
President Biden's Econ. Agenda Is Anti-Small Business

John Schnatter, Examiner

Federal COVID-19 unemployment benefits are set to expire in September, and that's great news for small businesses. Unfortunately, the real fight to save small businesses is only beginning as President Joe Biden seeks to implement an economic agenda that is anti-small business.

The Jobs Businesses Are Having Hardest Time Filling

Nathaniel Meyersohn, CNN

The jobs that major chains in the United States are having the most trouble filling right now aren't inside their stores ringing up customers and stocking shelves. They're at their warehouses selecting items, packing boxes and loading trucks.

The Hype About a Slowing Chinese Economy Is Overdone

Market Minder, Fisher

Headlines' reaction to some disappointing data seems overblown to us.

Approach Investing As Hedgehog or Fox, Pt. II

Dan Ferris, American Consequences

The investment game is more about not losing money rather than making it. So outfox the competition by hedging your bets.

Honest Money Will Require Rediscovering Our Founders

Richard Salsman, NYS

Fifty years without a gold-based monetary system is not only unprecedented in human history but unfriendly to economic prosperity, too. When President Nixon jettisoned the Bretton Woods gold-exchange standard on August 15, 1971, many thought it was

The Bad Economics of the Fossil Fuel Defenders

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Why you should ignore claims that we can't afford to reduce emissions.

Paul Krugman: A Serious Man Hiding His More Serious Side

Walter Block, RCM

Economics Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman compares Economics Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman with Economics Nobel Prize winner Paul Samuelson in an attempt to find out how free the free market can be. There is more wrong in Krugman's analysis than you can shake a stick at. Let me list at least some of the errors. (There are too many to be explored in this opinion piece; so I'll opine more extensively in my upcoming book.

Why Weren't Automobiles Electric From the Beginning?

Tom Standage, Slate

If we're approaching the golden age of the electric vehicle, it'll be the second time.

The Inflation Tiger Is Out, and Won't Be Easy to Cage

Eric Grover, National Review

Financial-market indicators point to a persistent uptick in inflation.

Liz Warren's Demagoguery on "Book Income"

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

I've written about some boring and arcane tax issues – most of which are only relevant because we don't have a simple and fair flat tax. Depreciation vs. expensing Territorial tax…

Regulatory Analysis: Don't Leave to Econ.

Sidney Shapiro & Melissa Luttrell, The Hill

The federal government must reform the opaque, biased method it uses to evaluate our nation's public health, economic and environmental protections.

Engine No. 1 Is All Talk, No Strategy for XOM

Henry Butler & Bernard Sharfman, RCM

The tell: No specific recommendations on how Exxon should become a leader in profitable clean-energy production What does Engine No. 1's recent proxy fight at Exxon Mobil have in common with the insane trading in GameStop and AMC common stock that occurred during the pandemic? The answer is that they all garnered lots of media attention but accomplished nothing.

New Data Hints At Peaking US Inflation Trend

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Yesterday's July report on US consumer inflation suggested that the recent surge in pricing pressure may be peaking. That's also the message in revised data for CapitalSpectator.com's Inflation Trend Index (ITI).

Bank Loans v. High-Yield: How They Stack Up

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

For yield-seeking investors willing to take additional risk, bank loans may be more attractive than high-yield bonds today.

Capitalism vs. Socialism

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Meme Stocks and Systematic Risk

Derek Horstmeyer, Enterprising Investor

How do meme stocks move relative to stock market indices and other meme stocks?

Gimme Shelter: Housing at a Turning Point?

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

The bull market in housing over the past year has been astonishing; but pandemic-induced effects are in the rearview, likely signaling some easing ahead.

Fed Tapering: Will This Time Be Different?

Kathy Jones & Christina Shaffer, CS

Although the prospect of the Federal Reserve tapering its bond purchases has unsettled markets in the past, we expect it to be more orderly this time around.

Diving the Meaning of Consumer Sentiment Turn

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Are Big Companies Ripping Us Off?

Anthony Gill, Am. Institute for Economic Research

"Politicians who benefit by pretending to ameliorate even the most minor complaints take action, regulate voluntary transactions, and affect how gains from trade can be distributed or even occur." ~ Anthony Gill

Making a Case for Minimum Wage As a Job Creator

Peter Coy, New York Times

A new way to think about this oddity of the labor market.

The Fed Needs To Articulate Its Framework For Inflation

Nicholas Sargen, The Hill

Having rejected two long-standing tenets about inflation, the Fed needs to articulate the macro framework it uses to assess inflation prospects.

Dems' SALT Tax Relief Would Be Gift to the Rich

Tom Joyce, Washington Examiner

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wants to sneak a big tax break for the wealthy into a massive spending bill.

A Tax Revolt Finds Its Way to the Pacific Northwest

Steven Malanga, City Journal

Local municipalities fear the new state levy will lead to an income tax and hurt the economy.

A Scientist Whose Breakthrough Made Vaccines Possible

Nathan Vardi, Forbes

Covid's Forgotten Hero: The Untold Story Of The Scientist Whose Breakthrough Made The Vaccines Possible

The Impact of Industrialization On Men and Women

Elayne Allen, Law & Liberty

Elayne Allen reviews Erika Bachiochi's book, The Rights of Women.

We Need To Change How You Think About Electric Cars

Andy Daga, USA TODAY

It is vital that we not allow our expectations of the 3-minute gasoline fill-up to become the model for how we fuel electric vehicles.

Gary Gensler's SEC Cultivating Elizabeth Warren

Charles Gasparino, New York Post

SEC chief Gary Gensler has been copycatting Sen. Elizabeth Warren's crusade on Wall Street in his bid to be the Department of Treasury boss, Charles Gasparino writes.

Investor Uncertainty About Airbnb Is a Sign of the Times

Julia Horowitz, CNN

It's a tough moment to predict the future of the travel industry. Just look at Airbnb's stock.

America Runs on 'Dirty Work' and Moral Inequality

Eyal Press, New York Times

Ethically compromising jobs, like material resources, are not distributed equally.

Happy 86th Birthday, Social Security. Let's Expand Benefits

Nancy Altman, Hill

A robust expansion of Social Security benefits, funded by having millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share, is the best birthday present we could give the program — and ourselves.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

There's No Such Thing as Buy and Hold

Todd Wenning, Intrinsic Investing

Companies are not static assets like gold or artwork, but in a state of constant change. Over a long enough timeline, the company you own today will be quite different from the one you originally bought.

It Doesn't Matter Who Runs The Fed

Edward Price, FT Alphaville

Truth be told, it doesn't really matter who runs the Fed. Should that vex, consider this: if modern central banks are independent, why do they act as anything but?

Trading While Drunk

John Sullivan, 401K Specialist

Trading apps make it easy to trade while intoxicated.

Andreessen: Flying X-Wings Into The Deathstar

Richard Hanania, Richard Hanania

How tech changes the world

America's Child-Tax-Credit Bonanza

Todd Buchholz, Project Syndicate

In addition to helping millions of American households provide for their children, the monthly Child Tax Credit that went into effect in July represents a massive opportunity for businesses. As every investment banker knows, companies that can boast of reliable "recurring revenue" are worth more than those that cannot.

The New Pump And Dump? Where's The SEC?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Rethinking 90-year-old regulations.

Touching the Sky

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

Stocks are expensive.
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