
Recession Should Be So Much Worse. Why Hasn't It Been?

Zachary Karabell, Time

Why isn't this a new Great Depression when the jobs numbers are Great Depression-like? Our unequal system explains a lot.

Speculating On Why Fed Is Buying Blue Chip Corporate Bonds

Matt Egan, CNN

An emergency program run by the Federal Reserve now owns bonds issued by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway.

Fed Desperately Needs James Grant to Preserve Faux Mystery

John Tamny, RCM

Chesapeake Energy is the latest oil company to file for bankruptcy. With oil in the high thirties per barrel, the corporation has lost the ability to service its debt. Notable here is that lending to...

A Market Approach To Virus Fighting.

Will Wilkinson & Puja Ohlhaver, The New York Times

The Senate can take a page from the market economies around the world that managed to fight the pandemic and safely restore normalcy.

As Economic Growth Expands, So Does Black Income Expand

Douglas Carr, RCM

As a boy with his family in 1968, this author visited Virginia from the north and had to ask his parents why flags weren't at half-staff following Martin Luther King's...

Markets Are Bad Self-Promoters

Don Boudreaux, American Institute for Economic Research

Material prosperity is unambiguously good. Prosperity protects us and our children from starvation and malnutrition. It turns many diseases and injuries that were once lethal into minor inconveniences. Prosperity gives us longer, healthier lives, and it fills those lives with experiences vastly more diverse and enriching than were the dreary routines of nearly all of our ancestors.

The NASDAQ Is Having One of Its Best Halves Ever

Mark Decambre, MarketWatch

The Nasdaq is enjoying the best outperformance against the economically sensitive Dow since 1983

Why Fuel Efficiency Rules Lead to Much Deadlier Car Accidents

Gary Galles, FEE

California and other state and local governments have filed suit to stop the Trump administration’s SAFE (Safer Affordable Fuel Efficiency) rule. That rule replaced the outgoing Obama administration’s rule requiring five percent annual increases in Corporate Average Fuel Economy, reaching 54 mpg by 2025, with 1.5 percent annual increases, reaching 40 mpg in 2026.

Why American Is Growing Twice As Fast As Delta and United

Will Horton, Forbes

American is restoring 55% of domestic seat capacity in July, far more than United's 30% or Delta's 21%. It may have a unique recovery advantage.

New Jersey Should Use Now to Halt Waste

Regina Egea & Thomas Healey, City Journal

Governor Phil Murphy should follow the lead of other states during this unprecedented period.

Mnuchin Can Delay July's Tax Tidal Wave, & Should

Ryan Ellis, Washington Examiner

The month of July brings with it this year a tidal wave of tax payments owed by employers and families to the IRS and state tax offices. In total, about $1 trillion is scheduled to come out of the economy in July and be sent to federal, state, and local governments. Thankfully, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has full authority to delay at least the IRS payments until later this year, or even into the early part of 2021.

Dollar Stores Thrive at Expense of Poor Communities

Alec MacGillis, The New Yorker

When Jolanda Woods was growing up in North St. Louis, in the nineteen-seventies and early eighties, she and her friends would take the bus to the stores downtown, on Fourteenth Street, or on Cherokee Street, on the south side, or out to the River Roads Mall, in the inner suburb of Jennings. “This was a very merchant city,” Woods, who is fifty-four, told me. There were plenty of places to shop in her neighborhood, too, even as North St. Louis, a mostly black and working-class part of town, fell into economic decline. There was Perlmutter’s department store, where women bought...

A Mid-Year Outlook for Corporate Bonds

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

For the second half of 2020, we don't expect a repeat of the first.

Why Stocks Can Predict The Next President

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Although the fight against COVID-19 continues to dominate the headlines and our thoughts are with those affected, this is an election year and as we get closer to November it will begin?

The Treasury Market Is Predicting One 'L' Of a Recovery

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

What a C-19 Second Wave May Mean for Investors

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

A second wave of global COVID-19 is getting a lot of media attention, but the appearance of a global second wave of cases is primarily driven by the different timing of first waves across countriesâ?"rather than second waves within countries.

A Quick Survey of "Broken" Asset Classes

John West & Amie Ko, Research Affiliates

When Do Emerging Markets Tend to Outperform?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Don't Give Up Too Quickly On Large & Small Value

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

These Giants Are Driving the Market Now, But Watch Out

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Powerful stock-market leaders ultimately take a fall

Here's My 'Script' for the Stock Market for the Rest of 2020

Justin Spittler, RiskHedge

Have you ever hesitated to tell the truth because you KNEW it would make someone angry? That was me in early May, when I made a controversial call.

How to Be a Stockbroker If You're Inclined

Coryanne Hicks, U.S. News & World Report

How to Ready Your Finances for Retirement

Emily Brandon, U.S. News & World Report

The Risks of Not Spending Far Outweigh Spending Much More

Neil Baron, The Hill

Concerns about spending are overstated.

Why It Matters That the Fed Now Owns the Debt of Wal-Mart

Julia Horowitz, CNN

How Texas Swaggered Into a Coronavirus Disaster

Mimi Swartz, The New York Times

The state wanted to be among the first to reopen. It's now dealing with the consequences.

Careful What You Wish For, Right Seeking Social Med. Regs

Casey Given, Examiner

The past month has been a difficult one for the largest tech companies. In late May, President Trump signed an executive order asking the FCC to propose regulations clarifying Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a foundational law of the modern internet that provides websites liability protection for content users post on their platforms. This month, the Department of Justice recommended additional reforms to Section 230, and several proposals are already making their way through Congress that would condition liability protection on compliance with future government regulations.

I'm Beating Wall Street At Its Own Game

Dave Portnoy, Fox Business

All I hear is old-timers say that the "retail bros" are going to get crushed.

How The Fed Enabled A Coronavirus Junk Bond Boom

Jessica Aguirre, Vanity Fair

By eliminating some of the risk, Jerome Powell’s Federal Reserve has made being a junk bond trader “a little more fun recently,” says one. But does the market really need the help?

The Triple Crisis Shaking the World

Joschka Fischer, Project Syndicate

More than just a public-health disaster, the COVID-19 pandemic is a history-defining event with far-reaching implications for the global distribution of wealth and power. With economies in free-fall and geopolitical tensions rising, there can be no return to normal: the past is passed, and only the future counts now.

Value Investing & The Dot Com Boom & Bust

Buttonwood, The Economist

Value investing might not have the same moral authority as today if the dot com boom and bust hadn't happened.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Stop Firing The Innocent

Yascha Mounk, The Atlantic

America needs a reckoning over racism. Punishing people who did not do anything wrong harms that important cause.

A Stronger Recovery Through Better Accounting

Willem H. Buiter, Project Syndicate

Given that the COVID-19 crisis demands unprecedented levels of stimulus spending, policymakers should use the occasion to adopt a more flexible form of public-sector accounting. Insofar as public-sector assets like infrastructure add to the state's "net worth," they should be put to use generating new revenue flows.

The Real Cost Of Working At Amazon

Shirin Ghaffary & Jason Del Rey, Vox

"It's like I'm risking my life for a dollar". What the struggle Amazon workers face during the pandemic says about the future of work in America.

Were COVID-19 Lockdowns Worth the Cost?

Jacob Sullum, Reason

The evidence suggests Americans are right to wonder.

Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On

Bob Seawright, Above the Market

Your most dangerous bias is the one you don’t know about. Getting the most out of ourselves, our networks, and our businesses require actively shaking up the status quo – including our personal status quos.

The Re-Education of Jeremy Siegel

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

Can an esteemed professor of finance ever escape his reputation as a “perma-bull?”

Being an Expert Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

Harry Stein, City Journal

Lessons from the front lines
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