
Pennsylvanians Fight Back In Order to Earn a Living

Charles Mitchell, USA TODAY

Pennsylvanians continue to pay a steep price for Gov. Tom Wolf's lockdowns while the state ranks in the top 11 of coronavirus deaths per capita.

If CA Is Truly Anti-Business, Why Does Its Economy Boom?

Michael Hiltzik, LAT

A new survey concludes that California is most anti-business state, but it can't explain why it's also the fastest-growing.

Dems Wage War on Small Business with Credit Suppression

Alfredo Ortiz, RCM

After a brutal year, American small businesses are poised to take advantage of the end of the pandemic and the associated pent-up consumer demand. Many small businesses are looking to scale up to leverage this opportunity by taking out loans to increase supply and capacity. Access to credit will allow small businesses to capitalize on this moment and help lubricate the broader economic recovery.Yet Congressional Democrats threaten to significantly reduce credit availability by voting to overturn President Trump's "true lender" rule via the Congressional Review Act as soon as this week. (The...

The Good, Bad News About the 'Star City' Exodus

Thomas Edsall, New York Times

Everyone is arguing over what the future holds in store, but there may be a surprise silver lining for Democrats in urban exodus.

White House Misrepresents Impact of Corporate Tax Hikes

Bruce Thompson, WE

The Biden administration has proposed a corporate tax increase plan that it says will maintain the competitiveness of the U.S. and help grow the economy. The White House has tried to make this case by misrepresenting the real impact of the tax increase proposal, suggesting that it would merely pare…

If Dancing Spreads the Virus, Let the Dancers Get It

John Tamny, The Federalist

Washington, D.C.'s latest lapse in reason highlights how it's necessary for those with common sense to get back to living their lives as they wish.

$1M Nest Egg: How Much Retirement Income from It?

Christy Bieber, Motley Fool

It may not be as much as you'd think.

What Elon Musk's Fortune May Reveal About Our Future

Ralph Benko, Newsmax

Politico, almost as a throwaway, recently gave up the Big Reveal about the true nature of our collapsing political order in How the Internet Turned on Elon Musk.

There's a Massive Pot of Gold for the Perfect Battery Creator

John Phillips, AC

The company or country that invents the perfect EV battery will engender a corporate empire the likes of Microsoft or Exxon Mobil.

Puerto Rico's "Tax Haven" Is Not Causing Inequality

Cesar Mendez-Otero, RCM

Recently we have seen a spike in stories about social media influencers and other wealthy Americans moving to Puerto Rico part time to try to "take advantage" of the tax benefits. Some, like Time magazine, have described the island as a "tax haven." Yet what is being called a tax haven in Puerto Rico are simply local laws that are allowed under the U.S. Constitution to offer incentives in exchange for investing private capital in economic development activities. So why the big fuss? Some on the left try to argue that Puerto Ricans will "suffer" and that the island will become a more...

How Worried About Inflation Should We Actually Be?

Kate Andrews, The Spectator

Normally, inflation could be fought by raising interest rates, but that tool would be a politically painful one to use right now in the US

There Is a Big Tech 'Super Sale,' Other High Quality

Christine Idzelis, MarketWatch

Applied Finance sees attractive buying opportunities in the stock market, including some big technology companies, according to one of its founders. U.S....

April CPI: More Than Base Effects at Work

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Full-Time Job to Full-Time Parent?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Leaving your job to be a full-time parent has emotional, professional and financial implications. Be prepared.

Biden & Powell v. Summers & Dudley

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust

Tips for Handling Potential Capital Gains Change

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Although it's not clear what final legislation could look like, there are possible ways to mitigate any potential tax impact.

The Fall of the Titans!

Joe Steidl & Tiffany Su, Research Affiliates

The performance of a market-cap-weighted index is driven by a handful of stocks with the largest capitalizations, but these stocks do not remain at the top for long. A smart beta multi-factor strategy is a good solution for investors concerned about the concentration risk of a passive market-cap tracker.

Tragic C19 Shutdowns

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

Ok, And Then What?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Man Who Explained Capitalism to the World

Rainer Zitelmann, The Examiner

Bob Chitester, 83, died after a seven-year battle with cancer. A Wall Street Journal article described Bob Chitester as "the man who made Milton Friedman a star." And it was right.

The GOP's 'Marriage Bonus' Is Social Engineering at Its Worst

Bruce Fuller, Hill

If your spouse dies or divorce leads to single parenthood, Republicans deem you morally unworthy of their "marriage bonus."

When C19 Hit, China Was Ready to Tell Its Version of the Story

Ben Smith, NYT

The government has been using its money and power to create an alternative to a global news media dominated by outlets like the BBC and CNN.

Taxes Must Go Up To Pay For Investment In Our Children

David Merage, CNN

I am the last person to advocate for raising taxes. I believe that higher corporate tax rates could divert capital away from the United States at a time when our economy is on the precipice of recovery. And I firmly believe that we, as private citizens, are better at managing our money than the government. But as a businessman, father and grandfather, I also recognize there is a critical need to invest in our children and for this, I support raising taxes.

Elon and His Merry Pranksters Enjoy $'s Wake

Bill Bonner, American Consequences

Living meme Elon Musk delights in his capacity to move markets with a tweet. But he and his Dogecoin followers are killing America's economy.

There Are Winners When Inflation Rears Its Ugly Head

William Baldwin, Forbes

Why is it hard to stop inflation? Because it creates so many winners.

'Buy Now, Pay Later' Changed Retail. Healthcare & Rent Next

Terry Nguyen, Vox

Thanks to Afterpay and Klarna, it's easier than ever to buy in installments. Now, the model is coming for necessities.

The Republicans Are Waging War On the Unemployed

Joel Mathis, The Week

Why Republican states are cutting off jobless benefits

Upside-Down Econ. of Subsidized Joblessness

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

Back in 2010, I applauded Paul Krugman for acknowledging that government unemployment benefits can encourage joblessness. And I even cited Krugman in this 2012 debate on the topic. We're deba…

Selling Into Strength: How You Make Money In Market

Michael Cannivet, Forbes

Here are some 'risk-off' signals that make me a little more cautious heading into May.

The Winners From Latest Retirement Rule Changes

Russ Wiles, Arizona Republic

The many federal retirement incentives adopted in recent decades have made a difference, but there's still a big divide in the retirement wealth gap.

Businesses Beware: Ghost of Hong Kong Is a Warning

Matthew Cronin, The Hill

Hong Kong's fate is a warning to any institution that thinks it can do business with China and come out unscathed.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

How To Nudge Managers To Outperformance

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

Stock pickers who received "nudges" to reduce the behavioral biases hardwired into their brains left their benchmarks in the dust.

The Peter Lynch of Institutional Investing

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

A genius to admire but not emulate.

More Welfare For The Rich

John Stossel, Reason

"I don't understand why money is leaving my pocket and going into the pocket of somebody who is wealthy."

Local Control Gone Wrong Limits Innovation

Connor Harris, City Journal

Inflated housing costs impose hidden costs on that city and on other hubs of American innovation.

Trading Up: From A Hairpin To A House

Neelam Tailor, The Guardian

Demi Skipper would like a new house, but she's not buying one. Instead she's planning a daring strategy of trades – and millions are following her journey

A Worst Case Scenario For Retirees

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

Ominous news for today's likely retirees

Why Is The West Imitating Beijing?

Niall Ferguson, The Spectator

From lockdowns to government central planning, the West is increasingly aping China.
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