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Marriage: Love, Affection & Economics

Charles Fain Lehman, Institute for Family Studies

A new paper, published in the American Economic Journal, floats a novel theory: the value of a home works as a kind of collateral, making marriage more appealing than it otherwise would be. The...


The Secret of America's Amazing Economic Success

Paul Krugman, New York Times

We've done amazingly well, even if people won't believe it.


Searching For Causes of Poverty & Prosperity

Michael Matheson Miller, Acton Institute

In the West, we live in prosperity but are often unaware of the sources of that prosperity. We even think we have some special insight into the causes of prosperity because we're wealthy. At the...


Khosla, Sam Altman, and the Beautiful Future Ahead

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Conservatives who should know better have been spilling much ink of late lamenting declining test scores. What has them up in arms should have them bullish. The great venture capitalist Vinod Khosla...


Why An Intellectually Shallow Powell Must Stop Talking

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra

Well, I finally got it. I've been fighting COVID for the last week and while most of my symptoms have improved, I am not 100% yet. My goal from the beginning of COVID was to avoid it, if at all...


The 4% Rule For Retirement Is Now the 4.7% Rule

John Coumarianos, MarketWatch

3 steps to getting a solid handle on your retirement savings in this shaky market.


The Business of War and Business of News Are Intertwined

Ralph DeFalco, L & L

Ralph DeFalco reviews Norman Solomon's book, War Made Invisible, which condemns the media for not exposing the true costs of America's wars.


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