
'Overpopulation' Scare Proved a Majestic Fraud

Stephen Moore & David Simon, TAS

The greatest environmental scare of the second half of the 20th century — over population — is now conceded to have been a monumental fraud.

The FinTech Revolution Makes Its Way to U.S. Farmland

Artem Milinchuk, Worth

Farmland is the latest asset class to be revolutionized by the fintech wave. Whether it's through REITs, commodity ETFs or crowdfunding platforms, farmland sticks out among investors, both in terms of its attractive return on investment and its potential to increase the sustainability of the agriculture sector.

Contactless Service Here to Stay. Unless You're Rich

Bonnie Kristian, The Week

Do you think Bill Gates bothers with a QR code menu?

A Realtor Tax In the Buying, Selling of Houses

Roger Alford & Benjamin Harris, Cato

The purchase of a home is one of the most important events in a person's life. To many, the market for buying and selling homes may appear competitive, allowing current and aspiring homeowners to freely buy and sell their properties according to market‐​based principles. In truth, a stringent set of rules and norms dominates the residential housing market, dictating how real estate agents are compensated and whether one can practically sell a home without paying a small fortune in fees. The cost of all this to consumers amounts to tens of billions of dollars a year.

How Amazon, Google and Other Cos. Exploit NDAs

Pat Garofalo, New York Times

Asking elected officials to keep silent is bad for democracy.

Contra Mackenzie Scott, Bezos's Amazon Fortune Is Not Dirty

John Tamny, AC

There's one immutable fact about Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos you'll all begrudgingly agree with: your life's easier with Amazon.

SEC to Public Companies: Go Woke, or Broke

Alessandro Silvia, RealClearMarkets

Say goodbye to Warren Buffett and the traditional investment metrics of value, growth potential, an economic moat, and a company's strong leadership. It's time to embrace the new true way of investing: the government-mandated disclosure of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impact of a company. Or so some want you to think. To many, a pin on an employee's apron, a paper straw, or whatever the company's social media intern tweeted that morning could not have the slightest effect on the taste of their coffee or their choice of fast food restaurant. Yet to a select few, there could...

Seeking An Economic Read Into Long Covid-19

Patrick Watson, Mauldin Economics

According to some analysts, higher inflation is on its way. Americans will spend like crazy and drive prices higher as the pandemic recedes.

Will JNJ Vax Need Boost vs. Delta Variant?

Paola Rosa-Aquino, New York Magazine

A dose of an mRNA vaccine may give recipients of viral-vector vaccines a more robust immune response against the dangerous variant.

Ignoring the Fear, Americans Reclaim Their Right to Travel

Jeffrey Tucker, RCM

Bopping around on the Internet, I ran across the latest terrifying video from Anthony "I-Am-Science" Fauci warning about the Delta Variant. It will soon be everywhere in the US, he says, just like it took over the UK. This might be correct in terms of spread (the virus has to become endemic if it isn't already) but now everyone knows the ropes about the latest chapter in all the reasons why we should live in fear and give up our freedoms.

Please Support RCFoundation's Summer Campaign

David DesRosiers, RCF

Trusted – Balanced – Independent: Support RealClearFoundation's Summer Campaign By David DesRosiers, President, RealClearFoundation A series of narratives, once...

Why It Would Be Unwise to Gut Small Business Deduction

Brad Close, The Hill

Nearly a quarter of small businesses say taxes already are the single biggest problem they face.

Growth Outlook Shrinks

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

Revisiting Tesla's S&P 500 Add

Rob Arnott, Vitali Kalesnik & Lillian Wu, Research Affiliates

Tesla entered the S&P 500 Index on December 21, 2020. Over the next six months, AIV, the stock deleted to make way for TSLA, outperformed TSLA by a stupendous margin—exactly as we expected, based on our research. Index rebalances impose a variety of costs on investors. Smarter index design could go far to mitigate these costs.

Some Ways to Build an All ETF Portfolio

Michael Iachini, Charles Schwab

An index ETF-only portfolio can be a straightforward yet flexible investment solution.

Report Declares a Worker 'Emergency' In Wisc.

Benjamin Yount, The Center Square

(The Center Square) – The latest snapshot of Wisconsin businesses once again shows there are a lot of open jobs and not a lot of people to fill them.

Is Good Data Now Bad News?

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

It's possible that good data could be interpreted as bad news for U.S. markets in the near-term as strong economic data could prompt the Fed to unwind earlier.

New Home Sales: We Expected Little, Got Less

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Benefits of Credit Card Rewards

Various, American Bankers Association

Making a Case for Looming Pension Crack-Up

David Eifrig, American Consequences

Nothing beats a government pension. But like a lot of cliches and 20th century thinking about finances, is that idea even valid anymore?

Coronavirus Vaccine Mandates Are Coming. Good.

Aaron Carroll, New York Times

The United States has always needed mandates to overcome serious diseases

The Long-Term With Vaccines Is Being Ignored

Sheila Holt, The American Thinker

Now that genetically modified mosquitos have been unleashed upon Florida in a

Some Ideas On How to Protect the Nest Egg from Inflation

Jeanne Sahadi, CNN

Seeking Pursuit of Real Rules for Monetary Order -

Samuel Gregg, Law & Liberty

Samuel Gregg reviews Peter J. Boettke, Alexander Salter, and Daniel J. Smith's Money and the Rule of Law.

Summer Air Travel Will Be Bad. Blame Shortsighted Layoffs

Terry Nguyen, Vox

American, Delta, and United spent a year laying off workers. Now the airlines need them back.

The Real Truth Behind Biden Budget Double-Talk

Larry Kudlow, The New York Sun

To double-cross or not to double-cross. That is this evening's question. I've already written about it once, but it's a major moment. An hour after allegedly making a bipartisan infrastructure deal with ten senators, including five Republicans, Mr

Markets Can Solve Labor Shortages, If Washington Will Allow

Sarah Estelle, Hill

Shortages of workers are real, but only persistent where government policy makes it harder to alleviate them.

Where Jobless Benefits Were Cut, Jobs are Still Hard to Fill

Patricia Cohen, NYT

Missouri scrapped federal pay to the unemployed, saying it kept people out of the labor market. But so far, workers still seem to be choosy.

A Renewable Blame Game In Texas

Christopher Barnard & Thomas Hochman, Examiner

In mid-February, winter storms swept across Texas, crippling the state's electrical grid amid subzero temperatures and skyrocketing energy demand. Texans went without power for days while businesses suffered billions in damages. Over 100 people lost their lives.

What the American Dream Looks Like For Immigrants

Anne Helen Petersen, Vox

Upward mobility is common for the millions who come to the US. But there's a lot more to the story.

Massachusetts Politicians Plan Big Tax On the Rich

Steven Malanga, City Journal

Despite budget surpluses, Massachusetts Democrats plot a giant increase on wealthy residents.

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Everything Is Good For Bitcoin. Even Death.

Jemima Kelly, Financial Times

If a big holder of bitcoin dies the only thing that matters to other bitcoiners is whether his bitcoin is recoverable.

Investing During an Era of Speculation

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Should we be concerned about the financial markets' excesses?

The Most Important Trends In Markets

Charlie Bilello, Compound Advisors

The most important trends in markets and investing.

Amazon's Woke Smokescreen

Bari Weiss, Common Sense with Bari Weiss

The new inclusion policy put out by Amazon Studios offers entries on "womxn" and "acquired limb difference." Meantime, the company's drivers urinate in bottles.

Thanks Goodness for Semiconductors

Howard Lindzon, Howard Lindzon

Semiconductors are magical toys.

The Pandemic JOLTS

Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution

We'll be studying the pandemic recession for decades.

America's Misguided Industrial Policy

Anne O. Krueger, Project Syndicate

With the US Innovation and Competition Act of 2021, America is fully embracing industrial policy as the all-encompassing solution to a wide range of economic, social, and strategic problems. But all of the objectives articulated in the bill could be achieved more effectively by other means.
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