
ProPublica Has Generated Predictable, Uninformed Rage

Peter Copses, Townhall

The recent ProPublica article claiming new insights into how the wealthy pay little or no income taxes has generated predictable, but uninformed, outrage among those who seek to make the

Why Millions of Americans Are About to Lose Their Homes

Mary Harris, Slate

"This has the potential to create a houseless generation."

Am. Dream Mall Is Ridiculous Yet Not Ridiculous Enough

Justin Davidson, NYM

They've stripped the dazzle paint from Xanadu.

Why Everything They Tell You About Budget Deficits Is Wrong

John Tamny, AC

Instead of Americans addressing our deficit and debt with doomsday language, how about the more practical take: investor optimism.

Don't Use Government to Revive Business

Russ Greene & Adam Milsap, City Journal

Supporters of the U.S. free-enterprise system should beware those who would use government to overhaul it.

Federal Reserve Cannot Seem to Confront Reality

William Cohan, New York Times

The warning signs of an overheating economy are everywhere. Yet the Fed seems unable — or unwilling — to confront reality.

Trump-Era Economy Is Possible Again. Will Biden Ruin?

Robin Walker, Spectator

A roaring economy is within our sights again. But President Biden's policies are actively discouraging work.

Fast Times at Wokemont High Risk Taking Kids into the Abyss

A.J. Rice, RCM

If you're awake to what's going on in government schools, you probably want your kid as far away from the clutches of the unhinged Woke Mafia that now controls them as possible. Girls can't go to the bathroom in some of these schools anymore without the possibility that boys might be watching them go to the bathroom - provided the boys "identify" as girls, which makes it their right, among the Woke, to be in the girl's bathroom. Boys also apparently have the right to join the girl's track team and compete against girls - and take college scholarships away from girls - provided they "identify"...

Legalizing Illegals Would Provide a Big Economic Boost

Brad Polumbo,Examiner

Like it or not, there are more than 10 million illegal immigrants residing in the United States. The status quo forces them to work under the table and in the shadows. A new study concludes that providing legal status and a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants would be a boon for the…

How the ERA Is Good for the U.S. Economy

Christian Nunes & Carol Jenkins, The Hill

We want and need to live in a society that respects all its citizens, not just a privileged few. There can be no expiration date on equality. Pass S.J. Res 1.

GDP Reports Are Old News to the Stock Market

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

While GDP reports grab attention, they are old news to stocks.

Pays To Be 'Green' – If You're A Wall Street Fat Cat

Craig Rucker, Issues & Insights

ESGs are more of a racket than a sound investment.

Intrinsic Value in Passive Indexing

Derek Bergen, Applied Finance

While Applied Finance has long advocated for investors to consider the strategic advantages from incorporating a valuation-based discipline in portfolio construction and stock selection, this study provides compelling evidence that even passive allocations benefit when index weights are formed on intrinsic value characteristics instead of using market cap as a proxy.

Fed to Remain Accommodative, Despite the Dots

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Will the Fed Sit Tight—or Tighten Policy?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial

With inflation a concern, what should we expect from the Fed? Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan says despite the headlines, the Fed will likely sit tight.

May Retail Sales: A Little Context Goes a Long Way

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

2021 Mid-Year Outlook: Fixed Income

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

We see the recent plateau in yields as a pause before the next wave higher.

Taper Tantrum 2?

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Municipal Bond Mid-Year Outlook: Positive View

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

We see several potential tailwinds for municipal bonds in the second half of the year.

Biden's Jobs Plan Will Mean Fewer Jobs

Peter Suderman, Reason

It's a jobs plan that isn't about jobs, and an infrastructure plan that isn't about infrastructure.

How 'Chaos' In Shipping Is Choking The Economy

Greg Rosalsky, NPR

The U.S. trade deficit is hitting record highs — and it's fueled by a surge in demand for imports, mostly from East Asia. On both land and at sea, the shipping industry is struggling to keep up.

The Amazon That Customers Don't See

Jodi Kantor & Karen Weise, New York Times

Each year, hundreds of thousands of workers churn through a vast mechanism that hires and monitors, disciplines and fires. Amid the pandemic, the already strained system lurched.

Do You Have A Right To "Risk It All" On Gamestop?

Emily Stewart, Vox

"If you're trading like it's a game, you're probably going to lose."

Too Many Can't Afford Homes. Here's A Solution

Hakeem Jeffries, CNN

We are calling for funding an additional one million affordable homes, not in 10 years, but in five years, to be included in the pending infrastructure bill.

The Wild State Of The Housing Market in 2021

Nate Berg, Fast Company

More is being built, more is being sold, and everything is less affordable.

Is Globalization Harming Innovation?

Dalia Marin, Project Syndicate

New studies show that, while greater competition from China has contributed to an increase in patents in Europe, it has reduced the innovation rate in the US. These divergent outcomes are partly attributable to changes in the manufacturing sector.

12 Stocks to Avoid

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These stocks are all extremely overvalued by our standards--and carry a good deal of uncertainty, too.

Could Crypto Ultimately Play a 401(k) Shaping Roll?

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Retirement plans don't commonly offer cryptocurrency investments. That could be changing.

Rich Got Richer While Poor Lost Jobs. Time for Wealth Tax

Chuck Collins, CNN

It's time to modernize the federal tax code — not only to raise revenue and ensure the wealthy pay their fair share, but also to slow these democracy-distorting levels of concentrated wealth and power.

You Are Not Paying a Higher Real Tax Rate Than Billionaires

Gary Galles, AIER

"Allegations that higher income earners don't pay their 'fair share' of taxes are a mainstay misrepresentation of the political left. When the facts say otherwise, they simply twist the facts and ignore more serious studies. ProPublica's latest effort is just one more of a long line of such...

Warren Buffett & the Myth of 'Good Billionaire'

Anand Giridharadas, New York Times

There is no way to be a billionaire in America without taking advantage of a system predicated on cruelty.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Barney Frank Still At The Forefront

Laura Lallos, Morningstar

The former congressman remains an outspoken advocate.

Don't Win the Game Too Early

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

On the downsides of too much wealth and the importance of the journey over the destination.

The Deep Value Report

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

The value factor, after a long drought, is showing signs of life. Analysts continue to debate if the revival is more than short-term noise, but for the moment this corner of investing is confounding critics who claimed it was a dead strategy.

A "Once In A Century" Bid To Remake The Dollar

Victoria Guida, Politico

The rise of private cryptocurrencies motivated the Fed to start considering a digital dollar to be used alongside the traditional paper currency.

The Post-COVID Health Care System Is Out of Control

Alexander Sammon, TAP

After gouging Americans for record pandemic profits, the health care industry sets its sights on even more.

California's Progressive Anti-Housing Warriors

Connor Harris, City Journal

Left-wing interest groups are often the fiercest supporters of regulations that make housing in the Golden State so expensive.

Meritocracy, Not Democracy Is Key to Growth

John Cochrane, Grumpy Economist

Meritocracy, the secret sauce of growth?
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