
Protest Divide: Those Who Lost Jobs, Those Who Didn't

Glenn Reynolds, USA Today

OK, so the country has been shut down for about a month, and we’re seeing cracks start to form. While some epidemiologists are talking about keeping things closed down for months longer, we’re also seeing growing public protests around the nation, as people call for restarting things. Others shame them as “virus deniers” and accuse the protesters of wanting people to die. But it’s hard not to notice a class divide here. As with so many of America’s conflicts, the divide is between the people in the political/managerial...

A Wealth Tax Is Logical Way to Support Covid Relief

Daniel Markovits, New York Times

A onetime assessment of the 5 percent at the top would do wonders â?" and help prove that we are all in this together.

Let's Remember Those C-19 Has Financially Devastated

Adam Brandon, Examiner

News coverage has centered on the coronavirus protests that have broken out in states enacting harsh lockdowns such as Michigan, North Carolina, and others over the past week. Commentators have compared these with the "Tea Party" rallies of more than a decade ago.

Oil Futures Signaling Economic Recovery From C-19

Joe Calhoun, Alhambra Partners

Two weeks ago, OPEC+ and the US came to a deal to cut crude oil production. President Trump hailed the deal, saying it would save "hundreds of thousands" of oil patch jobs. The Texas Railroad Commi?

Revived Economy Is the Only Way to Save Oil Industry

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

This Earth Day, Stop the Money Pipeline to Fossil Fuels

Bill McKibben, The Nation

We're cooked unless investors stop funding fossil fuel companies.

Earth Day 2020: The Exhaustion of the Climate Left

Benjamin Zycher, RealClearMarkets

"Climate Action" is the theme of this 50th Earth Day, and it is useful to note that these five decades of apocalyptic warnings truly are amazing in their...

Don't Expect P/Es to Signal the Stock Market's Low

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

We agree it is way too early to declare the bear market over, but P/Es aren't the reason why.

Fed and Federal 'Stimulus' Did Not Spark the Market Rebound

John Tamny, RCM

In his essential 2018 book Burn the Business Plan, Syracuse professor and serial entrepreneur Carl Schramm laid waste to the popular notion that local governments can play venture capitalists....

Stock-Market Downturn Signals Pain for Pension Funds

Steven Malanga, City Journal

The stock market downturn portends big losses for government pension fundsâ?"and billions in new obligations for taxpayers.

Washington Needn't Fund New York's Wasteful Ways

E.J. McMahon, New York Post

Doling out federal aid to states and localities with no strings attached â?" as Senate Democrats just proposed â?" would only perpetuate unsustainable spending habits.

Reduce the Tax On Foreign Investment In Real Estate

Alex Hendrie, RealClearMarkets

The Trump administration is starting to turn its attention toward re-opening and revitalizing the economy, with the President announcing the formation of a new taskforce dedicated to...

The Economy, Inflation & Interest Rates

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Government Noses Its Way In Globally

Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank Group

Charlie Munger's Phone Isn't Ringing

William Smead, Smead Capital Management

Panic Over, So Now What?

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

Higher Debt Is Necessary Price to Pay

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

Looking Into What Lawmakers Are Regarding Re-Opening

Michael Bernick, Forbes

Think You Can Time the Market? Think Again

Eric Nelson, Servo Wealth Management

We are all biased in how we remember the past, and this has serious implications for how you make financial decisions. Learning more about your hindsight bias might help you avoid common and very costly investment mistakes.

This Is The Econ. Indicator That Investors Should Follow

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

U.S. stock market is itself a forward-looking instrument

How To Invest In a Bear Market As a Beginner

Rebecca Lake, U.S. News & World Report

A Speculation On How Oil Prices Can Go Negative

Josh Barro, New York Magazine

States Should Say 'No Thanks' to Federal Bailout

Jonathan Williams & Lee Schalk, Hill

Bailing out states with federal tax dollars is akin to using your American Express to pay off your Visa.

The Bailout of States Like Illinois Would Be Truly Shameful

Editorial, New York Sun

The drama of profligate states using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to seek federal bailouts to paper over long-term mismanagement has finally found a Pavarotti — the editorial board of Chicago Tribune. It uncorked this morning an editorial calling pleas for as much as $40 billion in federal lucre for Illinois “shameless,” “dishonest,” “beyond galling.” And it was just getting tuned up.

We Need to Let Economic Data Guide Our Policy

Jay Shambaugh, Brookings Institution

The Hamilton Project seeks to advance America's promise of opportunity, prosperity, and growth.

What America Can Do to Fight Mass Unemployment

Robert Kuttner, New York Times

The vital agencies that support employment and loans need reinforcing.

Life After Covid-19, Int w/Lawson Bader/Tracie Sharp

Bill Walton, The Bill Walton Show

A weekly selection from The Bill Walton Collection focused on recent events and timely interviews.

Why Our Work Will Transform After the Crisis

Ioana Petrescu & Steve Johnson, The Hill

This situation should lead the world to a better future.

Remdesivir: No Big Pharma Haters Amid Pandemics

Bret Stephens, New York Times

Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there should be no big-pharma haters in pandemics.

Why It's Unlikely That Coronavirus Escaped From a Lab

Jason Kindrachuk, Forbes

An early cluster of cases, linked to an animal market in Wuhan, initially suggested that humans had been infected by animals.

Forced Econ. Shutdown Creates a More Lethal Virus

Thomas Smith, RealClearPolitics

Deliberately closing down the economy, which has never been done before, has created a more infectious, possibly more lethal disease than COVID-19. LetÂ's call it the Stress Virus. For the Stress...

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Fear Index: How Scared Are Institutional Investors?

Amy Whyte, Institutional Investor

Asset managers and asset owners say they're in good shape but there's still a lot to worry about, according to II's proprietary new survey.

Millennials Are Getting Screwed By The Economy...Again

Sean Illing, Vox

Two once in a lifetime economic events???

Nobody's Talking About the Banks

John Rekenthaler, Project Syndicate

Will it stay that way?

A Tail Event That Probably Means Nothing

Michael Harris, Price Action Lab

What happened yesterday in crude oil was supposed to be impossible.

Marco Rubio Is Ridiculous

Donald Boudreaux, Cafe Hayek

Senator Marco Rubio is peddling fallacies.

The US Oil Fund Mystery Revived

Izabella Kaminska, FT Alphaville

What has happened before will happen again (as someone on a sci-fi TV show once said).

The Myth of "Helicopter Money"

L. Randall Wray & Yeva Nersisyan, Project Syndicate

Since the United States adopted a $2.1 trillion rescue package to complement unprecedented action by the US Federal Reserve in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the media have been amplifying popular misconceptions about Modern Monetary Theory. So, what does MMT actually say about financing government borrowing and spending?
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