
Not Even Mnuchin's Family Is Happy

James Stewart & Alan Rappeport, The New York Times

The coronavirus was an opportunity for the Treasury secretary to redefine his legacy, for better or worse.

There's Nothing Much to the Fed's Alleged 'New' Policy Pivot

Market Minder, Fisher

The Fed's new inflation targeting approach is less than meets the eye.

The Fed Finally Realizes Inflation Isn't Coming

Zachary Karabell, Washington Post

The central bank finally got its head out of the 20th century.

XOM's Dow Deletion Exposes Latest Fed Shift As Insignificant

John Tamny, Forbes

The most valuable company in the world as of 2013 has lost $267 billion in market cap since. This basic truth reminds the mildly sentient that the Fed's ability to power stock-market rallies is wholly theoretical.

Of all the Major DJIA Changes, This May Be Most Important

Mark Decambre, MW

The new Dow divisor is likely to be 0.152

California's Odd Desire to Suffocate 'Gig Economy'

Gerard Scimeca, RealClearMarkets

If our current economy were a swimmer paddling furiously against a surging tide, then California is determined to hand it an anchor. Millions of Americans who work to make ends meet through freelance work in the ‘gig’ economy were recently handed virtual pink slips through AB5, legislation signed into law last year by Governor Gavin Newsome forcing independent contractors to be treated as employees. With other states now looking to follow suit, it’s time Congress address this atrocious assault on worker freedoms and economic innovation by enacting federal standards on...

Bernie Sanders's Dangerous Wealth Tax Distortions

Andrew Wilford, RealClearMarkets

Accurate and representative data is always a necessary ingredient for good tax policy proposals — after all, it’s hard to prescribe a treatment when you don’t have the correct diagnosis. Unfortunately, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has chosen a period of national crisis to deliver one of his biggest statistical whoppers yet. And just as the underlying data is faulty, his proposed policy recourse would be even more disastrous. Sanders, relying on data from the left-wing interest groups Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) and Institute for Policy Studies (IPS),...

The U.S. Is Adding Jobs, But the Recovery Could Take Years

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Economists are worried that the tepid recovery in the US job market could run out of steam this fall should coronavirus cases surge again just as federal stimulus money runs out.

Is America's Economy Headed For a Double Dip Recession?

Editors, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

U.S. Is Handling Virus Downturn Much Better Than Europe

Tim Worstall, Examiner

Contrary to what you might have been told, a 32.9% fall in GDP is a smaller decline than a 22.1% one, or even an 11.9% decline. Those are the economic slowdown estimates for, respectively, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. It's not magic, or deceit, or even American exceptionalism that explains why that 32.9% is actually smaller than 22.1% and 11.9. It's because the U.S. reports economic changes on an annualized basis (meaning it shows how bad it would be if the quarter continued all year), while everyone else just lists what happened during those three months. Removing that...

Do You Hate Your Boss? Here's How to Become Your Own

Charles Duhigg, Slate

It's scary to start out on your own. But it's dangerous to stay in a job you hate.

You Show Your Face at Your Peril

George Gilder, American Institute for Economic Research

In any case, you had better read this Prophecy quickly because I may not return to write any more. Charlie has taken over. I may have been unmasked as part of a “troubling cluster” of “private recreational activity.” I am wantonly exhibiting my face to the world in defiance of Anthony Fauci and his covidocracy.

PCE: Uncertain Projections for Consumer Spending

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Historic Opportunity We See for Value Investors

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

What Drives Market to All-Time Highs?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Comm. Real Estate: Who's Been Swimming Naked?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

A New Approach for Curbing College Tuition

Beth Akers, Manhattan Institute

Over the last two decades, the cost of higher ed has grown faster than almost any other sector. This new report identifies four sources leading to these rising costs.

No Evidence the Lockdowns Worked

Various, National Bureau of Economic Research

How Do You Recognize Financial Abuse?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Financial abuse comes in many guises and impacts men and women alike, warns Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz. Here are some common signs you shouldn't ignore.

The Danger of Investing on the Big Picture

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

When half-right means entirely wrong.

A Missed Opportunity at the Fed

Editors, National Review

The Fed's caution has served it badly in its recent review of its policies.

The Federal Reserve's New Strategy Comes With Major Risks

Tim Duy, MSN

Too many questions about the central bank's intentions and policy framework have been left unanswered.

The Assault On Social Security Is Underway

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

Pandemic panic is the perfect cover for gutting the program

Spotting $62 Million in Alleged P.P.P. Fraud Was the Easy Part

Stacy Cowley, NYT

Investigators have charged big spenders with cheating the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses. But more fraud lies below the surface, and it'll be harder to find.

It's Time To Take From The Rich & Give to The Poor

Randy Epping, CNN Business

Randy Epping has no idea how to create wealth so his only solution is to take from rich and give to the poor.

The Summer Without Hollywood Blockbusters

Alissa Wilkinson, Vox

What Hollywood's big-budget mythmaking spectacles did for America, and why it's all changing.

Return of the Zombie Foreclosure

Douglas A. McIntyre, 24/7 Wall Street

So-called zombie foreclosures were part of the mortgage landscape in the Great Recession, and new research shows that they are back.

America's Coming Double Dip

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

Soaring financial markets are blithely indifferent to lingering vulnerabilities in the US economy. But the impact of consumers' fear of COVID-19 on pandemic-sensitive services are unlikely to subside, undermining the case for the uninterrupted recovery that investors seem to expect.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

A Lost Generation Of US Growth

Danielle DiMartino Booth, Enterprising Investor

Monetary policy gone wild

Boycotting Themselves Out Of Business?

Steven Malanga, City Journal

By skipping games for nebulous political demands, pro athletes threaten to alienate fans and crater their own industry.

Argentina: Our Peronist Future?

Antonella Marty, National Review

Populism has ruined a once rich country.

A Post-Covid Spending Boom?

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

There's a lot of money sitting in checking accounts

It's A Great Time To Be A Car Dealer

Joann Muller, Axios

But not a car buyer

Investors Look Beyond the Classic 60/40 Mix

Liz McCormick, MSN

Pros have lots of choices, but for individuals, the best move may be to start saving more.

The Beginning of The End Of COVID?

Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution

It’s taken far too long and it’s still not FDA approved for at-home use or for asymptomatic individuals but the new $5,15-minute, easy to use, Abbott test and the Trump administration’s promise to purchase 150 million of them is a big deal.
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