
New York Will Ultimately Triumph Over Today's Pessimism

Jason Barr, City Journal

The city's history offers fresh hope for a resurgence.

The Ugly Partisan Truth Behind Trump Stimulus Roadblock

Zachary Karabell, Time

The economic harms of the pandemic are hurting everyone, but those inclined to vote Democrat are being hurt even more.

No Stimulus Needed. Get On With New Economy

Tim Worstall, Washington Examiner

President Trump has announced that he won't be approving any more economic stimulus or relief legislation until after the election. This may or may not be a wise move â?" it depends upon your views of what sort of recession we're in right now. A rational view would be that it's good news, for the bad news is that we have two different recessionary events to deal with.

Why Is GOP Trying to Crush Stimulus for Trump Economy?

Eric Levitz, New York

Donald Trump's reelection hopes are dimming. Mitch McConnell's Senate majority is in danger. And yet, with the economy in turmoil, the GOP pulled out of COVID stimulus talks Tuesday. Here's why Republicans are letting Trump's economy crumble.

You Can Only 'Stimulate' Depressed by Depressing Stimulated

John Tamny, RCM

Annual U.S. federal government expenditures can be measured somewhere north of four or five trillion. On the other hand, politicians in Yemen spend somewhere in the range of $5 billion. What’s going on? Are we to assume Yemen’s political leadership is particularly parsimonious with taxpayer money? And is the low level of government spending there the reason for the country’s history of extreme poverty?

Manage Retirement Funds For Growth, Not Personal Activism

Ellen Wald, The Hill

An ERISA plan manager can prioritize environmental or social goals with his or her own investments, but not with others' money.

Decentralized Money Is the Future. Just Ask Al Gore

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

Everyone knows the joke about how it was Al Gore who invented the internet. The former Vice President and Senator said as much in a March 1999 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. Ramping up to launch his own campaign for the Democratic nomination for President, the would-be candidate was eager to tout his own contributions. To Wolf, Gore bragged: “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and...

'Inflation Will Be a Game Changer': Int. with Jim Bianco

Christoph Gisiger, themarket

Jim Bianco, founder and chief strategist of Bianco Research, anticipates a surge in inflation confronting investors with entirely new challenges. He warns of potential market turbulence due to the US presidential election and fears that a second Covid-wave will delay the economic recovery.

Stocks Don't Care About Personalities, VP Debates

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Vice presidential debates are no more telling than their big siblings.

A Roth IRA Withdrawal Mistake That Could Cost You Tax Break

Christy Bieber, MF

A Roth IRA is a retirement account that comes with powerful tax breaks. Roths are a great option for seniors because while you invest with after-tax dollars, any money you withdraw as a retiree is tax-free. You won't pay taxes on investment gains, and distributions don't count when determining if you hit the threshold at which Social Security benefits become taxable. But in order to reap the benefits a Roth IRA provides, you need to follow certain rules. And while most people are familiar with the requirement that you wait until age 59 1/2 to take money out to avoid early withdrawal...

$75B In Band-Aids Won't Cure Sick Airlines

Veronique de Rugy, The American Spectator

Nobody in Congress is talking about a bailout for Regal Cinemas. Now compare that with the airline industry.

Capitalism Broken. Fix Begins With Free Vaccine.

Mariana Mazzucato, New York Times

Skewed public-private relationships, like pharmaceutical companies getting millions from taxpayers then overcharging for drugs, are just one part of the problem.

Which Political Party Is Better for the Economy?

Adam McCann, WalletHub

The U.S. Labor Market: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Ryan Severino, JLL

Pandora's Box of Central Bank Digital Currencies

Bill Campbell, DoubleLine Capital

Expected Mediocre Long-Term Returns of ESG Funds

Bernard Sharfman, Oxford Law

Do Stocks Care Who Wins?

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

Small Cap Growth: Most Expensive Valuation Since '01

John Holt, Applied Finance

This is a follow up piece to a recent article focusing on large cap stocks. This commentary will instead look at small cap value/growth relative attractiveness, as well as compare large and small caps. The [...more]

Problem Is Jobless Numbers Aren't What They Seem

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Millions Lost Jobs, Some Executives Made Millions

Peter Eavis, The New York Times

Some corporate bosses who received stock awards this year are sitting on gains of millions of dollars.

33 Undervalued Stocks for the Fourth Quarter

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

Here are our analysts' top ideas in each sector.

The Shecession

Anneken Tappe, CNN Business

Hundreds of thousands of women - nearly eight times more than the number of men - dropped out of the US labor force last month, as the pandemic continues to exacerbate inequalities in America's economy.

Accountable to Darwin vs. Accountable to Newton

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

“Accountable to Darwin, not to Newton,” is a useful way to explain how a lot of things work, and why a lot of people get things wrong.

Why A Democratic Sweep Is Bad For Bonds

Sunny Oh, MarketWatch

Polls show Biden widening his lead over President Donald Trump ahead of next month's election

Regulating Big Tech Will Hurt Small Business

Dirk Auer, Truth On The Market

The writing is on the wall for Big Tech: regulation is coming.

10 Books Warren Buffett Thinks You Should Read

Jeff Haden, Inc.

Because a few fresh perspectives, and fresh strategies, may be all you need.

Hoover, Carter.....And Trump?

Laurent Belsie, The Christian Science Monitor

President Trump and Congress remain at loggerheads over delivering new pandemic relief for Americans. How's the rest of the "Trump economy"?

No, The Economic Recovery Isn't About To Falter

Lakshman Achuthan, CNN Business

Understanding where we stand in the economic cycle offers valuable context for what otherwise seems irreconcilable, particularly with respect to two key economic metrics: GDP and employment.

The Election Will Not Derail The Economic Recovery

Dave Sekera, Morningstar

As Election Day nears and the coronavirus vaccine trials continue, headlines may lead to volatility, but we expect economic rebound to keep on.

The Pandemic's Bloom of Startups

Editors, The Christian Science Monitor

Applications for new businesses are way up in the U.S., a sign of creative and courageous entrepreneurship that defies the social isolation and gloom.

Long-Term Jobless Imperils Recovery

Christopher Rugaber, Associated Press

In a worrisome trend, a rising proportion of job losses appear to be permanently gone.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Technology Is Changing In Person Retail Too

Fred Wilson, A VC Blog

Retail will come back after the pandemic. But we will do it differently and more efficiently than we used to.

The 7 Things That Matter For Markets Going Forward

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

7 things will determine the future course of markets.

A Review Of Supply & Demand For Money

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

Interest rates are low because of the incredible demand for money.

Why Is Sports Viewership Down In The Pandemic

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

Viewership of sports is down dramatically during the pandemic.

Government Bonds Aren't "Free" Markets

Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism

There's very little about the government bond market that is free.

Bonus Army: How To Get Workers Back To Work

Noah Williams, City Journal

Pay workers for finding a job, not for staying unemployed.

The Economics Of Vending Machines

Zachary Crockett, The Hustle

The pandemic has boosted interest in vending machine ownership. But just how lucrative is the business? We spoke to 20+ operators to find out.
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