
Michael Milken: Economy Will Rebound Fast from COVID-19

Rich Karlgaard, Forbes

What I learned about COVID-19 while moderating panels at a technology investor conference: Expect a recession. If the recession runs more than a quarter, expect a massive stimulus package of quantitative easing and government spending that will reignite inflation in 2021 and beyond.

Coronavirus: Seeing Through the Fog of Fear

Elisabeth Dellinger & Todd Bliman, Fisher

What we learned in our review of hundreds of coronavirus articles.

Case for Permanent Government Spending Stimulus

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Check out our low, low interest rates.

Covid-19 Is Priced. Inept Responses from Governments Are Not

John Tamny, RCM

Investment powers economic growth. Period. If this statement of the obvious triggers certain readers, it's probably best for the sensitive to stop reading now. For those not offended by the...

Stop & Consider the Human Costs of Covid Shutdowns

Steven Malanga, City Journal

Widespread quarantines and shutdowns of industries have human costs, too.

Looming Econ Crises Will Set Stage For Great 2030s

George Friedman, New York Post

The United States is at the beginning of a crisis that will increase over the next decade. The good news is we've been here before. The bad news is it will get worse before it gets better.

A Watershed Moment If Stocks Cannot Hold This Level

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

Investors who "buy the dip" could get burned

Some of the Stocks Thriving In What's a Lousy Stock Market

Jon Ogg, 24/7 Wall St.

Why Claiming Social Security Early Hurts Retirement

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Shelton: Golden Nominee for a Tarnished Federal Reserve

Richard Salsman, AIER

It's Time to Start Paying Women for All Their Unpaid Work

Sallie Krawcheck, The Hill

Gender inequality transcends pay gap; the time women spend working in their homes exceeds their male counterparts, it's not valued and it's free.

Congress Sadly Eyes a Tax On U.S. Air Travel

Shih-Hsien Chuang, RealClearMarkets

It is something that probably doesn't occur to most people when they purchase an airline ticket: an assortment of hefty government fees and taxes are baked in the cost of flying these...

Why You Should Hold Bonds Even When Yields Are Low

Kathy Jones, Schwab

Historically, there has been no better hedge against an equity market decline than long-term Treasury bonds.

Investors Shrug Off Jobless Report As 'Old News'

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Women Gain on Men in America's Labor Market

Kay Hymowitz, Manhattan Institute

Coronavirus: Riskier Fixed Income Prices Swoon

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

Despite lower prices and higher relative yields, there's room for prices of high-yield bonds, preferred securities and bank loans to fall further.

How Much Income to Replace in Retirement?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Replacing 70-80 percent of annual income in retirement is a good starting point but general guidelines only go so far, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Additional Fed Easing Likely in March, April

Steven Englander, Standard Chartered Bank

More Fed Rate Cuts to Come at March Meeting

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

The Fed's Emergency Rate Cut Was A Big Mistake

Lakshman Achuthan, CNN

Our research shows that the US economy came into this epidemic in more resilient cyclical shape than the Fed -- and most economists -- realize. This rate cut could do more harm than good.

Two Scenarios If The New Coronavirus Isn't Contained

Sharon Begley, Stat

Experts see two scenarios: 2019-nCoV becomes like the four little-known coronaviruses already endemic in people, or it becomes like the seasonal flu.

Modern Capitalism's Addiction Problem

Maya MacGuineas, The Atlantic

The biggest, best-known companies in the digital economy are getting their users hooked on their products—and undermining the pillars of America’s market economy.

No, Rich People Don't Work Harder Than You Do

Meghan Bell, Passage

I never saw exceptional “hard work” or “intelligence” among the members of the class I was born into.

The Market's Crazy. Get Excited!

Sarah Newcomb, Morningstar

Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the ride.

From Correction to Crash: What to Do Now

Lee Jackson, 24/7 Wall St.

Old timers have seen this show before.

Technology for All

Dani Rodrik, Project Syndicate

Technological change does not follow its own direction, but rather is shaped by moral frames, incentives, and power. If we think more about how innovation can be directed to serve society, we can afford to worry less about how we should adjust to it.

Were Some Traders Tipped Off About The Rate Cut?

William Cohan, The Hive

As the markets plummeted last week, some Chicago Mercantile traders made around $500 million by making contrarian bets on Powell’s rate-cut announcement. A coincidence? Possibly.

We've Embraced the Hustle Life & It's Making Us Miserable

Benjamin Sledge, Forge

We have side hustles, the latest products, and an obsession with doing instead of being. But have we all been buying snake oil?

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Extreme Tail Events In Oil and Bonds

Michael Harris, Price Action Lab

The moves in crude oil and bonds last Friday were 4 and 6 sigman events respectively.

I'm More Worried About Bonds Than Stocks

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

How can investors navigate a world in which there is no yield?

Are Falling Crude Prices Deflation?

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

The Saudi-Russian Oil War is going to set the deflationistas hair on fire. What is wrong with the relative price of oil collapsing? A big flop in the price of a headline commodity almost always brings out a deflation panic. We have yet to see any sustained general deflation in our lifetime, however. Yes, the?

Stimulus Spending Is Not An Economic Vaccine

Eric Boehm, Reason

If it works at all (and it usually doesn't), a fiscal stimulus is meant to boost demand. The biggest potential economic problem from coronavirus has to do with supply.

The Oldest (Still Functioning) Business in Every Country

Editors, The Ladders

The further you go back, the more fascinating the stories become, and the more insight into the unique histories of each place you'll find.

Stimulus or Stimu-lend?

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

We need to lend money, not just give it away.

The Stay Rich Portfolio

Mebane Faber, Mebane Faber Research

Once you've made it, how do you keep it?
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