
Neither the U.S. Nor China Can Afford a Divorce Right Now

Zachary Karabell, Wired

THREE MONTHS INTO the global coronavirus pandemic, there are growing signs that the long marriage between China and the US—indeed between China and the developed world—is coming apart. The virus shut Chinese factories in January and February; then it exposed how dependent the US and Europe had become on China for everything from drugs to medical equipment. That’s prompted “a rethink of how much any country wants to be reliant on any other country,” in the words of Elizabeth Economy of the Council on Foreign Relations. As another...

China Watchers Are 'Misunderestimating' Its Strength

David Goldman, Law & Liberty

David Goldman reviews Matthew Kroenig's The Return of Great Power Rivalry, which may understate China's emerging technological leadership.

Markets Have Failed, So Let Politicians Plan Economy

Marco Rubio, New York Times

With a sensible industrial policy, workers will take precedence over short-term corporate gain.

Art of the Federal Bailout Calls for Aid With Real Conditions

Ira Stoll, New York Sun

Meet Mimi Swartz, Another 'Self-Hating Texan' Living In Texas

John Tamny, RCM

In his disappointing 2018 book God Save Texas, Lawrence Wright wrote "[W]hen I tell people outside the state that I live in Texas, they often look at me uncomprehendingly." Which was one...

Passive Investing's Dominance Creates An Opportunity for Active

Seth Levine, TII

While the competitive landscape of investing drastically shifted, the fundamentals have not. It’s still about buying low and selling high. However, the motives of buyers and sellers have changed. Ace still trumps jack irrespective of the players’ strategies. Perhaps a few adaptations can make active management an easy game again.

Contrasting U.S. and European 'Reopening' Plans

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Different paths to easing business restrictions highlight a subtle shift in a key question for investors.

The Most Common Questions Investment Advisers Hear Now

Micki Wagner, Worth

Worth asked RIAs and financial advisors what they're advising their clients to do right now. Here's what they had to say.

'I'm Only Sort of Unemployed, But I'm Going Broke Fast'

Charlotte Cowles, New York

The CARES Act, was tailored to address people like you, who have "lost income because of COVID-19," not just people who have been laid off. This means that you're eligible if you've had a salary reduction or a drop-off in demand for your work.

Small Businesses Need More Than Money Right Now

Sam Taussig, MarketWatch

Federal PPP money is just a first step to strengthen the backbone of the U.S. economy

Save Energy Industry by Slashing Taxes, Royalties

Steve Moore, Washington Examiner

America's domestic energy producers are under siege. The price of oil fell to below $5 a barrel on Monday, down from roughly $50 a barrel a year ago. This 90% drop in price is sending nearly the entire oil and gas industry into bankruptcy.

Times Up For States' Authority to Tax the Internet

Andrew Wilford, RealClearMarkets

As millions of Americans continue to shift their work, social, and private lives online as a result of the coronavirus, internet access has become more essential than ever. Thankfully for internet...

Charlie Munger's Phone Isn't Ringing

William Smead, Smead Capital Management

Panic Over, So Now What?

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

Higher Debt Is Necessary Price to Pay

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

Looking Into What Lawmakers Are Regarding Re-Opening

Michael Bernick, Forbes

Think You Can Time the Market? Think Again

Eric Nelson, Servo Wealth Management

We are all biased in how we remember the past, and this has serious implications for how you make financial decisions. Learning more about your hindsight bias might help you avoid common and very costly investment mistakes.

Why a Pandemic Is Not a Recession

David Ranson, Independent Institute

The Power of a Balanced Portfolio

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

Why Our Work Will Transform After the Crisis

Ioana Petrescu & Steve Johnson, The Hill

This situation should lead the world to a better future.

Remdesivir: No Big Pharma Haters Amid Pandemics

Bret Stephens, New York Times

Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there should be no big-pharma haters in pandemics.

Why It's Unlikely That Coronavirus Escaped From a Lab

Jason Kindrachuk, Forbes

An early cluster of cases, linked to an animal market in Wuhan, initially suggested that humans had been infected by animals.

Forced Econ. Shutdown Creates a More Lethal Virus

Thomas Smith, RealClearPolitics

Deliberately closing down the economy, which has never been done before, has created a more infectious, possibly more lethal disease than COVID-19. LetÂ's call it the Stress Virus. For the Stress...

Why Lockdowns Are the Wrong Policy: Interview with Johan Giesecke


Trump Admin. Should Double Down on De-Regulation

Daniel Savickas, The Examiner

One of the most important legacies the Trump administration will leave behind is the mountain of regulatory red tape taken off the books. This red tape reduction contributed greatly to the expansion of our economy, the growth of the stock market, and the reduction in unemployment. This has been a key part, if not the cornerstone, of fulfilling the president's promise to "drain the swamp" in Washington.

Indré Rockefeller Makes Travel More Sustainable Amid C-19

Emily Cegielski, Worth

It's no secret that the travel industry will look much different in a post-coronavirus world. Thankfully, Rockefeller's luxury travel goods brand Paravel is working to make sure that the future is brighter than ever before.

With China Contracting, Let's Turn Off the Ventilator

Steven W. Mosher, New York Post

Xi Jinping's "China Dream" is now on life support, in danger of succumbing to the same coronavirus that the country has unleashed upon the world.

Warren Buffett Is Lying Low, Ackman Steps Up

William Cohan, Vanity Fair

In 2008, Buffett calmed the markets and signaled it was safe to buy. Now, with the Oracle of Omaha silent, Bill Ackman is the most public of bulls. But maybe Buffett is quietly buying.

Who's Going To Pay For This?

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

How do we pay off the debt we'll incur to pay for the cost of the pandemic?

What Past Market Crashes Can Teach Us About This One

Paul Kaplan, Morningstar

Our analysis of equity markets over the past 150 years shows how the current coronavirus-caused crisis compares to previous market crashes.

Why The Dollar Must Continue To Be King

Eric Lorber & Jonathan Schanzer, CNN

Frightened by uncertainty and hungry for safe assets, investors and business owners are flocking to the US dollar.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Myth of "Helicopter Money"

L. Randall Wray & Yeva Nersisyan, Project Syndicate

Since the United States adopted a $2.1 trillion rescue package to complement unprecedented action by the US Federal Reserve in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the media have been amplifying popular misconceptions about Modern Monetary Theory. So, what does MMT actually say about financing government borrowing and spending?

Welcome To The Real World, Politicians

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

FINALLY, politicians are realizing that the shutdown of the US economy is a huge disaster.

When We Re-Open The Economy Will Anyone Show Up?

Claire Jones, FT Alphaville

Some European governments are beginning to take the first steps towards re-opening their economies. But without a vaccine and with many questions about coronavirus remaining unanswered, can we really expect activity to bounce back strongly?

The Overvalued & Top Heavy U.S. Stock Market

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

Caveat freaking emptor.

Lockdown Socialism Will Collapse

Arnold Kling, askblog

I've seen headlines about polls showing that people are afraid of restrictions being lifted too soon. To me, it sounds as if they prefer what I call Lockdown Socialism.

The S&P 500 In The Upside Down

Ironman, Political Calculations

Stock prices are rising even as future dividends are falling.

Don't Let Politicization of C-19 Destroy Insurance Ind.

Corrie Foos, Free Market Zone

It is well-known among insurance professionals, that until a loss occurs, most business owners care more about price than coverage. If all of my insurance proposals during the last year had included a rider for pandemic business interruption insurance, I believe less than 5% of the buyers would have considered it. Obviously, it's a decision ?
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