
Post-Election Rally Reminds Us Investors Adore Gridlock

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

U.S. equities have performed the best when political power in Washington is split between Democrats and Republicans

DJIA's Performance Under Every U.S. Pres. Since 1920

Samuel Stebbins, USA Today

The U.S. economy is subject to complex, interconnected forces too innumerable for any one person to account for or anticipate. Still, when it comes to the health of the economy, the buck often stops at the president’s desk. While by no means a comprehensive measure of economic health, the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average stock index is often used as a proxy for overall economic prosperity. The best known stock market index, the Dow tracks the value of 30 public company stocks that together represent all major industries except for transportation and utilities...

They Can't Count Ballots, But Want To Manage the Virus?

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

In the old days, which seem behind us, people were invited to marvel at the workings of the American system. For all the problems with the vote in a constitutional republic, at least it assures the peaceful transition of power. That was the core argument that old liberals made for democracy. It kept violence at bay. Instead of killing each other for power and control, we went to the ballot box, and acquiesced even when the vote didn’t go the way we wanted. No more violent revolutions! Bring the peaceful cooperation of market action to politics itself!

Divided Govt Boosts Hopes of Quick Stimulus

Tankersley & Rappeport & Cochrane, NYT

Congressional leaders and business groups are raising the possibility of new economic aid from Congress in the lame-duck session.

GOP Should Embrace Its Tag As the Party of Financial Success

John Tamny, RCM

Much has been made during Election 2020 about the make-up of the typical Donald Trump voter. It’s said he’s remade the Republican Party. The base is no longer well-to-do, or even superrich. The Republican of today tends to be middle class, and from “unfashionable” parts of the U.S. While there’s some truth to the above, this is hardly new. Think back to the 1980s and 1990s. The U.S. senate included Democrats with last names like Kennedy, Pell and Rockefeller. The Democrats have long attracted inherited wealth, Hollywood has for decades heavily leaned Democratic,...

Small Business Owners Felt Threatened by Biden Policy Mix

Gene Marks, The Hill

For many business owners, a vote for Biden meant a vote for potentially more shutdowns due to the pandemic.

American Pollsters: Partisanship Masking As Ignorance

A.J. Rice, RealClearMarkets

Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies frequently lamented: Why must I be surrounded by idiots? But there is something worse: Partisanship masquerading as incompetence. Pollsters - and their amen corner in the mainstream press - have proved beyond the shadow of any doubt they are practitioners of that low art - before, during and after the presidential election. Which still hangs in the balance.

Which Candidate Is a Bigger Risk to the Economy?

Allison Schrager, Foreign Policy

In the short term, progress on vaccines may matter more than any particular president. In the long term, though, it's the government's relationship with the economy that will be key.

The Many Faces of Americans Living With Big Debt

Margaret Talbot, The New Yorker

A look into desperation.

Billionaires Who Won or Lost Big on Election Night

Chase Peterson-Withorn, Forbes

These billionaires got elected, got others elected or spent big on the 2020 election.

Could Knowing Your 'Money Script' Help Your Finances?

Charlotte Cowles, NYM

Financial therapists emphasize how much your upbringing might still impact the way you think about money.

How the U.S. Economy Will Survive Election, Aftermath

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

A look into the future.

Charitable Donations: The Basics of Giving

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Helpful tax tips for your end-of-year charitable contributions, including stock donations.

Georgia On Our Minds. Most Bullish Power Split

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

As both Georgian Senate seats potentially head to a runoff, we explore the popular theory that a Democratic presidency and split Congress is the most bullish combo.

How Can I Make Most of My Stock Options?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Stock options can give your compensation a significant boost, but they can also be confusing. Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz explains what you need to know.

The UK's New National Lockdown

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Long-term investors benefit from considering a couple of key factors, in our view.

Some Initial Election Thoughts

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

No More Lockdowns

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Economic Margin Valuation: Twenty Five Years Later

Rafe Resendes, Applied Finance

In October 1995, Dan Obrycki and I started Applied Finance. As we struggled to solve several valuation problems back then, we did not know that we would ultimately create and manage the Valuation 50, one [..more]

For Markets, The Best of All Possible Worlds

Willem H. Buiter, Project Syndicate

To electoral observers who are heavily invested in the partisan outcome of the US elections, the delays in counting and free-wheeling allegations of fraud are enough to make November 2020 feel like the apocalypse. So why have stock prices gone on another tear?

Can Warren Buffett Forecast the Stock Market?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Yes he can, and perhaps accurately.

So Much for the Wisdom of Financial Markets

Jeff Sommer, The New York Times

Wall Street had no better insight into the outcome of the election than a 3-year-old child, our columnist says. Best to rely on your own common sense.

These People Own the Most Land in America

Grant Suneson, 24/7 Wall Street

The biggest private owners of land in America.

Consolidation Is Killing Jobs In The Shale Patch

Tsvetana Paraskova, OilPrice.com

The long-awaited consolidation in the U.S. shale patch is well underway, but as the M&A frenzy continues, job losses continue to pile up

Will A Virus Resurgence Derail The Recovery?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

The rear-view mirror continues to show that the US economy is clawing back losses from the coronavirus gut punch in the spring. But the rebound is increasingly threatened by the re-acceleration of Covid-19 cases, fatalities and hospitalizations.

How To Manage Your Money As You Age

Dennis Friedman, MarketWatch

I've become more impatient, emotional and overconfident

The Political Parties Abandon The Working Class

Jenin Younes, AIER

The working class and poor have been utterly forsaken; the party serves primarily the interests of the ruling class. The Democratic Party cannot expect to win back the working class until it addresses this shortcoming.

The Election Isn't Over But Wall Street Already Loves Gridlock

Matt Egan, CNN

The world is still anxiously awaiting the outcome of the nail biter 2020 election, but Wall Street is already in full-blown celebration mode.

How To Solve The Rubik's Cube Of Retirement

Dan Doonan, MarketWatch

Government needs to address healthcare and housing costs and make individual savings a priority

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

US/China Trade Signals Economic Recovery

Ironman, Political Calculations

After bottoming in July 2020, the trailing twelve month average of the combined value of goods traded between the U.S. and China continued to move upward in September 2020.

Voters Defy Power-Mad Politicians

Scott Shackford, Reason.com

Tax hikes? Drug wars? Racial Preferences? Not today.

Everybody Lies

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Sometimes people will lie to the pollsters because that’s what people do.

Why Don't We Have Blockchain Voting?

Jeff Carter, Points and Figures

Blockchain provides a solution provided we implement it correctly. It’s immutable and verifiable. Very tough to change, and almost fraud-proof as long as the inputs are clean and fraud free.

Why Trumpism is Here To Stay

Linda Feldmann, The Christian Science Monitor

President Trump has established a political legacy Trumpism that will be a fixture in the Republican Party for years to come.

Do Presidents Matter To Investors?

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

People overrate the importance of who sits in the Oval Office.

Now We Know: Trump's 2016 Win Was No Fluke

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

The outcome of the US presidential election remains unclear the morning after the Nov. 3 election, but the results so far have cleared up one misconception: Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 wasn’t a quirky outlier. Regardless of who wins the White House in the hours (or days) ahead, it’s obvious in the numbers posted so far that nearly half of voters who cast ballots prefer Trump.
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