
Not Everything You Buy, Including Pillows, Is a Political Signal

Hadley Heath, USA

When I go to a farmer's market or shopping mall, I generally don't ask vendors 20 questions about their background or political opinion before buying their product. I want to know: Is the product good quality? Is it worth the price? Now, there are caveats to this: Generally, I don't want to do business with people who I know are dishonest, immoral, or who are using their business toward ends I find reprehensible. That's where boycotts come in (or, in another context, where tariffs and trade embargoes come in). Consumers are free to pressure companies to act a certain way. That's always been...

President Biden Is Warming Up to AOC's Green New Deal

Ryan Cooper, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

Deficits Don't Matter, Until They Do: A Case for Caution

Allison Schrager, City Journal

We should be wary about dismissing risks that no longer seem relevant; eventually, they reemerge.

What Some Think Investors Think About Biden Stimulus

William Watts, MarketWatch

Risks slightly tilted toward doing ?too much? in Biden proposal, survey finds

Expect Next Stimulus to Prioritize Trial Attorneys

O.H. Skinner, Washington Examiner

The nation's political landscape has seen a momentous shift with the election of a new president, followed by the slimmest of new majorities in the Senate after Georgia's recent special election. As a 50-50 Senate run by Democrats settles in, attention is now turning back to another massive pandemic relief bill, this time shaped in the image of President Biden.

The More Pundits Fear Inflation, Less That It Shocks Stocks

Market Minder, Fisher

The more pundits worry about inflation, the less likely it shocks stocks.

The Question Some Company Owners Don't Want to Deal With

Paul Sullivan, NYT

Tales from two sons whose fathers died without a succession plan.

Will Politicos Miss the GameStop Point?

Seth Berenzweig & John Tamny, The Capitol Brief

Politicians always fight yesteray's battles.

A Progressive Strategy to Reduce Child Poverty

Veronica Goodman & Ben Ritz, The Hill

President Biden should be commended for prioritizing working families and those who have struggled the most during the COVID-19 recession with a bold plan to reduce child poverty

UK Must Abandon Lockdowns

David Campbell, American Institute for Economic Research

Were it to be capable of learning from its ‘achievement,' the Government should now self-consciously abandon the policy aimed at the entire population, the most important part of which would be to end lockdown, tiers, and all such general restrictions. But this would require the Government to acknowledge that its policy has been a mistake from the outset, and the general lack of capacity the Government has shown includes a lack of capacity to make such an acknowledgement.

Making Up For What You Missed With 2021 Roth IRA

Charlene Rhinehart, Motley Fool

Here's the secret to having a better financial year in 2021: Don't be so focused on what you missed out on in 2020 that you fail to see the opportunities right in front of you. For example, if you didn't have a chance to contribute as much as you wanted to your retirement accounts last year, you have a chance to make up for it. If your finances allow it, you can still contribute five-figures to a Roth IRA, and benefit later from the tax-free income you'll generate.

Why This Is One Of the Fastest Growing Jobs At Walmart

Nathaniel Meyersohn, CNN

If you've shopped at Walmart recently, you may have noticed more employees snaking through aisles, carrying blue tote bins and picking items off shelves to be delivered, either curbside at stores or to customers' homes.

Surprise! Factor Betas Don't Deliver Factor Alphas

Various, Research Affiliates

By buying or overweighting characteristics-based factor exposure and selling or underweighting beta-based factor exposure, investors can position their portfolios to reap the rewards of factor investing while bearing less risk.

The Earnings Recession Has Ended

David Kastner, Charles Schwab

The financial sector has struggled as of late, but we think this is a potential opportunity for investors.

Should I Take the Lump Sum Option from My Pension?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, CS

Take a lump sum or lifetime income from my pension? The best choice for you depends on your individual circumstances.

January Was a Month of Transition

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Why Immunity Is Closer Than You Think

Brian Wesbury, First Trust Advisors

A Tax-Smart Approach to Your Cost Basis

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Understand tax rules to keep more of your gains.

Why Widespread Muni Defaults Are Unlikely

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

Many municipalities are under stress, but that's not necessarily a reason to avoid municipal bonds.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

A Currency That Rises In Value Will Change Everything

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

Maybe widespread ownership and use of Bitcoin and other cryptos can make a cultural and economic contribution to converting us from profligate to thrifty in the way our great-great grandparents could celebrate.

Schrödinger's Bitcoin

Willem H. Buiter, Project Syndicate

Notwithstanding the recent spectacular surge in its price, Bitcoin will remain an asset without intrinsic value whose market value can be anything or nothing. Only those with healthy risk appetites and a robust capacity to absorb losses should consider investing in it.

California Is Making Liberals Squirm

Ezra Klein, The New York Times

If progressivism can't work there, why should the country believe it can work anywhere else?

Amazon Transformed The Geography Of Wealth

Vauhini Vara, The Atlantic

Understanding America in the giant company's shadow

The High Cost Of Protectionism

Scott Beyer & Ethan Finlan, City Journal

President Biden's "Buy American" commitments will conflict with his goal of improving mass transit.

The Latest Evidence That Investors Have Lost Their Minds

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Ken Goldin has sold sports trading cards for four decades. What happened earlier this month still shocked him.

The Wall Street Investor Unfriendliness Checklist

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Why Does Janet Yellen Sound Like Trump on Trade?

Eric Boehm, Reason

In comments to The New York Times Magazine published this week, the new treasury secretary says free trade has been "so negative" for "a large share of the population." That's just wrong.

Elon Musk Is About To Get A Whole Lot Richer

Chris Isidore, CNN Business

For a CEO with no base salary, Elon Musk's 2020 payday reached sky-high record levels.

The Trouble With Mitt Romney's Family Security Act

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

The plan would redistribute wealth, create distortions, and grow government.

Why Didn't GameStop Sell Stock During The Mania?

Kyle Orland, ArsTechnica

The retailer could still possibly arrange a stock-for-cash infusion in the future

The Investment Strategy That Makes Your Life Easier

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

Dollar cost averaging is boring but it works.

Stop Stressing About Inflation

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

Fiscal Stimulus Around The World

Greg Mankiw, Greg Mankiw

Governments are spending a lot.

The Best Story Wins

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

A truth that applies to many fields, which can frustrate some as much as it energizes others, is that the person who tells the most compelling story wins. Not who has the best idea, or the right answer. Just whoever tells a story that catches people's attention and gets them to nod their heads.

How Sneakerheads Ruined Online Shopping

Casey Taylor, Vox

How shopping for everything from in-demand sneakers to Funko Pop! figures got so competitive.

The Stock Market Pendulum: What Time Is It?

Jon, Novel Investor

The key to the pendulum analogy is to be aware of the risks and behavior that come with stock market extremes and that those excesses revert.

Now THAT Was A Bubble

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Japan was the bubble that defines all bubbles.

"A Certain Degree Of Eco-Dictatorship"

Climateer, Climateer Investing

A very clear-eyed analysis by Deutsche Bank's automotive, climate policy, energy, transportation and German manufacturing analyst, Eric Heymann.
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