
Markets Should Already Be Pricing Biden Win. They're Not

Charles Gasparino, NYP

The conventional Wall Street C-suite wisdom is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be moving to the White House next year.

Don't Let Corporate Insider Sales Lead You Astray

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Company insiders selling their holdings as stocks near breakeven doesn't mean you should, too.

Saving for Retirement Isn't Enough. You Need to Invest

Christy Bieber, Motley Fool

Most people know they need to save around 10% to 15% of their incomethroughout their working life to have enough money to retire. But simply putting this money into a 401(k) or IRA isn't going to cut it – you need to make sure you're doing the right things with your retirement contributions. And for most people, that means investing some of the money in the stock market. Investing part of your retirement money in equities doesn't have to be hard. And if you make smart choices about what you invest in, your contributed funds will work for you over time to help your nest egg...

Let's End Silly Pretense About a 'Cold War' w/China

Zachary Karabell, Foreign Policy

Applying 20th-century analogies to the U.S.-Chinese relationship is a misuse of historyâ?"and shows a misunderstanding of the present.

Why Did So Many Pro-Freedom Groups Sit Out Lockdowns?

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

The lockdown upheaval has affected every aspect of life, including intellectual life. People we have never heard of have become some of the most passionate and informative voices against government measures. I’m glad to meet them and interested in seeing how they grow through this to become influential voices.

People Aren't Reading or Watching. They're Gaming.

Ruchir Sharma, New York Times

During the pandemic, digital three-dimensional environments are where much of life is taking place.

Let's Be Serious, More C02 Isn't Making Earth 'Uninhabitable'

David Simon, RCM

Former Federal Reserve Board Vice Chairman and Princeton University economist Alan Blinder recently wrote the following in the Wall Street Journal: “cumulative CO2 emissions heat up the atmosphere, causing climate changes of all sorts—most of them bad. Because this huge negative externality has been allowed to run rampant, we are gradually making the Earth an inhospitable place for humans.” Increasing CO2 emissions have been “making the Earth an inhospitable place for humans?” Really?

Excess Taxes 'Voluntarily' Paid By Liberals Are a Tax On You

John Tamny, Forbes

A focus on deficits versus surplus is a waste of time. The only number that matters is how much government spends. That's the ultimate tax on present and future productivity.

Americans Buying As Much As They Were. For Now

Josh Barro, New York Magazine

Retail sales rose 1.2 percent from June, according to the Census Bureau, but the nature of consumer spending on goods is still far from normal, and without another stimulus, household spending could fall off again.

Let Markets Fix Political Censorship

Harold Furchtgott-Roth & Kirk Arner, RealClearMarkets

You’d think we’re living in a dystopian novel: news sites are blocked, politicians are prevented from reaching constituents, speech is arbitrarily labeled as “false,” and history is “forgotten.” But this isn’t Orwell’s Airstrip One in 1984. It’s America in 2020. You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to see this in action. In late July, Breitbart and other websites that support the Trump administration mysteriously disappeared from Google's search results, leading some to believe...

With Looming GDP Decline, U.S. Needs More Immigration

Christopher Murray, Hill

If the U.S. wants to maintain its number-one GDP ranking, it must restore historical migration policies.

State Budget Struggles Beget Bad Policy Ideas

Andrew Wilford, RealClearMarkets

Early on in the pandemic, I wrote a policy brief for the National Taxpayers Union Foundation warning of the danger of tax hikes and otherwise inadvisable tax policies coming out of revenue-starved state houses during a recession. As with most predictions that one hopes will prove unfounded, this one is of course coming true. Also unsurprising is that it is California leading the bad-policy charge (not that the state has ever needed a recession to pass ill-advised proposals). Members of the state legislature have proposed combating budget pressures by boosting its already-high 13.3...

The Good and Bad In the Jobless Numbers

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Gross Output Is Doing Better Than GDP

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Lockdowns Give Us What's No Ordinary Recession

Beth Akers, Manhattan Institute

Some Retirement Income Mistakes to Avoid

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

Avoiding simple mistakes can extend the life of your portfolio.

July CPI: Large Increases Unlikely to Be Sustained

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Does Diversification Still Work?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

During periods of market volatility, we need strategic asset allocation and diversification more than ever. Find out more from Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Why Investors Should Consider Taxable Munis

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Taxable municipal bonds can offer higher yields without excessive additional credit risk.

Stop Punishing Gig Workers, California

Allison Schrager, City Journal

The Golden State should repeal its anti-freelancer law.

How IBM Is Planning To Take On Amazon

Clare Duffy, CNN Business

When former IBM cloud leader Arvind Krishna took over the company's top job earlier this year, the move sent a clear signal about where the company sees its future.

Stocks Are From Mars, Bonds Are From Venus

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The two assets have responded very differently to the coronavirus crisis.

Are These Three Market "Anomalies" Dead?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

There’s an old Wall Street proverb that warns that the market can remain irrational for longer than you can stay solvent. The wisdom, or at least the empirical reality of that idea, has been put to the test in recent years on at least three fronts in the equity market via the persistent outperformance of growth stocks over value, large caps over small caps and US over foreign.

Managing Portfolio Risk in the Golden Age of Fraud?

Jules Hull, Medium

How technology and a dose of skepticism can provide protection.

How Did the Internet Get So Bad?

Lisa Borst, The Nation

The user always loses.

How Sumner Redstone Really Made His Fortune

Gideon Yago, Vanity Fair

Former MTV News correspondent Gideon Yago says the Viacom mogul’s obits omit that he built an empire out of cheap labor and unprotected I.P.

Inflation Is Low Now But Is Still A Big Threat To Retirees

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

An often-overlooked inflation hedge

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

New York City Is Dead. Forever.

James Altucher, LinkedIn

Midtown should be called ghost town.

The Immune Response That Didn't Bark

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

Why did it take so long to hear about T-Cell immunity?

A Quick, Cheap Test = Vaccine

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

Cheap, frequent COVID tests could be akin to vaccine.

Did Sweden Blunder Into COVID-19 Herd Immunity?

Ronald Bailey, Reason.com

If so, that could be really good news for the rest of the world.

What We Can Learn From the Fall Of The Roman Republic

Sean Illing, Vox

The Roman republic destroyed itself. Are we on a similar path?

Chartbook: The 2020 Mid-Year Update

Jeff Dicks, Evergreen Gavekal

In this edition of Evergreen Chartbook, we'll explore the economic recovery we have seen since the US officially entered a recession in Q2 of 2020. We will also delve into the impressive and broad-based rally within financial assets, as well as our current outlook for financial markets.

Much Ado About Bonds

Howard Lindzon, Howard Lindzon

Can you still own bonds?
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