
Mark-to-Market Taxation Will Hurt Us All

Paul Atkins, Fred Hatfield, Jill Sommers, RCM

Consider it a warning sign when legislation coming off Capitol Hill includes language - even before it is enacted - indicating a federal agency will need to simplify its related rules. As former Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioners, we know too well the complexities in implementing rules to carry out legislative intent. Even more concerning is when legislation will negatively impact the functioning of the derivatives and equities markets, as well as the millions of retail investors who invest in them.

Low Taxation: How Richest Stay That Way

Robin Kaiser-Schatzlein, New York Times

The longer we fail to constrain inherited wealth, the sooner the dream of a democratic society dies.

Dems' Corp. Tax Hike Would Kick Americans

Grover Norquist, Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats are demanding $3 trillion in tax increases on families and businesses. The largest tax hike in over 50 years.

The Right's Latest Freakout Over 'Socialism'

Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine

Joe Biden is still a capitalist.

The Right Needs a Proper Response to Debt-Ceiling Hikes

Andrew Wilford, RCM

As Democrats push for a 79th increase in the debt ceiling, it's tempting for Republicans to simply say that enough is enough. Particularly at a time when Democrats are pushing for $3.5 trillion in new spending in the middle of a second consecutive year running a $3 trillion deficit, the need to rein in the size of the federal government rightly is at the forefront of the conservative mind. But rather than simply working to prevent Democrats from successfully raising the debt ceiling, advocates of smaller government should focus on comprehensive reform to put the country on a path to fiscal...

Stocks Have Never Been More Expensive Than They Are Now

Dan Ferris, AC

Ignore the overhyped theatrical narrative of the Fed "propping up the markets" and instead focus on the long game.

Evergrande Not a 'Systemic Risk.' Politicians Are Only Risk

John Tamny, Forbes

In a free market, tomorrow rarely resembles today, and a year and five years from now are in many ways unrecognizable relative to today.

The Knee-Jerk Lesson From Evergrande Story

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Markets were supposed to crater, but they did alright.

Biden Latest In Wall Street's Presidential Losing Streak

Charles Gasparino, NYP

President Joe Biden's endless debacles mark another chapter of Wall Street's notoriously horrible record of backing presidential candidates who destory the economy, Charles Gasparino wr…

'Renewable Natural Gas' Is Latest Fossil Sham

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

The fossil fuel industry claims 'renewable natural gas' is green. It isn't.

Mandatory Climate Change Disclosure and the Law

Bernard Sharfman, RealClear

Part of the bargain of being a public company in the United States is that the firm must submit to the authority of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and its ability to require mandatory disclosures. However, that authority is not unlimited: the SEC cannot go beyond what the law will allow. This limitation has significance even when you accept the argument that the SEC has the authority to require disclosures regardless of whether they are material to a reasonable investor. This is an argument that is likely to be adopted by the SEC when it soon proposes its highly anticipated...

Measured By Job Creation, This Recovery Stands Alone

Eugene Ludwig, The Hill

For all the misery and carnage wrought by pandemic, these figures hint at the prospect of brighter days ahead.

Evergrande's Problems Aren't Everybody's Problems

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

There's nothing systemic here.

Early Earnings Releases Signal a Theme

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

What to Do in the Case of Sustained Inflation

James Montier, GMO

We look at various instruments that might be thought to protect your portfolio from an inflationary outcome, whether as an inflation hedge or as a store of value.

How COVID Changed Americans' Spending

Ironman, Political Calculations

The arrival of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States in March 2020 and, perhaps more significantly, the lockdown measures that state and local governments imposed on Americans as their response had a major impact on how Americans spent money in 2020.

Did I Miss the Value Turn?

Rob Arnott & Vitali Kalesnik & Lillian Wu, Research Affiliates

The value rebound that started in September 2020 gave up nearly half its gains by mid-May 2021 as the recovery faltered with the onslaught of the highly contagious Delta variant. But vaccination has proven highly effective, and as the unvaccinated around the world become vaccinated, the prospect of a reinvigorated economy is good. Is now a second chance to rebalance into value stocks?

Beware of These AMT Triggers

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

For 2021, will you have to pay alternative minimum tax? Here's what you should know about the AMT and the steps you can take to potentially avoid it.

August Residential: Multi-Family Does Heaving Lifting

Richard Moody, Regions

America's Losing China Strategy

Anne O. Krueger, Project Syndicate

After declaring that "America is back" and rejecting almost everything that Donald Trump represented, the Biden administration seemed poised to reclaim the mantle of US leadership within the open market-oriented international order. Yet in its strategy to counter China, it is behaving utterly Trumpian.

Benjamin Graham vs. Jesse Livermore

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

If we do a tale of the tape, you'll notice many differences between these two legends.

The 6 Highest Yielding S&P 500 Dividend Stocks

Lee Jackson, 24/7 Wall St.

These six stocks, four of which are in the red-hot energy sector, pay the highest dividends in the S&P 500 and look like great total return ideas for income-oriented investors looking for some upside appreciation as well.

Where's the Cheap Beef?

David Frum, The Atlantic

The rising prices at the supermarket checkout are a problem with no simple explanation. But Democratic hopes may depend on finding the right answer.

How Crypto Enables Economic Freedom

Brian Armstrong, Coinbase

The following is an internal memo that I shared with Coinbase employees this week and would also like to share publicly to help people see how we're working toward our mission of increasing economic freedom in the world.

The European Energy Crisis Is About To Go Global

Irina Slav, OilPrice.com

In the modern interconnected world, it is near impossible to contain an energy or economic crisis, and it looks likely that the European energy crisis is about to go global

3 Investment Mistakes to Avoid

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Bypassing the traps.

How to Save More and Need Less for Retirement

Karen Wallace, Morningstar

Lifestyle upgrades add up and have consequences for your today and tomorrow.

Why You Feel So Tired All the Time

Brad Stulberg, Time

And what you can do about it

China's War On Fun

Daniel Kalder, UnHerd

Like helicopter parents, dictators think it's dangerous to enjoy life

The Panic Series (Pt. IV) - 1837

Jamie Catherwood, Investor Amnesia

Today we are going to discuss the Panic of 1837, which was a prolonged depression lasting six years, and included Andrew Jackson's famous "Bank War".

Who's Ready for Rising Rates?

Steve Strazza, All Star Charts

We finally got a major resolution in what we consider one of the most important charts in the world these days.

Does Copycat Investing Work?

Joachim Klement, Enterprising Investor

A new investment style has proliferated over the last decade or so: the copycat investor.

Evergrande is an Isolated China Issue

Bryce Coward, Knowledge Leaders

In our view, comparisons to Lehman Brothers are inaccurate and unhelpful, since Evergrande is much smaller and counterparty risks to an Evergrande default appear to be isolated

Inflation in Time & Inconvenience

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

It isn't always prices that adjust.
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