
Printed Money, Central Planning Won't Revive Economy

Rep. Warren Davidson, RCM

When the history of 2020 is written, COVID 19 will loom large—as a public health crisis, but especially for its effects on economic and civic life. While different decisions could have been made, the fiscal and monetary policy interventions by Congress and the Federal Reserve, while controversial, have provided some essential stability for individuals, families, businesses and communities in the face of catastrophic state quarantine orders. As Americans cope with pandemic fatigue and economic uncertainty, much of the economy remains in a state of limbo. More and more Americans feel a...

Dems Can't Cave to Republican Death Cult on Stimulus Bill

Elie Mystal, The Nation

Liability protection might not sound like an issue worth fighting for, but lives literally depend on whether Democrats hold the line during stimulus negotiations.

Trump & Biden Must Answer Critical Budget Questions

Maya MacGuineas, Examiner

With the final of just two presidential debates fast approaching, President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are running out of opportunities to explain their vision for 2021 and beyond. While the COVID-19 crisis and other issues will be a focus, Trump and Biden should also present their long-term plans â?" specifically, how to manage our nation's risky fiscal outlook.

How Have Blacks & Hispanics Fared In the Trump Economy?

Sanjai Bhagat, RCM

How have Americans fared in the Trump economy? 56% of registered voters say they are better off today than they were four years ago. How have minorities, specifically Blacks and Hispanics, fared in the Trump economy? Given the contemporary concerns about social and economic justice in our country, perhaps this question is more important than ever before. Sharply rising household incomes for Blacks and Hispanics during Trump's presidency have lifted many in their communities above the poverty line. During each of the three years of Trump, about 380,000 Blacks climbed their way out...

How Will Joe Biden Pay For All of His Expensive Promises?

David Webb, The Hill

The lesson of 50 Cent's declaration of his vote is not just because he doesn't want to pay a top tax rate, that when combined could rise to 62 percent, but more that Americans should pay attention to what happens when their money is taken away from them by high tax policies.

Wouldn't Republicans Be Ill If Masks Were Effective?

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Here’s a revelation that it’s probably redundant to refer to as a revelation: nearly every Republican and libertarian-leaning person I know doesn’t wear a mask. No doubt they wear them where they’re required, most notably inside businesses, but generally the masks come off in places they’re not required; outside in particular. What about at home? Forget about it. As for indoors with friends, most often not. Sometimes jokes are made about them. About this, it should be made clear that death and sickness are not jokes to any of the people I know....

Google Fight Thrusts Its CEO Into Line of Fire

Daisuke Wakabayashi, New York Times

Sundar Pichai, chief executive of Google's parent company for less than a year, already faces the internet giant's biggest threat in its 22 years.

The DOJ's Antitrust Case Against Google Is a Weak One

Editors, National Review

The DOJ shouldn't pursue these actions unless it can convincingly demonstrate harm to consumers.

Year 2020 Was a Killer for New York City's Economy.

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

This has been a hellish economic year for Gotham. Before mid-March, New York City's economy boasted nearly 4.1 million private-economy jobs â?" a record....

Don't Get Caught Up In Latest Spate of Noisy Data

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Don't get caught up in the latest spate of noisy US economic data.

You Still Have Time to Hit 401(k) Contribution Limits

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business

You still have time to take advantage of 2020s higher 401(k) contribution limits. But you'd better hurry.

How to Maximize Return Potential for Your 401(k) Plan

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Who wants to retire a millionaire? Many of us do, and a 401(k) could be your ticket to achieving that goal – that is, if you manage yours the right way. While setting money aside in any retirement plan is a good way to grow wealth, a 401(k) in particular could lead you to millionaire status by the time your senior years roll around. This especially holds true if you adopt the following strategies.

GDP Soars In 3rd Quarter

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Single Family Residential Remains On a Roll

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Back to the Future With Fixed Income

Adam Phillips, BMO Global Asset Management

Chinese GDP Regains Its Pre-Pandemic High

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

What this latest milestone doesâ?"and doesn'tâ?"mean for investors.

Now May Be Good Time to Think Roth Conversion

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Several factors may make it worthwhile to convert all or part of a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 2020, depending on your circumstances.

LT View Calls for Calm Right Now

Daniel Kern & Renee Kwok, TFC Financial Management

An Analysis of Joe Biden's Economic Agenda

Various, Hoover Institution

The Wisconsin Foxconn Job

Josh Dzieza, The Verge

Behind the scenes at the promised Foxconn factory in Wisconsin.

Robert Shiller On The 'Vexing' Stock Market Rebound

Christine Idzelis, II

Is the equity market recovery during the pandemic justified?

Retirement Income: Assessing the Odds

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Graduating from a spreadsheet to simulations.

Why The US Government Is Suing Google

Shirin Ghaffary & Rani Molla, Vox

The Department of Justice says the company's anti-competitive business practices harm Americans.

Airlines Don't Deserve Another Taxpayer Bailout

Roger Lowenstein, LA Times

A bailout will only reward airlines for outrageous executive salaries and stock buybacks.

Would A Digital Euro Challenge Dollar Dominance?

Claire Jones, FT Alphaville

The ECB is keen on giving foreigners access to a digital euro. That could make the single currency far more commonly used globally.

How To Address Inequality & Its Malcontents

Michael Boskin, Project Syndicate

Former US President John F. Kennedy famously proclaimed that "a rising tide lifts all boats." In a growing economy, the absolute well-being of those near the top and the bottom are positively correlated, so the most important policies to pursue are those that promote strong economic growth and full employment.

Older Americans: A Surprising Source Of New Entrepreneurs

Kerry Hannon, NYT

Whether because of layoffs or a desire for a new challenge, older people are becoming entrepreneurs at an increasing rate.

The Rise of Lockdown Denialism

Phillip Magness, American Institute for Economic Research

re lockdowns a thing of the past, invoked only to scare an unsuspecting public away from more limited (yet, curiously, seldom-elaborated) Covid-19 mitigation policies? Several journalists and pundits have been claiming as much recently. Writing for Wired UK on October 7th, science journalist Matt Reynolds made this claim the centerpiece of his attack on the anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration:

U.S. Taxing Expats Out of Citizenship

Ann Marie Miller & Alice Calder, Washington Examiner

You might not know it, but U.S. citizens are ditching their status as Americans in droves. "Citizide" is a dramatic term for what's really just renouncing one's citizenship, a step that a rapidly increasing number of U.S. citizens living abroad are taking to avoid the complicated and expensive tax burdens imposed on them by their home country. In the first half of 2020 alone, almost 6,000 people renounced their U.S. citizenship, a tenfold increase from one year prior.

Policy Tools That Will Strengthen Safety Nets

Sara Bleich & Sheila Fleischhacker, The Hill

The Trump administration has done nothing to rescind or reverse a variety of their aggressive efforts to slash SNAP participation.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Why Progress Can't Be Measured By GDP Anymore

Diane Coyle, Wired

An economy of tech billionaires and gig workers, with middle-income jobs undercut by automation, is not politically sustainable

Trump Is Not Cary Grant

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

By all means support Trump.By all means vote for Trump if you wish (I’d prefer you didn’t).But stop the insanity! Stop making excuses for Trump.

How Bitcoin Actually Saved A Life

Justin Carbonneau, Validea

Bitcoin does have innovative uses after all.

The STAR Team

Alex Tabarrok, Marginal Revolution

Police are not always the best choice to send on 911 calls.

The COVID Death Rate Is Dropping Fast

Geoff Brumfiel, NPR

Two new peer-reviewed studies are showing a sharp drop in mortality among hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

Will A Vaccine Really Cure COVID?

Tom Chivers, UnHerd

Even if it's effective, the logistics of delivering it are monumental

The Economic Way Of Thinking Brings Clarity

Donald Boudreaux, AIER

The economic way of thinking brings into sharp focus a world otherwise invisible!
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