
My Worst Summer Job: Int with David Rosenberg

Rosemary Counter, Financial Post

'Did doors get slammed in my face? Absolutely. It's like baseball; you have to strike out a lot in order to score anything at all'

Unlike In Your Diet, Lots of "Fat" Is Great In Stocks

Ken Fisher, RealClearMarkets

Earnings, earnings, earnings! Often, that is all pundits dissect. How much profit did a company report? Did it meet Wall Street's expectations? Will firms' earnings soar or sag next year? Fine questions! But investors stuck in this myopia miss a far better gauge of future growth: gross operating profit margins. That they're rarely considered gives them power, particularly in late-stage bull markets—like now. Here is why "fat" margins offer you an edge—and how to deploy them now.

WallStreetBets Is Latest In Long Line

Peter Earle, Am. Institute for Economic Research

"Keith Gill and the WallStreetBets horde aren't going anywhere, and their crusade is not unique. They are preceded by many other campaigns, the earliest of which were Thomas Lawson's in early 20th century Boston." ~ Peter C. Earle

Don't Extend Disastrous Durbin Amendment to Credit Cards

Bryan Bashur, Hill

Like all price controls, the Durbin amendment harms every party involved except for the party it is meant to benefit — in this case, multibillion dollar retail giants.

Planning to Retire? Here's What to Account for 1st

Alessandra Malito, MarketWatch

A beginner's list to planning retirement

Are the Childless Really Uninvested In Our Future?

James Pethokoukis, The Week

Measuring the impact of declining birth rates on the American economy

The Sick,Totalitarian Puritanism Driving Lockdownism

Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone

The lockdowns are looking less like a gigantic error and more like the unfolding of a fanatical political ideology and policy experiment that attacks core postulates of civilization at their very root. It's time we take it seriously and combat it with the same fervor with which a free people resisted all the other evil ideologies that sought to strip humanity of dignity and replace freedom with the terrifying dreams of intellectuals and their government sock puppets.

Biden's Costly, Anti-Environment, EV Mandate

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, City Journal

An executive order to mandate electric-vehicle sales presents economic and environmental problems.

A Harrowing Climate Report Made Scary by the Deniers

Hayes Brown, MSNBC

We know what it will take to end fossil fuel use by 2050 — and who's standing in the way of fixing things.

Pants On Fire: The U.N. Issues Another Climate Report

Editorial, Issues & Insights

The IPCC has a habit of doctoring its own work in an effort to frighten and manipulate the public.

We Must Oppose Socialism In Cuba, and at Home

Rep. Jodey Arrington, Examiner

In recent weeks, the world has watched as the Cuban people have taken to the streets with a message not heard publicly in Cuba for more than six decades: chants of "Libertad." Across the island nation, thousands of brave Cubans joined protests, defiant in the face of a brutal dictatorship, as they…

America's Housing Crisis Is a Policy Choice

Spencer Bokat-Lindell, New York Times

Why are Americans running out of affordable places to live?

Too Much Time On Government

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Predicting Equity Returns with Inflation

Jim Masturzo & Michele Mazzoleni, RALLC

Recent conversations in the investment industry are dominated by predictions about the path of the inflation rate and its implications for capital markets. Rather than predicting what will happen to inflation in the future—a particularly arduous and humbling task—we ask a simple question: What can past inflation dynamics tell us about the equity market's future returns? We find it can tell us a lot.

The Exclusionary Effects of Inclusionary Zoning

Connor Harris, Manhattan Institute

Many cities with high housing costs have adopted "inclusionary zoning" (IZ) ordinances that either incentivize or force developers of large housing projects to rent a portion of the units for below-market rates.

Back to Where We Were, But Not Where We Could Be

Richard Moody, Regions

Saving for Retirement: IRA vs. 401(k)

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

We break down which retirement accounts—IRAs or 401(k)s— may be right for you.

Reflections On the Meaning of a Car-Buying Odyssey

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Where to Find Opportunities in the Muni Market

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Given the economic environment and potential tax benefits, investors might consider lower-rated municipal bond issuers.

Dems' Reckless $3.5 Trillion Tax-and-Spend

Sen. Bill Hagerty, Washington Examiner

Democrats' reckless $3.5 trillion tax-and-spend spree will be an unprecedented disaster for hardworking families.

Dems' $3.5T Plan Will Be a Huge Deal for American People

Andrew Prokop, Vox

Democrats' massive spending plan, explained.

What Legislators Missed About Reviving the U.S. Economy

Joel Bloom, The Hill

A more resilient science infrastructure is critical for economic recovery and necessary for the next pandemic: public STEM universities are well-prepared to lead us there.

Politicians Set Unrealistic Goals to Control Covid-19

Jonathan Ellen, City Journal

Politicians and public-health officials are setting unrealistic goals for controlling Covid-19.

Covid-19 Denial Begins w/Global Warming Denial

Paul Krugman, New York Times

It's not as bad as you thought. It's worse.

How Timing Is Crucial With Tech Investing

Brian Tycangco, American Consequences

Investing in tech may seem less safe than pirouetting through minefields, so here's the most secure way to profit in the Silicon Sector.

The Bidding Up Of Worker Pay Is Being Erased by Inflation

Tami Luhby, CNN

Companies big and small are raising wages to attract workers and hold onto employees as the economy revs back into gear. But those fatter paychecks aren't going as far, thanks to rising inflation.

People Don't Resent the Rich Merely for Being Rich

James Rogers, Law & Liberty

James Rogers reviews Mike Savage's The Return of Inequality.

Dems Should Keep Their Paws Off American Retirement

Editorial, New York Post

Democrats on Capitol Hill are proving their socialist stripes: They've reportedly considered raiding the "super-sized retirement savings accounts" of the wealthy to pay for their $3.5 trillio…

Job Growth So Strong, GOP Is Literally at Loss for Words

Steve Benen, MSNBC

For months, Republicans tried to draw a direct connection between the White House's economic agenda. As it turns out, that wasn't a good idea.

Why Do We Make Things So Difficult for Renters?

Ron Lieber, New York Times

Relief came late, then slowly, and renters have been subject to political brinkmanship. We can do better.

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Obama's Party Of The Century

John Steele Gordon, City Journal

It was the party of the century—the nineteenth century.

Silly Season at the UN: 1989 vs. 2021

Robert Bradley Jr, Master Resource

The fix was in early at the UN when it comes to climate change.

The Job Market Is Hot, Real Wages Are Not

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

Real wages are falling, as predicted.

A Nation Of Quitters

Sam Ro, Axios

3.87 million workers quit their jobs in June, which is close to the record, set in April, of 3.99 million.

The EU's Awkward Vaccine Success

Pascal, A European Tomorrow

The EU has some of the most highly vaccinated places in the world.

How Overvalued is the Stock Market Right Now?

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

The U.S. stock market is far from cheap at the moment.It's dare I say, expensive.This shouldn't be a surprise considering the S&P 500 is up 12 of the past 13 years (including this year) in

A World Awash In Capital

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

Cash is everywhere.
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