
President Biden's Agenda Is Too Big and Too Bold

Nicholas Sargen, The Hill

The Biden infrastructure plan's most glaring problem is that it is overly ambitious and not targeted at meeting the greatest needs.

Seven Infrastructure Problems in Urgent Need of Fixing

Rick Rojas, NYTimes

The Biden administration has pledged a $2 trillion investment in the nation's infrastructure. With century-old water systems and schools vulnerable to earthquakes, there is no shortage of need.

Why Infrastructure Is Really an Investment in Middle Class

Staff, Intelligencer

Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway chat about how President Biden's plan would benefit people over corporations.

Biden Governing with One Hand Tied behind His Back

Catherine Rampell, WP

The new administration can't pay for everything it wants to do just by soaking the rich.

Six Ways Businesses Can Stay Ahead of the Biden Taxes

Gene Marks, WT

If there's one thing you can say about Joe Biden is that, when it comes to tax increases, he's a man of his word.

Why the Markets Need a Strong Government Hand

Robert Frank, New York Times

Individually rational actions often yield bad outcomes, an economist says. That incontestable fact is the central rationale for government involvement in economic life.

Janet Yellen's Blind Spot on Regulation

Slater et al., The American Prospect

The Treasury secretary has made a number of concerning statements and failed to take action on a number of regulatory challenges.

CEOs Can't Stay on Society's Sidelines Anymore

Joe Nocera, Bloomberg

CEOs Can't Stay on Society's Sidelines Anymore

Cost of California's Employee Unions

Lawrence McQuillan & Adam Summers, NRO

It is both fiscal and political.

3 Reasons Unionizing Will Actually Hurt Amazon Workers

Hannah Cox, FEE

Leaders at Amazon have told workers that they might sacrifice certain benefits if the push to unionize succeeds. And a glance at history indicates that these warnings are not hollow. Here are the top three ways workers would actually be worse off if the vote to unionize prevails.

The Great California Exodus

David Bahnsen, The National Review

A look at why droves are leaving the state.

God and Man Collide in Bill Hwang's Dueling Lives

Burton et al., Bloomberg

(Bloomberg) -- With the sun rising outside their conference room in Midtown Manhattan, the visitors to a secretive investment empire bent their heads in prayerful meditation.It was another Friday morning, 7 o'clock, and a familiar scene was unfolding again inside Archegos Capital Management, an obscure family office that would go on to shake the financial world.In the days before the pandemic, 20 or 30 people would squeeze together around the long table and, over coffee and Danishes, listen to recordings of the Bible, according to people who were there.First might come the Old Testament,...

Stocks Love April

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Trend Inflation Dashboard for Data Decode

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

Bondholders' Old Foe Is Back

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tax Hikes Are Coming

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

What Does Archegos Mean for the Markets?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth

Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan takes a look beyond the headlines of the Archegos story, including what effect it may have on the markets and investors.

Joe Biden's Economic Agenda: An Early Appraisal

Pierre Lemieux, Cato Institute

Could he be even more anti‐​market than Donald Trump?

Big-Gov't Republicans Enable Big-Gov't Dems

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

I get asked why I frequently criticize Republicans. My response is easy. I care about results rather than rhetoric. And while GOP politicians often pay lip service to the principles of limited gove…

China Could Deal the Dollar A Painful Blow

Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate

Today, it seems to be an article of faith among US policymakers and many economists that the world's appetite for dollar debt is virtually insatiable. But a modernization of China's exchange-rate arrangements could deal the dollar's status a painful blow.

Remote Work Is Overrated. Supercities Will Come Back

Jerusalem Demsas, Vox

As Lorde said: "We live in cities."

10 Undervalued Wide-Moat Stocks

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

Here's a peek at the cheapest constituents of the Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Index--as well as names that have been added and cut.

How mRNA Technology Could Change the World

Derek Thompson, The Atlantic

mRNA's story likely will not end with COVID-19: Its potential stretches far beyond this pandemic.

The Dumbest Financial Story of 2021...So Far

Alex Kirshner, Slate

Not GameStop. Not SPACs. Not NFTs. Not even the big stuck boat.

The World's Second Favorite Tax Haven? The US

Chuck Collins, The Nation

The US has now become the global center for money hiding and illicit wealth storage.

Why The Amazon Union Vote Is Bigger Than Amazon

Josh Dzieza, The Verge

Why an organizing campaign in Alabama matters

To Thrive, U.S. Cities Will Have to Overcome Tough Trends

Richard Schwartz, CJ

To survive and thrive, cities will have to overcome a number of formidable trends.

The Home Is Becoming The Epicenter Of Life... For Some

Erica Pandey, Axios

The last year widened the chasm between rich and poor.

For Growth We Must Embrace Entrepreneurs

Ami Kassar, Inc.

Biden's jobs plan is a good start but not nearly enough.

Biden Can't Keep His Tax Promise

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

Workers will suffer.

You Can't Debate Inflation Without China

James K. Galbraith, Project Syndicate

Once again, massive fiscal spending in the United States has invited warnings of inflation and triggered dark memories of the 1970s. But these fears are based on a model that has since been obliterated by economic realities – not least the rise of China, which has fundamentally reshaped the US and global economies.

Joe Biden: Building Back to the 1860s

David Harsanyi, National Review

The Amtrak plan would be quite impressive if we were living in 1860 and there weren't airports in virtually every city on this map.
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