
Our Bus. May Not Turn 32, After DC Took a Sledgehammer To It

Betsy Fisher, RCM

Our family business may or may not turn 32 this fall. My husband and I have survived for more than three decades in specialty retail, selling women's clothing to professionals who work in Washington,...

Economists Aren't Ones Pushing to Reopen Economy

Paul Krugman, New York Times

On cronies, cranks and the coronavirus.

JP Morgan Tightens, Reminds Us "Easy Credit" Is a Silly Myth

John Tamny, RCM

Reuters reported over the weekend that J.P. Morgan Chase, "the country's largest lender by assets, is raising borrowing standards this week for most new home loans as the bank moves to...

Coronavirus Highlights Our Mistreatment of America's Poor

David Super, The Hill

Our highly fragmented and devolved low-income assistance programs have left us ill-equipped to get aid quickly to those most in need.

As Always, Some Will Profit From C-19 Pandemic

Nick Paumgarten, The New Yorker

Who Has the Power to Re-Open the Economy?

Phil Valentine, Washington Examiner

There's a power grab going on. Governors and mayors are taking it upon themselves to suspend constitutional rights in the name of public health. But do they have the authority?

Media and Politicians Spin Tales

Phillip Magness, American Institute for Economic Research

At the outset of the coronavirus lockdowns my colleague Pete Earle penned a prescient article about the propensity of political actors to rewrite the history of the unfolding crisis in real time. Assisted by a thoroughly politicized national press corps, politicians across the spectrum were busy trying to retrofit blame for the unfolding pandemic to their own political talking points and weaponize it to justify aggressive government action.

True Federalism: America's People Will Restart Economy

Editorial, New York Sun

Quite a turf battle is erupting between President Trump and Governor Andrew Cuomo over who has the authority to restart the American economy. Mr. Trump insists that the president of America “calls the shots” and that the states “can’t do anything without the approval of the president.” Mr. Cuomo insists that the President is off base and that authority lies with the states.

College Grads Enter Job Market That's Suddenly Upended

Brent Orrell, USA Today

Nearly 4 million college students are expected to graduate next month into an economic landscape that the coronavirus pandemic has rendered unrecognizable. The Class of 2019 entered a tight labor market with 3.7% unemployment. Today, in the wake of strict social distancing, the economy has been put into what economists call a “suppression,” a deliberate slowing designed to limit the spread of disease and give hospitals and health workers a chance to manage limited resources across hundreds of thousands of new patients.

Books: Tyler Cowen Offers a Defense of Economic Growth

Quinn Connelly, RCM

In Stubborn Attachments, the economist Tyler Cowen offers a smartly argued defense of economic growth. In fact, the title itself is a reference to the idea we need a more "stubborn...

Let's Please Stop the Covid-19 Shutdown Madness

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

Some Thoughts on How C-19 May Affect Comm. Real Estate

Marc Betesh, RCM

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the country to a halt. Lockdowns and social distancing shutter a wide range of businesses, from restaurants and retail to gyms and office buildings. The entire...

Edmund Phelps on the Covid-19 Response

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

Just Compensation for Taking of Jobs

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Important Lesson from Spanish Influenza

Reuven Brenner, Montreal Economic Institute

The reason for the Spanish flu having had such a disastrous impact was that the two enemy coalitions fighting in WWI kept the information about the spreading flu secret.

Large Gaps In the Economic Data Will Continue

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Cities With Most Cost-Burdened Households

Brandon Medina, Construction Coverage

According to the most recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, almost one-third of American households are considered cost-burdened, meaning they spend 30 perce

Earnings Preview: 2020

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

This Past Month Has Been a Great Experiment

David Henderson, Hoover Institution

With all the mistakes by government, one thing that's working really well is the free market.

We Must Start Discussing Economic Re-Opening

Parissa Sedghi, Washington Examiner

In recent weeks, Washington has failed Main Street yet again with its heavy-handed, one-size-fits-all approach to stopping the coronavirus pandemic. Yes, of course we should listen to health experts and continue to engage in social distancing and other safe practices: It's our duty to our fellow Americans, especially the most vulnerable.

How Workers Are Coping with the Novel Coronavirus

Eoin McSweeney, CNNMoney

Workers are struggling with the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Here are 16 of their stories.

Time Approaches for Trump To Act to Open Economy

Conrad Black, New York Sun

Does Trump Call Re-Opening Shots?

Peter Baker & Maggie Haberman, The New York Times

The president's insistence that only he can decide if the country should reopen for business was disputed by constitutional scholars and contrasted with his earlier message that it was not for the federal government to take the lead in fighting the virus.

Here's How Congress Can Keep Americans from Losing Jobs

Liz Watson, The Hill

Until we have a vaccine, social distancing protocols and shutdown orders will likely continue in many places. We need a system in place to stop the bleeding, but we also need to look toward the future. Jayapal's Paycheck Guarantee Act will give us a running start.

Thoughts on Why Stock Market Is Nowhere Near a Bottom

Cam Hui, MarketWatch

Strategist sees S&P 500 tumbling to as low as 1,275 before a bull market can resume

Aims to 'Secure' Supply Chains Would Make Us Less Secure

Don Boudreaux, AIER

The End of Retirement: Interview with John Tamny

Casey Weade, Retire With Purpose

It Would Be Smart For Government to Not Meddle In Oil Mkt.

Benjamin Zycher, RCM

The crude oil sector now is confronted by a sharp decline in demand conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in production attendant upon the price feud between Russia and Saudi...

A Plan for Politicians to Reopen the U.S. Economy

Jonathon Trugman, New York Post

It's time to plan for a grand reopening of the American economy, and we need to execute it in a safe, methodical and robust way.

To 'Stimulate,' We Must Liberate

David Henderson, American Institute for Economic Research

We Need to Think Bigger and Differently From 2008

Michael Bright, Issues & Insights

This downturn is not of our own making, but it could be much deeper than 12 years ago.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Crisis Is Over But At A Terrible Cost

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

To date, the most consequential result of this novel coronavirus has come from the hand of government, thanks to multiple decrees from gover...

Silly Journalists Think Facts Are For Kids

Jeff Carter, Points and Figures

Journalists don't know squat about the meat market.

Tech Is Going Even More Viral

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

Anyone who wasn't a tech addict before the Great Virus Crisis (GVC) turned our lives upside down certainly is now.

Generation C Has Nowhere To Turn

Amanda Mull, The Atlantic

Recent history suggests young people could see their careers derailed, finances shattered, and social lives upended.

Two Reasons the Fed is So Polarizing

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Don't blame the Fed for bailing out corporations. Blame the government.

Have Small Value Stocks Become a Bargain?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Putting numbers to the thesis

Wealthy Preppers Riding Out The Storm In Style

Sarah Begley, Medium

Cold war bunkers are out. Subterranean communes are in.
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