a "Compromise"

Brian Riedl, New York Post

You know things have gone crazy when a trillion dollars is considered a compromise. But this is where today's Democratic party stands. There is no longer any room for moderates, or even Obama-style…

Biden Should Ignore the Debt Limit, Mint $1T Coin

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Now is the time for some courageous gimmickry.

How To End These Threats of American Debt Default

Editorial, The New York Sun

The endorsement by Janet Yellen of the "End the Threat of Default Act" is what caught our attention in the Treasury Secretary's testimony yesterday before the House. One of the bill's sponsors, Sean Casten of Illinois, asked where she stood on ending

Democratic Tax Plan Will Squeeze Small Business

Rea Hederman, RealClearPolicy

Democrats in Washington are looking to bolster their tax-and-spend reputation as they try to pass an "infrastructure" package currently slated to cost taxpayers roughly $3.5 trillion in sp

On Joblessness, Manchin Hit the Nail On the Head

Andy Puzder, RealClearPolitics

Joe Manchin said it best: “We have 11 million jobs that we haven’t filled, 8 million people still unemployed. Something’s not matching up here.” The...

From Manual Labor to One of Richest Women

Maria Abreu & Chris Helman, Forbes

This Denver tycoon defied convention to crash the gates of construction, fast food and Major League Baseball. It's a long way from her family's two-room adobe house without indoor plumbing.

Do's and Don'ts When Asking For a Pay Raise

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business Daily

You work hard. Does your employer return the love? If your salary is not as high as you deserve, what can you do to win a pay raise?

Poverty Not Just About Money

Veronique de Rugy, American Institute for Econ. Research

"The truth is that no country ever got out of poverty because of income redistribution. If such 'redistribution' could deliver such a happy outcome, the U.S. should have no child poverty at all." ~ Veronique de Rugy

The Business Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

Emma Kerr, U.S. News

Launching a business can feel like an act of rebellion against more traditional professional paths, but that doesn't mean entrepreneurs and small business owners have to do it alone. Business books are one way to learn from seasoned experts and get help guiding your business to success.

The Tales Pols Spin About Corporate Tax

Seth Berenzweig & John Tamny, Capitol Brief

Capitol Brief with legal analyst Seth Berenzweig and RealClearMarkets John Tamny

Is The Recent Rise In Rates Noise Or Signal?

James Picerno, Capital Spectator

After a summer of drifting lower and then holding in a range, the benchmark 10-year US Treasury yield is running higher this month. Does the jump mark a regime change after decades of trending lower? Or is this one more bout of noise?

COVID's Biggest Impact On Americans' Spending

Ironman, Political Calculations

If you had to pick one aspect of nearly American life that would be most measurably impacted by 2020's coronavirus pandemic, what would you choose?

Evergrande & Threats to Growth

Thomas Kirchner & Paul Hoffmeister, Camelot Portfolios

by Thomas Kirchner, CFA No Lehman or Minsky moment in sight. China's real estate market to crash. Domestic repression and international conflicts will cover up economic problems. The Evergrande default on $2 billion of Dollar-denominated foreign bonds itself, or the broader collapse of t

Thoughts On An October Market Correction

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Thursday, September 30, 2021

Why the Rich Get Richer & Interest Rates Go Down

Servaas Storm, INET

Going Down the Rabbit Hole at Jackson Hole

How To Overcome Biggest Obstacles to Investing

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

We've learned a lot about investing over the past 60 years, a period that has seen many breakthroughs in the world of finance. What we know comes from studying public markets and is grounded in serious academic research. The lessons are clear: Investing in markets is an excellent plan for meeting long-term goals, like maximizing your retirement income. When you develop a deeper understanding of public markets, you can cultivate a sense of optimism about investing.

How Wealth Fuels Economic Growth: The Role of Angels

Chris Edwards, Cato

China's Housing & Growth Conundrum

Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate

The Chinese government may yet succeed in insulating the broader market from the financial crisis at real estate giant Evergrande. But the larger challenge is to rebalance an economy that has depended for far too long on the bloated housing market for jobs and growth.

Manchin Is Forcing Congress To Think About the Deficit

Eric Boehm, Reason

Among Americans who aren't liberal pundits, the debt and deficit rank as major concerns. It's about time Congress noticed.

How an 11 Foot 3-D Printer Created a Community

Debra Kamin, New York Times

Three-dimensional printing can create nearly any object. A partnership in Mexico is putting that theory to the test, building a village for residents living in poverty.

Climate Change Is the New Dot-Com Bubble

Paul Ford, Wired

The free market has plenty of grandiose ideas about how to fix our broken planet. There's just one problem: We can't afford another bust.

Is The UK The Canary In The Net Zero Coal Mine?

Izabella Kaminska, FT Alphaville

The UK in pursuing net zero carbon emissions has created energy poverty across the country,

Berlin Voters Choose Stagnation over Capitalism

Connor Harris, City Journal

Citizens in Germany's capital approve a radical referendum that won't solve the city's housing crisis.

You Need To Resist These Dangerous Feelings

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Being right is the enemy of staying right.

ETF Tax Reform Proposal: Good Idea, Bad Execution

John Rekenthaler, MStar

There is another way to reconcile how ETFs and mutual funds are taxed.

CBDCs: The Future of Money

Eswar S. Prasad, ProMarket

Eswar Prasad explores the advantages that central bank digital currency offers relative to cash in battling corruption.

China's Bigger Problem Is Not Evergrande

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

The new dual thrust of Chinese policy – redistribution plus re-regulation – will subdue the entrepreneurial activity that has been so important in powering China's dynamic private sector. Without animal spirits, the case for indigenous innovation is in tatters.

Americans Think The Market Is Rigged. They're Right

Liam Vaughan, BBW

New research shows insider trading is everywhere. So far, no one seems to care.

This Guy Could Even Make Golf Cool

Alex Williams, New York Times

The creator of Freemans Sporting Club, who helped define the ye olde aesthetic of the early aughts, opens a country club in the Hudson Valley.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Digital Death of Collecting

Kyle Chayka, Kyle Chayka Industries

How platforms mess with our tastes.

Why America Has a School Bus Driver Shortage

Zachary Crockett, The Hustle

Across the country, school districts are struggling to fill transportation jobs. The shortage helps explain systemic problems in the labor market.

Are Rising Rates Bad For Tech Stocks? Sometimes...

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

A noticeable relationship has emerged this year between tech stocks and interest rates:When interest rates rise, tech stocks fall.When interest rates fall, tech stocks rise. But it isn't always that way...

Is Currency Stability About To End?

Mark Rzepczynski, Disciplined Global Macro

Policy and economic differences will raise opportunities across all currency markets.

Most Americans Will Get Vaccinated...To Keep Their Job

Eric Lutz, Vanity Fair

Companies like Tyson and United Airlines have seen vaccine rates skyrocket after imposing mandates for employees.

#MintTheCoin? This Again???

Izabella Kaminska & Claire Jones, Financial Times

The MMT solution raises its dismal head again.

10 Undervalued Wide-Moat Stocks

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These are the cheapest names in the Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Index--plus stocks the index has recently added and dropped.
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