
Once Again, What Were the Benefits of the Lockdowns?

Edward Stringham, AIER

The school closures, stay home orders, shuttering of businesses, banning of elective surgeries, closure of physical entertainment events, blocked flights, and sudden imposition of a central plan – it all happened suddenly from mid-March in the course of only a few days, and to enormous shock on the part of people who had previously taken their freedom and rights for granted.

States Are Focused on Reopening. But What About Reclosing?

Jane Hu, Slate

Going backward looks increasingly necessary.

Tesla Gave Stay-at-Home Permission. Then Layoffs.

Faiz Siddiqui, Washington Post

A day before their employment was threatened, the workers had spoken out on their concerns about conditions inside the plant.

College Towns Have Been Clobbered by C19

Glenn Altschuler & David Wippman, The Hill

Without financial assistance from the federal government, the likelihood they can recover anytime soon is dim.

Post-Pandemic, Data-Driven Future Awaits

Silvio Laccetti & Frank Bell, Issues & Insights

The world of big data and AI is changing everything, from schooling to architecture to how we live. And it's just getting started.

Medicare Owes Me $661. 84. Let Me Show You Why

Bob Brody, RealClearMarkets

The website Medicare.gov. suggests enrolling in Medicare online is easy ("It takes less than 10 minutes," the site claims). But my recent experience attempting to sign up for Medicare...

Thoughts on How to Deal With the Bad News Piling Up

Michael Brush, MarketWatch

As market weakness develops, scale into stocks that get hit the most

Have the Markets Gone Young, Wild, & Day Trader Free?

Christopher Wong, Fisher

What to make of news that new investors are driving stocks higher.

Watch For Kazakhstan As It Moves Up 'Doing Business' Charts

Daniel Witt, RCM

Everyone knows that competition at the top is always the hardest. The world leaders in entrepreneurship rankings now have a new competitor: Kazakhstan, as the World Bank announced...

NYC's Tax Base Is Being Shaken. What to Do?

Michael Hendrix, New York Daily News

New York City's weak rental market is a warning sign for the city's tax base. With some of the city's wealthiest residents and neighborhoods emptying out in the face of pandemic and civil unrest â?" and many staying out â?" New York risks an urban crisis echoing the 1970s, a moment when the city could no longer take growth for granted.

Retirement Savings by Age Group. How Are You?

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business Daily

Are your retirement savings growing as fast as other people's in your age group? Did the conoravirus knock your retirement off track?

Elizabeth Warren As Treasury Secretary. Nightmare On Wall St.?

Matt Egan, CNN

Wall Street dodged a bullet when Elizabeth Warren's campaign for the White House fizzled out. But Warren, a fierce critic of big banks, could still play a forceful role in shaping policy in a potential Biden administration.

A Quick Survey of "Broken" Asset Classes

John West & Amie Ko, Research Affiliates

When Do Emerging Markets Tend to Outperform?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Don't Give Up Too Quickly On Large & Small Value

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

The Declining Fiscal Case for Municipal Recycling

Howard Husock, Manhattan Institute

How did a change in Chinese policy make recycling in the U.S. no longer financially feasible? A new report examines the cost-benefit analysis of recycling.

Do Emerging Markets Beat Developed Markets?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

There's a 'This Time Is Different' Quality to Gov't Waste

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

What C-19 Mean for American Life Expectancy?

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

The COVID Shock to the Dollar

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

No country can afford to squander its saving potential â?" ultimately, the seed-corn of long-term economic growth. That's true even of the United States, where generations of policymakers have come to regard the long-standing belief in American exceptionalism as though it applied to the laws of economics.

Trump Is Ramping Up The Populism Before The Election

Matt Egan, CNN Business

President Donald Trump's latest economic policies are the opposite of the emergency aid that Corporate America and Wall Street are clamoring for.

Economic Outlook: The Gathering Storm

Bill McBride, Calculated Risk

After a decade of making fun of bearish analysts and writing "the future is bright", it pains me to be pessimistic. I hope I'm wrong on the virus, but if I'm correct, then I expect every major economic forecast will be revised down for the 2nd half of 2020 and for early 2021.

Is Our Money About To Sprout A Memory?

Claire Jones & Izabella Kaminska, FT

At its root, money is an IOU – a promise to give the bearer the option to own something they want at some point in the future in return for services rendered in the present. Yet when we pay for something, we have little idea of the journey our money has been on, nor of the tasks performed – previous to our own – to acquire it. Could that be about to change?

Worried About Inflation? Don't Change Your Portfolio

Nir Kaissar, Yahoo Finance

Investors tend to watch inflation closely, and for good reason. The whole point of investing is to increase the value of money, so keeping pace with rising prices is crucial. But for a growing number of U.S. investors, a healthy regard for inflation has been replaced by anxiety

Never The Same. Things Are Different Now

Morgan Housel, Morgan Housel

They started to change in 2008, when Congress and the Federal Reserve threw unprecedented money at the economy to keep it from collapsing. They’ve done it again this year with even more money. Trillions and trillions of dollars. It was a huge debate in 2008. It’s much less controversial today. My theory is that once a new kind of stimulus is tasted it becomes a permanent feature of how downturns are handled.

Why It Is Important To Own Gold

Bryce Coward, Knowledge Leaders Capital

Regular readers of our content know that we have been building the case for several years now on why gold deserves a place in diversified portfolios. Sure, we see significant upside in gold (unlimited upside, in fact), aided as I will show by the unprecedented...

The Drama Around When To Claim Social Security

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

We're not entirely rational

Why New York's Focus Must Be Filling Empty Buildings Again

Nicole Gelinas, NYP

NYC's government and real-estate industry have a common purpose: to keep real-estate prices high. City Hall wants tax dollars. The industry needs high prices to avoid defaulting on debt. But what Gotham needs right now may be the opposite: lower prices.

Why Your First Five Years of Retirement Are So Critical

Paul Brandus, MarketWatch

Don't get forced into a corner

Thoughts on Retooling Your Portfolio Amid All the Tumult

Kirsty Peev, U.S. News

THIS YEAR STARTED ON A positive note for most investors; 2019 provided stellar returns for almost all asset classes and at the start of the year, it appeared those gains would continue. But we all know what happened next. An extremely fast and deep bear market, widespread business closures and record unemployment damaged the economy.

Are Companies More Productive In a Pandemic?

David Gelles, The New York Times

Many claim their employees are hyper efficient while working from home. But there are social and emotional costs to ambition in isolation.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Market Begins To Internalize Reality

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

The financial media is beginning assign blame to the recent stock market weakness to the spike in COVID cases and the potential for a November Democratic sweep of the White House and both chambers of Congress

Inside the Coronavirus: What We've Learned

Mark Fischetti, Scientific American

What scientists know about the inner workings of the pathogen that has infected the world

Don't Treat Schools As COVID Hot Zones

David Zweig, Wired

When students head back to class this fall, they may find themselves isolated from each other and wearing masks. This isn’t biosafety—it’s pandemic theater.

Joe Granville: The Original Dave Portnoy

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Portnoy and his army of day-traders have gotten plenty of press in recent weeks from the financial media. The finance industry doesn’t quite know what to do with him.

Who's Right? Treasury Market or Economists?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

The Treasury market is forecasting much higher inflation than economists.

America's Uncertain Recovery

Michael Boskin, Project Syndicate

Predicting the speed and strength of the United States' recovery from the current recession is extremely difficult. But what is clear is that policymakers must boost incentives to work in normal times when jobs are plentiful, while strengthening the safety net for when they are not and for those who are unable to work.

What Is Permissable

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial.
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