
Millennials As the U.S.'s Richest Generation? You Bet

Allison Schrager, Bloomberg

Millennials spent their early adulthood dogged by two large recessions, rising housing prices and exploding student debt. It's no wonder they're less likely, even as they approach 40, to have many of the traditional trappings of adulthood, including marriage and homeownership. But a closer look at the data and a more inclusive definition of wealth reveals this often-maligned group is doing quite well. In fact, most are doing better than previous generations.

Wealthy Countries Have Left Rest of the World Behind

Rajan Menon, The Nation

Vaccine nationalism bought wealthy countries a return to normalcy, while leaving the Global South with devastating surges.

Death of a Visionary Retailer Vivifies Private Equity's Genius

John Tamny, RCM

Leigh Perkins died last month. Most reading this likely weren't aware of his passing, or who he was for that matter. But his story has broad relevance in consideration of the times in which we live. About Perkins, his New York Times obituary noted that he "built Orvis from a modest mail-order fishing tackle shop in Manchester, Vt., into one of America's largest and most distinctive sporting lifestyle brands." Not a bad legacy.

In the Post-Corona World, New York's Economy Is Worst

Anneken Tappe, CNN

The US economy is inching back to normal. But the recovery remains uneven and some states are lagging behind in the race to get back to pre-pandemic strength — especially New York.

GOP Wants You (Not the Rich) to Pay For Infrastructure

Brian Highsmith, NYT

The privatization of local public services that conservatives are pushing is a tax on all working people.

Economic Lessons From the TX Manufacturing Boom

Christopher Baecker, RCM

Ever since their mother took them to New York City for Christmas a few years ago, my daughters have been determined to return. My newly-minted high school graduate went so far as to apply to several colleges and universities in the northeast. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. While her work ethic will likely open doors for her wherever she wants to go in life, she'll be studying within a ninety-minute drive from mom and dad.

Billionaire CEO Brings More Than Chick-fil-A

Madeline Berg & Ariel Shapiro, Forbes

Dan Cathy is famous for his fast-food chicken empire — but a multi-million investment in a studio near Atlanta has made him a go-to partner for Walt Disney's Marvel Studios.

Sen. Klobuchar's Populism Would Crush Growth

Asheesh Agarwal, Law & Liberty

Asheesh Agarwal reivews Amy Klobuchar's Antitrust: Taking on Monopoly Power from the Gilded Age to the Digital Age.

Biden's Corporate Tax Hike In Search of a Spending Plan

John Tatom, The Hill

Proponents of a higher corporate tax rate apparently do not realize most corporate income does not face the corporate tax rate.

Trump's Legacy: A Love of Government Intervention

Charles Sauer, The Examiner

Former President Donald Trump's political tactics shaped the Republican Party in dramatic ways. Today, Republicans are now acting a lot more like Democrats.

A 21st Century View of the Dollar Reveals Inflation Catastrophe

Editorial, NYS

Paul Krugman is out with his latest column sneering at those who worry about inflation. His insouciance about the 1970s reminds us of Mark Twain's jibe about how Wagner's music isn't as bad as it sounds. The Sun, in any event, has shrunk from joining

A Ready Solution for Investors Pursuing Yield

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Cash flow is a lot simpler to reap than yield-obsessed headlines let on.

New Home Sales: We Expected Little, Got Less

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Benefits of Credit Card Rewards

Various, American Bankers Association

Existing Home Sales: Much Worse Than Headline

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

80% of Gen Z Investors Took On Debt to Invest

Julie Ryan Evans, MagnifyMoney

40% of investors said they have taken on debt to invest, including 80% of Gen Zers and 60% of millennials.

The Most Expensive Olympic Games In History

Various, ACE Cash Express

Have you ever thought about how much money it costs to host the Olympics? The ACE Cash Express Knowledge Hub breaks down the estimated cost for the countries that have hosted the Olympics.

Investing a Lump Sum vs. an Annuity

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

Should you take a lump-sum pension payout, or a monthly income stream for life? How to decide.

Turn Turn Turn: Rotations Persist

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

It's been a highly-rotational stock market this year in terms of leadership; with aggressively-speculative themes peppered in. Remember, neither FOMO nor HODL are investment strategies.

How Pepsico Is Rethinking the Modern, Post-Corona Office

Kathryn Vasel, CNN

When it comes to the future of work, PepsiCo is re-imagining the role of the office and giving employees more flexibility to choose where they work.

Fix Labor Shortage With More Immigration

David Bier & Christopher Richardson, Hill

Biden needs to act now to curb further losses and seize the great economic opportunity that legal immigration could provide for the country

To Fix the Labor Shortage, Pay Isn't the Sole Answer

Brandon Chrostowski, DMN

As the pandemic recedes and the country comes back to life, Americans are lining up to return to restaurants. The only problem is that workers aren't. The...

It's Not Too Late to Get a 'Post-Nuptial' Agreement

Emma Kerr, U.S. News & World

Postnuptial agreements, the less common but equally powerful cousin to prenuptial agreements,can be highly customizable to meet a couple's unique needs.

Why an 'Optimistic' Warren Buffett Quit Gates Foundation

Rebecca Heilweil, Vox

The Berkshire Hathaway billionaire says he's "optimistic."

Inconvenient Truth: Clean Energy Requires Minerals

Debra Struhsacker, Examiner

The Biden administration's 100-day supply chain review shines a spotlight on the urgent need to produce more critical minerals from U.S. mines.

Forget Ideology, Ride Green Investment Wave

Trish Regan, American Consequences

Whether you agree with the climate-change movement is irrelevant as an investor – just take the money that's staring right at you.

Small Business Suffers Most When Congress Attacks Big

David Audretsch, RCM

It's no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic devastated small businesses and that elected officials have tried mightily to help. For the first time in our history, the federal government delivered hundreds of billions of dollars directly to small businesses in their time of desperate need. This was a critically important tourniquet when the patient was bleeding out. But now Congress is poised to tear open the wounds with new digital economy policies that will undercut the recovery and leave small businesses less prepared for the next crisis.

America Is Back: We Need a Trade Agenda That Shows It

Myron Brilliant, The Hill

The United States badly needs a forward-leaning, market opening trade agenda.

Biden Should Cease Trying to 'Help' Gig Workers

Tammy McCutchen, The Examiner

The Biden Labor Department recently blocked a regulation concerning gig workers and independent contractors, and as Bloomberg reported last week, "The Biden Administration faces mounting pressure from the left to launch an enforcement investigation against a gig power." The goal: forcing gig…

Bill O'Reilly Confounds the Times, From Atop Its Bestsellers List

Ira Stoll, NYS

When in 2017 Bill O'Reilly was forced out of Fox News amid MeToo-era reports of complaints about his behavior, the New York Times concluded its account of his ouster by predicting, "sales of his books will almost certainly decline without the benefit

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

How Rebekah Neumann Put the Woo-Woo in WeWork

Rachel Dodes, Vanity Fair

The wife of WeWork's founder Adam Neumann carved out her own little space as a New Age exec—and the company's downfall isn't slowing her.

The Rise of the $10 Million Disc Golf Celebrity

David Gardner, The Ringer

How much can athletes really make in niche sports? A whole lot more than you might think.

Will Tether Bring All Cryptocurrencies Down?

Barkley Rosser, Econospeak

There's a pretty good argument for the answer being yes.

Meet the New Snowbirds

Jason Diamond, GQ

Heading south (or west) for the winter used to be for geezers. Now, a new generation of work-from-anywhere types are plotting their cold-weather escapes.

Ten Classic Investing Myths From Peter Lynch

Sivaram V, Can Turtles Fly?

A contrarian investment blog influenced by value investing, with some macro and special situation investing.

What Is Financial Independence?

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

How to think about financial independence and figuring out how much you need to be financially free.

How Disney Mismanaged the Star Wars Universe

Spencer Kornhaber, The Atlantic

And how "The Mandalorian" can restore the true power of George Lucas's galaxy
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